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Washington's Resignation


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Name: Washington

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76144015

The Final Day of Work: 11/6/17 (so in 3 days)

Reason for Leaving: So, there are quite a few but I'll sum it up now. I'm burnt out. Completely. I have no more goals, ambitions or any purpose on the server and it simply leads to me either not being on, or forcing myself on and making this feel like a job. I told myself and the battalion that once I feel that the becomes a job to log on, that where the story ends. In my eyes, I've done it all, climbed from TR3 to Commander, became a Null, Then came back as a Commander to finish what the battalion needed. I also have been disillusioned you could say with how things work and run, just hearing of constant drama, power plays and fights on dumb decisions. I might still pop in TS every once and while to talk and meme with the boyos (or girls, I am an equal-opportunity employer). I had a good run and feel I've let the 327th better off, left the server better off, and most importantly (I hope I have at least) left the community at least slightly better than it was. I love the community here and it is by far the best. Keep it up troopers, Proud of ya'.


@Blueberry My mans, my Bly, one of my first friends here. I've been with you and the 327th since I first joined this server and it is something I can say was one of best decisions I have made. You are a great Bly and one of the major reasons the 327th still exists, you took up the mantle of responsibility and helped save the battalion from its darkest times, even when people like me fled, with little hope. Great memes and great art

@Zahariel I will talk to you in TS

@Hudson My FIRST Bly, the real Bly, and great Bly. I love your memes and you keep it up, proud of ya.

@Egg Little words need to be said. The Real Guy, the Best Guy. Best memes, great man, even better Gree/Egg. Truly a Legend.

@Its TJ My man. My buddy. One of my best friends on this server and community. It met with me throwing a knife into you because you were being a little bi.... goober, but look at us now. You (as Barriss) gave me alot of dumb RP to do and are one of the biggest reasons I didn't resign much, much earlier. You made me want to stay in Null (I questioned leaving within the first week) and made it fun for me. Thanks so much for everything. <3

@Creator My mans Creator... I met you back when you were in the 38th and we did Naval tryouts together. Then you passed and I never could. Then one day you stumbled into Null tryouts and I knew you were gonna be the next Prudii, the Best Prudii. I was not wrong. You've been a great friend of mine for a while and have been a goodie boyo. Keep it up, Proud of ya'.

@Mocaris I will talk to you in TS. Words cannot describe.

@Metro We may fight, and argue. But I have always somewhat liked you (jk ly bud) you're the 2nd best serra keto and best ever Jaing. Try to be nicer to people. Keep it up, proud of ya.

@Max I swear to god if you ever lose Palpatine I will personally execute every person who thought that would be a good idea.

@Bazoo I mean your Canadian so....................................................................................... anyway still appreciate you and what you do.

@Chumbus Speaking of Canadians... keep up the great work my mans, and never stop criticizing what you see is wrong. If something is wrong, don't let the forum locks stop you. Keep it up Rebel, Proud of ya'!

@stryker5382 Stryker, you're my favorite 501st and truly a great person. I always see you in admin chat trying to help everyone and RPing with Technodad and You was truly amazing.

@Technodad i love you. youre my hero.

@Billiam Clinton Speaking of heroes. Stop doing dumb stuff, k thx ly bye.

@Zander you yelled at me really loud and it was good. Keep it up proud of ya'

@Apache4k You and the 38th were one of the best things about this server. I'll leave a trail of tears thinking about you. Ly bye. Keep iot up Proud of Ya

@Jagger My boyo, the fact you are not Cody right now still amazes me. Great guy.

@Halpert You're a great guy and I think you are doing good at Fox. The amount of power plays on you is astonishing. Keep up the great work.

@Kyle Vanhorn Naval Man. You watched me struggle to try out 8 TIMES FOR FUCKING NAVAL. Just for me to pass and be inactive af lmao. Thank you for not kicking me when you very well could have. You were a good Mereel to. You're welcome. Thanks for everything man.

@Forge I could go on for hours about all the dumb stuff we did. From creating a demon in Medbay, to messing around in the Jedi Temple. Great Man, Greater Forge.

@oxen96818 You are without a shed of doubt the nicest person to EVER been on this server. You are always optomistic and enjoyable to be around and it is truly amazing. Love ya bud.

@Joah You yelled in Billiams office last night and it was very spicy.

@Ryx Wow, you are an amazing kid. I appreciate you and wanna eat your a.... anyway keep it up, proud of ya'

@Gamerdude032 The best RANCOR, the best Deviss, the best ARC. You truly are a shining example of what a strong leader should be. Keep it up.

@Punda We may have fought, we may have argued, but I still believe you are best delta. Take care of Delta big man.

@Baxter Best Omega, great boyo. He's black. He's big. Great guy.

@Zomb You let me interrogate and abuse people in your office. 100% is active

@Fiend Best Mereel (also only one I've met) great man, great memer, man of few words. Left Null for 501st to make a great meme, meme failed. But love ambition

@Llama/Yoda Best Yoda. Best A'den. Great Man. Greater Llama (possible alpaca) Keep up the great work love ya bud

@Jackson You make best event. They are good. You are also good meme.

@Koval Great staff. Great Overseer. Deserve HA for your hard work and dedication to the server. Keep it up, proud of ya

@Duck The best Kal, the best TTT HA (also the only) and best duck. Truly a great guy and cares for the community, the server and ducks. 10/10 mans

@Noto Roboto Best Ki-Adi-Mundi (also the only one I saw, so thats a plus) and I'm so happy you finally got your dream of a trandoshan Jedi.

@Reed Great 212th, better RANCOR. Great engineer, better engineer lead (if you have that) Keep up the great work mate, ly

@MrNoe Just like what I said to Venom/TJ, you made my RP so amazing and made me love my job as Null. You're a great guy and your love to the 41st is admirable. Keep up the great work man.

@Rays Great guy. Good boy. 101st Man. Dedicated.

@Stout Best NULL JEDI THAT IVE SEEN. Also super active as well and supportive of everyone


(Oh and PS, If no one noticed I just kept putting names because I usually shout everyone out at DB, and if I forgot you, it is either A) I will talk to you in TS, B) Do not know your forum name ((why do people have different names here!?!?)) and C) May have simply forgot)

(Second PS, I will be posting a story in Off-Topic or somewhere ending off 327th CMD Washington)


                                                  - Washington



Edited by Washington
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  • Coordinator

wait you can go cause i just went DENIED

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We already have a ENG lead now D: Its some Jet Trooper dude -1 also can we get this locked and denied real quick?


Edited by Reed


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Going to miss you man. You were one of my favorite NULLs and 327th, a member in the community I will always remember. Did a bunch of cool and fun stuff. Don't worry, I'll get Cody for you bby. Until then, catch you around man. hit me up for video gamez. Godspeed and good luck in life; keep it up, PROUD OF YA'.

Edited by Jagger
  • Agree 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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