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Aeon's Staff Application


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RP Name:Aeon

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:52955685

VIP (Y/N): Yes


Timezone:Eastern Standard

Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I Want to help the server in anyway i can to help it expand and grow. Ive played this server for a very long time, 5 Years in fact and in that time i have watch Synergy Mature and grow into the server it is today. I Wish to be apart of that growth, I want to make players who join back after not playing for months or even years to come back to a server where if they require assistance they will receive  it in absolute no time and get a person who can solve any problem they might have. I want players to feel welcome onto a that can solve any problem that they have that isnt within their control. Staff has been a milestone i have been wanting to shoot for on this server for a very long time and i want to be a administrator to prove this application isnt just hot air.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

I work very well in groups of people for projects or just overall team applicated events. I am very sociable and organized i take others needs before my own and never think about myself. I am very charismatic with conversations and situations. 

Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished:

Owner of two DarkRP Servers

Head Staff on a TTT Server

Moderator on DarkRP

How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?:130

Edited by Weaslo



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Forum Admin

You put on intel app you have 53 hours, but now you said you have 103 hours of playtime? which one is it

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 great guy.

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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6 hours ago, MasonA said:

Seems decent, but do you have a different account because 130 hours seems low for 5 years?
Just curious but good application.

I do not have another steam account ive always used this account for this server 



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-1, i can see how people are are questioning your play time because 130 hours for 5 years on the server ( the server is not 5 years old more like almost 3 ) is like super low. for example i have been apart of this community for 3 years and have 6500+ hours on the server. if you could explain this it would be a great help in influenceing my decision. 

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I dunno how you've been here 5 years and only have just made a forum account.

being here 5 years means you saw the server be born and was here 2 years before hand. With such insanely low hours I have no clue how you could've been here 5 years

Either you're lying or something strange is going on cause I have never heard of you and I saw synergy be born

-1 until you explain yourself

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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3 hours ago, Comics said:

I dunno how you've been here 5 years and only have just made a forum account.

being here 5 years means you saw the server be born and was here 2 years before hand. With such insanely low hours I have no clue how you could've been here 5 years

Either you're lying or something strange is going on cause I have never heard of you and I saw synergy be born

-1 until you explain yourself

I had a time between 2018-2019 where i would join back only for short times at a time since i had alot going on so i never really had time to get on.

To answer your question about my fourm account i lost the credientials to my old account so i had to make a new one since in the three years between now and 2015 i never was active on the fourms

And to answer your curiosity of me "either lying or something strange going on"

i was never social on this server at the beginnning as i was younger and did not like to talk. i never really used the TS unless it was for events or sims. and i was always on 2-3 days a week. and back then i used multiple names between battalions since some of which i dont even remember anymore.

The name i remember being was GM Thrax and RANCOR Thrax back on the venator 

So if that answers your questions your welcome and please let me know if you have others have a good day comics



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16 minutes ago, Weaslo said:

To answer your question about my fourm account i lost the credientials to my old account so i had to make a new one since in the three years between now and 2015 i never was active on the fourms

On 7/15/2020 at 9:51 AM, Weaslo said:

Ive played this server for a very long time, 5 Years in fact and in that time i have watch Synergy Mature and grow into the server it is today.


I'll toss you some perspective. I don't know when icefuse was made, but it surely wasn't popping early-late 2015. Go ahead and ask fizzik, forseen, or joah, even. I personally joined on November of 2016, and pretty much stuck about until now. What your saying is you had an old account (2015-2018?), and you lost the ability to use it, so you waited until now to use it?

I don't usually go for opinions on staff applications, but posing as someone who played much longer then they actually did is very scummy as it can and will be used in certain scenarios to get by certain experience walls.

I will leave this a

Edited by Jayarr
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So im gonna -1 for a number of reasons:

1. you have been known to have some issues with other people, for example in navy, you didnt agree with something that was said about bodygroupers and seemed very hostile about guac till he joined the channel. In other words your attitude and demeanor are questionable.

2. I have not had many good experiences with you at all so far as of yet.

3. You must be the fastest TR trainer ever because you dont seem to take too much time properly training TR's though i cant confirm that yet, it just seems the timing is off.

4. This application, based on it and the responses is very sketch here...


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