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Leaving synergy from abuse

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This is former ZaP of the CG and just 20 mins ago i was let go for baton abuse. Idk how people cant clearly see im off and people impersonate me. (If i was on id be in teamspeak). I was let go but no. This happened in and out of an event. Some naval and rancor were yelling and screaming at me for not foing my job when i was walking with naval to comms deck and atc defending them. ( they yell at me for dying from like 50 enemies when i was the only CG on). Kirara mostly. Yes i do go over the line with my jokes and yes i do mess up with arresting but im cool and i talk it out and they forgive me i get into trouble but no when naval and mostly a 23 year old woman trying to control a 15 yr old kid when that happens no one is held for it and its just my first week at synergy loved it after that being constantly abused and punished for it when i defend myself is outrageous. Yes i do mess up but all you say is its just a game dont take it seriously then turn around and say the exact opposite  really tics me off. The abuse from ranco and naval happened about a day and a half ago no one got into trouble and no one cares that i have to buy my depression meds again and that i hold a gun up to my head every now and then and recently getting kicked out of the one place that made me happy makes it look like im just going to pull the trigger next time i do it. Just watch your server and punish the people who are abussive. (Edit) and when i do mess up i dont do it ever again and i leave people alone but its when they follow you and know you hang out around those places and they now are starting to go there makes all the difference. Except now theres no difference i just get yelled at and abused for a person i cannot control. And yes i mess up i acknowledge it and i clean myself up and i dont do it again but its when people force you to do stuff and then play victim when you do it is something that "victim" controlls not the actual victim doing it in self defense and manipulation.

Edited by Depressed ZaP
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though i dont think this the correct place to put this, (can a forum mod move this to farewells?) anyway

The internet is a very cruel, harsh, and unforgiving place. sadly it really isnt for the fainthearted, weather or not you were doing your job, and weather or not what you are saying is true (im not saying it isnt, this is the internet afterall) but really when it comes to douches ive met over the past YEAR in the community and trust me ive met quite a few, you kinda just have to block them out and say "hey screw off mate". what really makes it worth it is that you end up meeting people you call great friends. ive met some of those people too, and i still talk to them even though neither of us get on the server much anymore.

Give it some more time, usually the risk is worth the reward

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While I do sympathize with your struggles some comments you made int his post are extremely alarming, for example your statements regarding the medication and the statement after that which I refuse to quote really strikes me as concerning. If you truly feel this passionate about something that has happened to you on the server and you feel staff aren't involving themselves in your struggles you have two simple options; 1. Consult the Owners/Directors, and 2. Leave the server entirely. While I have never had any direct conversations with you I get the impression that this is far beyond the server issues that you had a problem with. Don't do anything rash and honestly if you need to speak to someone about this don't bottle up this shit because it only gets worse.

Best of Luck man.

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2 hours ago, Depressed ZaP said:

This is former ZaP of the CG and just 20 mins ago i was let go for baton abuse. Idk how people cant clearly see im off and people impersonate me. (If i was on id be in teamspeak). I was let go but no. This happened in and out of an event. Some naval and rancor were yelling and screaming at me for not foing my job when i was walking with naval to comms deck and atc defending them. ( they yell at me for dying from like 50 enemies when i was the only CG on). Kirara mostly. Yes i do go over the line with my jokes and yes i do mess up with arresting but im cool and i talk it out and they forgive me i get into trouble but no when naval and mostly a 23 year old woman trying to control a 15 yr old kid when that happens no one is held for it and its just my first week at synergy loved it after that being constantly abused and punished for it when i defend myself is outrageous. Yes i do mess up but all you say is its just a game dont take it seriously then turn around and say the exact opposite  really tics me off. The abuse from ranco and naval happened about a day and a half ago no one got into trouble and no one cares that i have to buy my depression meds again and that i hold a gun up to my head every now and then and recently getting kicked out of the one place that made me happy makes it look like im just going to pull the trigger next time i do it. Just watch your server and punish the people who are abussive. (Edit) and when i do mess up i dont do it ever again and i leave people alone but its when they follow you and know you hang out around those places and they now are starting to go there makes all the difference. Except now theres no difference i just get yelled at and abused for a person i cannot control. And yes i mess up i acknowledge it and i clean myself up and i dont do it again but its when people force you to do stuff and then play victim when you do it is something that "victim" controlls not the actual victim doing it in self defense and manipulation.

I found myself in similar situations like this, both irl and on games., what I would do in your situation is to take a real break from the server, maybe even gmod. Try to play a different game, go hangout with some people that you enjoy. You don't deserve to be pushed to that point over a video game, over some people with a microphone online. I agree with what Ginyu said, bring this up to a Director because honestly you're not the only one who gets yelled at for messing up. CG get yelled at the most and worst. Might look into a "No callouts, just report it directly to their commander" thing.


I hope you find rest and steer away from the alarming comments you made. It's easy to be consumed by dark emotions. Good luck Zap.

Edited by Jek
stop making your text so fucking huge oh my god my eyes

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Death will only ripple sorrow throughout all of those who have interacted with you, family, friends, even us.

These problems are only temporary, you have your entire life ahead of you.

We all make mistakes, have you even seen Joah & I? We're fucking retarded, I swear I'll cave his thick head in one day. I recommend just taking a breather and go do something that you enjoy.

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Ok, we did not "abuse" you. First, you left your job guarding us and complained to a 38th about taking too long to fix the engines and we said "Stop bitching at people for not doing their job when your not even doing your own." and you continued to complain about not having a medic and flamming in OOC when, if you were doing your job protecting naval, their were two naval who were medics and a RANCOR who was a medic.

We had 104th and RANCOR protecting us because you were not, we also said "ALL CG TO COMMS DECK" which you never came and continued to complain in OOC about people not doing their jobs. We were not "Harassing" you we were defending the people you were trying to complain about.



Edited by Murdock/Sparrow
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10 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Ok, we did not "abuse" you. First, you left your job guarding us and complained to a 38th about taking too long to fix the engines and we said "Stop bitching at people for not doing their job when your not even doing your own." and you continued to complain about not having a medic and flamming in OOC when, if you were doing your job protecting naval, their were two naval who were medics and a RANCOR who was a medic.

We had 104th and RANCOR protecting us because you were not, we also said "ALL CG TO COMMS DECK" which you never came and continued to complain in OOC about people not doing their jobs. We were not "Harassing" you we were defending the people you were trying to complain about.



Very narrow sighted of you.

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14 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Ok, we did not "abuse" you. First, you left your job guarding us and complained to a 38th about taking too long to fix the engines and we said "Stop bitching at people for not doing their job when your not even doing your own." and you continued to complain about not having a medic and flamming in OOC when, if you were doing your job protecting naval, their were two naval who were medics and a RANCOR who was a medic.

We had 104th and RANCOR protecting us because you were not, we also said "ALL CG TO COMMS DECK" which you never came and continued to complain in OOC about people not doing their jobs. We were not "Harassing" you we were defending the people you were trying to complain about.



Fuck this shit. Seriously. Fuck that.

I have 104th on MY side and they honestly dont care. They find this post sad actually.

If this dude is actually depressed, i've been there. This little rant only will make him even more upset. Please remove it or something cause that is majorly fucked and can get to his head. This upsets me like mad. Going through depression pushes you EVERY wrong place and when little shit heads like you say dumb shit the only PUSHES HIM MORE, you shouldn't even be on the fucking internet.

Sorry if this upsets you, I honestly don't care. <3




What a fucked post.

Edited by Jayarr
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Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

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2 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

News flash, we're not all you.

Everyone handles depression differently, and unlike you apparently, he reached out.

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  • Coordinator
2 hours ago, Depressed ZaP said:

This is former ZaP of the CG and just 20 mins ago i was let go for baton abuse. Idk how people cant clearly see im off and people impersonate me. (If i was on id be in teamspeak). I was let go but no. This happened in and out of an event. Some naval and rancor were yelling and screaming at me for not foing my job when i was walking with naval to comms deck and atc defending them. ( they yell at me for dying from like 50 enemies when i was the only CG on). Kirara mostly. Yes i do go over the line with my jokes and yes i do mess up with arresting but im cool and i talk it out and they forgive me i get into trouble but no when naval and mostly a 23 year old woman trying to control a 15 yr old kid when that happens no one is held for it and its just my first week at synergy loved it after that being constantly abused and punished for it when i defend myself is outrageous. Yes i do mess up but all you say is its just a game dont take it seriously then turn around and say the exact opposite  really tics me off. The abuse from ranco and naval happened about a day and a half ago no one got into trouble and no one cares that i have to buy my depression meds again and that i hold a gun up to my head every now and then and recently getting kicked out of the one place that made me happy makes it look like im just going to pull the trigger next time i do it. Just watch your server and punish the people who are abussive. (Edit) and when i do mess up i dont do it ever again and i leave people alone but its when they follow you and know you hang out around those places and they now are starting to go there makes all the difference. Except now theres no difference i just get yelled at and abused for a person i cannot control. And yes i mess up i acknowledge it and i clean myself up and i dont do it again but its when people force you to do stuff and then play victim when you do it is something that "victim" controlls not the actual victim doing it in self defense and manipulation.

I was there that night and they werent yelling at you they simply stated why they were walking the naval in, And besides I had to talk to a kid for a good 30 minutes because appearntly you walked up to the kid and told em to kys which the case is not ok, Yes I understand depression is bad but what they did is no where near yelling/Abuse 

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People handle depression very differently, and the fact that you are looking at this through your own narrow minded viewpoint Murdock is just downright wrong. Everyone deals with issues at their own pace and require different forms of treatment and care, and if Zap wants to publicly vent his frustrations to raise awareness than that takes a degree of courage.

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1 minute ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

Alright thats it.

Fuck you. Honestly fuck you. You dont understand this shit AT ALL. (sorry jek, getting hostile now <3)

Some people have no one to talk to and this is an accepting server for the most part. He knows people on here and he needs people to talk to. This is an excellent outlet for it and it's not just fucking your mind set that every uses, sorry buddy. Don't create these fucking messages without thinking about it. And if you ACTUALLY have depression you should fucking know that responding in the ways you are is fucked.

Just stop.

Edited by Jayarr
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RP Name: Naval: TR MD MCPO Chicken 

Response: I don't know the full story and it is a messed up situation to be in but still they were just telling you what you were doing wrong. Sure they could've said it nicer but everyone that is here don't give Murdock hate for it. Yea again he could've said it nicer but he was just telling someone what they were doing wrong. Yes it is messed up that Zap is in depression currently but we can still help him as a server as an admin this is what I do sometimes. Depression is serious we can help him if needed but for now I don't think we should be hating on the person who he accuses of doing it without knowing the full story and while the person is explaining it. Even though I am a unknown New guy in the staff team I still do my job. I have never experienced depression to be honest I am just at the stage of puberty and don't understand why I have hair on my balls but, If you want to help him get out of this state don't fight do what Bbstine did. 


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Just now, Murdock/Sparrow said:

I'm not doing this on  my own narrow view? I'm simply replying.


3 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

Sure. Those I's dont mean anything

Edited by Jayarr
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not to undermine your statement, but i do believe you have slightly sewed the facts as i do not think any of the rancor nor the naval involved played the "victim" i feel you have made a genuine mistake and it was not handled properly, never the less a mistake. (and i will state this as a opinion, before people bite my head off)

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34 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

Dude stop being narrow sighted. Things arent all about you. Im sure there were mistakes on both sides. What youre doing is refusing to see the other side, and making it all about you. Not only are you fucking things up, youre ruining youre own reputation. My advice: Stop bitching about yourself and try to FIX the situation. Very outside the box I KNOW (sarcasm btw)....


please take my advice....for real......

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I still fail to see why my Troopers doing an RP job in a game that happened to coincide with his mental state is their fault.  (From what i recall none of them proceeded to berate him, or abuse him.) But then again once the fire starts burning nobody really gives a shit. It's all about being right and wrong. Why not just shut up? (None of my opinion is based on the OP or my real troopers  at this point it's about this ridiculous witch hunt.)

P.S. ZaP I sincerely hope you feel okay mentally, and have a very good day or however much you need.  

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Im sorry to hear this ZaP, ive only ever had positive encounters with you and think your a good lad hense why I added you on steam during that little issue, If you need someone to talk to or a friend message me on steam mate. And if you ever feel like joining the community once again I highly recommend the 212th. We may be one of the largest battalions on the server but we ALL know our troops by name and voice, we have people in the 212th that currently have the same issue as yourself and I can vouch from what that said player has told speaking to myself and Rafrica has assisted, we will always take out time out of our own schedule to assist you in any, way, shape or form. Stay strong ZaP I will be here for you a long with the vast community of Synergy aswell!


Also can everyone stop calling out Murdock for his mistake, it may have been a stupid idea but arguing about it and continuing to call him out on this post especially isn't helping anyone.



Edited by Reed


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


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  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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56 minutes ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

Zap, this is for you man, i hope you stay many more months and make wonderful friends and have great times 


Im came back to this post expecting support for ZaP,  im glad i see most of the posts here are supportive, but you. There aren't many things that will genuinely piss me off. but this.. this is one. Im not sorry for what im about to say.

Depression... depression is darkness, its fucking hurts, you yourself said you experienced it, you say you understand it. Would you want someone coming up to you and being a bitch to you about being depressed, what you said here is basically "You have depression, i have it too, suck it up"

If you knew what it felt like, you wouldn't be like this to someone who has depression, someone who has held a gun to their head. EVEN IF this person hasnt (im not saying you arent depressed zap, im just saying as an example"

 WHY, why in the fuck would you be like that? its more the principle than the situation. that shows your true character. Jek is right. thats narrow sighted. i dont care if im being hostile this is horrible. You know, honestly im gonna share something real quick like, because i think its needed.

Ive wanted to kill myself before, not jokingly, not figuratively, Literally. Do you know what thats like? If you do, im sorry, because i know how that feels. If you do. dont act like it wouldnt hurt you if someone told you to suck it up and go on.

Jayarr is right, this is a community of very open people, we are very accepting and most of us try to help people when we can because were a family, please try to understand this

(sorry reed ive been typing for 30+ minutes)

Jayarr thank you for besieging hell upon him before i got here, you the real MVP fam.

Edited by Tristan
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6 minutes ago, Tristan said:

Zap, this is for you man, i hope you stay many more months and make wonderful friends and have great times 


Im came back to this post expecting support for ZaP,  im glad i see most of the posts here are supportive, but you. There aren't many things that will genuinely piss me off. but this.. this is one. Im not sorry for what im about to say.

Depression... depression is darkness, its fucking hurts, you yourself said you experienced it, you say you understand it. Would you want someone coming up to you and being a bitch to you about being depressed, what you said here is basically "You have depression, i have it too, suck it up"

If you knew what it felt like, you wouldn't be like this to someone who has depression, someone who has held a gun to their head. EVEN IF this person hasnt (im not saying you arent depressed zap, im just saying as an example"

 WHY, why in the fuck would you be like that? its more the principle than the situation. that shows your true character. Jek is right. thats narrow sighted. i dont care if im being hostile this is horrible. You know, honestly im gonna share something real quick like, because i think its needed.

Ive wanted to kill myself before, not jokingly, not figuratively, Literally. Do you know what thats like? If you do, im sorry, because i know how that feels. If you do. dont act like it wouldnt hurt you if someone told you to suck it up and go on.

Jayarr is right, this is a community of very open people, we are very accepting and most of us try to help people when we can because were a family, please try to understand this

(sorry reed ive been typing for 30+ minutes)

Jayarr thank you for besieging hell upon him before i got here, you the real MVP fam.

luv u b <3

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I will admit, Rancor and Naval were a bit harsh... I was there after the event where he was the only CG on and I can say he was already down so he wasn't at optimal performance for DB, and on top of that Rancor and Naval were grilling CG as a whole for not doing their job, but since he was the only active one I guess he took it to heart. No one should feel this way on Synergy especially since we strive to make people feel welcomed. 


Edited by Creator
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4 hours ago, Depressed ZaP said:

This is former ZaP of the CG and just 20 mins ago i was let go for baton abuse. Idk how people cant clearly see im off and people impersonate me. (If i was on id be in teamspeak). I was let go but no. This happened in and out of an event. Some naval and rancor were yelling and screaming at me for not foing my job when i was walking with naval to comms deck and atc defending them. ( they yell at me for dying from like 50 enemies when i was the only CG on). Kirara mostly. Yes i do go over the line with my jokes and yes i do mess up with arresting but im cool and i talk it out and they forgive me i get into trouble but no when naval and mostly a 23 year old woman trying to control a 15 yr old kid when that happens no one is held for it and its just my first week at synergy loved it after that being constantly abused and punished for it when i defend myself is outrageous. Yes i do mess up but all you say is its just a game dont take it seriously then turn around and say the exact opposite  really tics me off. The abuse from ranco and naval happened about a day and a half ago no one got into trouble and no one cares that i have to buy my depression meds again and that i hold a gun up to my head every now and then and recently getting kicked out of the one place that made me happy makes it look like im just going to pull the trigger next time i do it. Just watch your server and punish the people who are abussive. (Edit) and when i do mess up i dont do it ever again and i leave people alone but its when they follow you and know you hang out around those places and they now are starting to go there makes all the difference. Except now theres no difference i just get yelled at and abused for a person i cannot control. And yes i mess up i acknowledge it and i clean myself up and i dont do it again but its when people force you to do stuff and then play victim when you do it is something that "victim" controlls not the actual victim doing it in self defense and manipulation.

Zap from my experience you are short fused, along with that im going to come out and say this, on multiple occasions I have seen you or dealt with a staff issue with you beating people with your baton or a false arrest or just plain minging. this seems like a poor cry for help honestly coming from me whos battled with depression every day of my life for 29 years, you are taking the blame thats being put on you and trying to push it on to other people when all along most of the stuff that happens is from your poor attitude, and calling what they are doing is abuse is beyond me when i have to deal with some of the false arrests or stuff that stems from you in the first place. 

Edited by Gene_Starwind
  • Agree 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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1 hour ago, Tristan said:

Zap, this is for you man, i hope you stay many more months and make wonderful friends and have great times 


Im came back to this post expecting support for ZaP,  im glad i see most of the posts here are supportive, but you. There aren't many things that will genuinely piss me off. but this.. this is one. Im not sorry for what im about to say.

Depression... depression is darkness, its fucking hurts, you yourself said you experienced it, you say you understand it. Would you want someone coming up to you and being a bitch to you about being depressed, what you said here is basically "You have depression, i have it too, suck it up"

If you knew what it felt like, you wouldn't be like this to someone who has depression, someone who has held a gun to their head. EVEN IF this person hasnt (im not saying you arent depressed zap, im just saying as an example"

 WHY, why in the fuck would you be like that? its more the principle than the situation. that shows your true character. Jek is right. thats narrow sighted. i dont care if im being hostile this is horrible. You know, honestly im gonna share something real quick like, because i think its needed.

Ive wanted to kill myself before, not jokingly, not figuratively, Literally. Do you know what thats like? If you do, im sorry, because i know how that feels. If you do. dont act like it wouldnt hurt you if someone told you to suck it up and go on.

Jayarr is right, this is a community of very open people, we are very accepting and most of us try to help people when we can because were a family, please try to understand this

(sorry reed ive been typing for 30+ minutes)

Jayarr thank you for besieging hell upon him before i got here, you the real MVP fam.

+1 your my idol

  • Agree 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
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  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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1 hour ago, Tristan said:

Zap, this is for you man, i hope you stay many more months and make wonderful friends and have great times 


Im came back to this post expecting support for ZaP,  im glad i see most of the posts here are supportive, but you. There aren't many things that will genuinely piss me off. but this.. this is one. Im not sorry for what im about to say.

Depression... depression is darkness, its fucking hurts, you yourself said you experienced it, you say you understand it. Would you want someone coming up to you and being a bitch to you about being depressed, what you said here is basically "You have depression, i have it too, suck it up"

If you knew what it felt like, you wouldn't be like this to someone who has depression, someone who has held a gun to their head. EVEN IF this person hasnt (im not saying you arent depressed zap, im just saying as an example"

 WHY, why in the fuck would you be like that? its more the principle than the situation. that shows your true character. Jek is right. thats narrow sighted. i dont care if im being hostile this is horrible. You know, honestly im gonna share something real quick like, because i think its needed.

Ive wanted to kill myself before, not jokingly, not figuratively, Literally. Do you know what thats like? If you do, im sorry, because i know how that feels. If you do. dont act like it wouldnt hurt you if someone told you to suck it up and go on.

Jayarr is right, this is a community of very open people, we are very accepting and most of us try to help people when we can because were a family, please try to understand this

(sorry reed ive been typing for 30+ minutes)

Jayarr thank you for besieging hell upon him before i got here, you the real MVP fam.

Thank you for making this post, you nailed it on the coffin. You're one of the people I look up to and tell myself "Ayy I'm not alone with this shit." Love ya Tristan.

  • Agree 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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11 hours ago, Murdock/Sparrow said:

Honestly this post shouldn't have been created, if he had a problem with me he should have brang it up to me directly, if he's depressed that's not fine but when ever I get depressed I don't go around the place saying "I'm depressed" and wanting remorse from people, I understand how depression works I HAVE IT and I've lost friends to it, This is my final post, please don't make feed back when you don't know the entire story.

I'm Sorry, but you're really shallow. Everyone deals with depression differently. Get off your high horse and grow a fucking piece of a heart. I've lost people too, alright? But when I need help, I don't bottle it up, I ask for help because I know how I am.

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Zap you are a battalion hopper. You left the SC for what ever reason then joined a new unit and tried to get the SC in trouble. You then left that unit and joined the CG within 3 days. We call that Battalion hopping. If you get removed for Baton abuse then you must of abused. They would not just remove you because they feel like it.

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22 minutes ago, Kyle Vanhorn said:

Zap you are a battalion hopper. You left the SC for what ever reason then joined a new unit and tried to get the SC in trouble. You then left that unit and joined the CG within 3 days. We call that Battalion hopping. If you get removed for Baton abuse then you must of abused. They would not just remove you because they feel like it.

To be accurate he left to another battalion, then the 327th, then to the 41st, and left to CG after only being in for 1 day.  He was a pretty cool dude when he was in 41st though.

Edited by Slack
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