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Changing arrest procedures


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Name: Dennis

RP Rank: XO | KoX | Senator Gume Saam

Suggestion: Make staff have priority over arrests, as most arrests are with in a "Non RP" stance and staff are best situated for taking and dealing with these situations. Shock can take more of a RP role in protecting people and can focus more on RP. This can also be a change to shock culture and give them time to focus on their battalion to improve and grow. 


12 hours ago, Ron said:

I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

Implementation: Have admin+ deal with arresting people when AOS are called. Admins can spawn themself batons when needed.

Lore: N/A

Workshop content if applicable: N/A
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

Edited by Dennis
  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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19 minutes ago, Dennis said:

I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis. Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests, lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

I honestly don't care who has priority in arrests, but adding to this, most CG seem to have a god complex and act superior to most people


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Just now, Dennis said:

Remove batons from the shock loadouts. 


Removing the arrest function off the only people in the server? -1

Just now, Dennis said:

but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis.

Im just saying, they need an adjustment, no need to make a server suggestion because back when I was running CG people weren't like this. because i hammered into their heads how procedures should be handled....(yes before i got beaned for being stupid lul) Even BEFORE then, the state apparently was so shitty it deemed an officer wipe, and mass PT. (Halpert and @Puck) Term. 

Can you maybe take this to high command instead of making a server suggestion, unless they're already under review. Staff are to take arrests if shock are unable. Even then probably half the staff wont do it properly. How would i know? Because HA's yell at Admins every staff meet!

Edited by Scribbles
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4 minutes ago, AriZona said:

Just because you were arrested doesn’t mean we need to change anything. Hell no makes no sense. -1

This is just a rant because he broke a rule got arrested and is now upset. Get rid of batons?!?!?! This is a joke right?

My arrest has nothing to do with it and myself and many others feel the same way about this. Arrests are OOC because they break the rules so why is a battalion that is meant to RP doing OOC things? Simply just have staff arrest them problem solved, they can mute, jail, tp etc and get things done quickly along with all staff members being able to handle situations quite well and not get upset and think through things. 

Also my arrest was voided due to me not breaking any rules as a matter of fact, if you would like to address this more you may speak with a HA+ about it. This was also not a rant, this removes a pressure from shocks shoulders and will allow your battalion to thrive and focus on RP.  

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Management

Nah man -1

One of the few things CG have. Without it they would be DU Dos.Oh

Also when we can get staff to do something as simple as taking tickets with no issues then I can probably support this.

Edited by Marvel
  • Disagree 1


i am literally captain tukk

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-1 Because this seems stupid. If there is a problem with my NCO's/SNCO's let a Senior Officer or CMD+ know about it

As for the Baton thing, also a -1, Because that just makes no sense at all. In fact this whole issue doesn't.

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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Dennis... what's wrong with you, dude?

I'm sure this was pretty much expected that I'd voice my displeasure against this. But this type of thread is going to turn into a circle-jerk on either side. So I'm going to try step back a second to really look at you reasoning... which from what I'm seeing is the opinion of a server Developer.

Let's take it from the top.

2 hours ago, Dennis said:

I’m probably speaking for a large number of players when I say this, but the current attitude that CG/Shock carry among themselves is quite toxic and ruins the RP experience on a daily basis.

CG has statutes in place to deal with just this. When something like this is said, then it's putting a blanket of contempt over an entire battalion, which seems to stand out a lot more with the removal of others. This statement not only applies to those who might be baton-happy, but to the people in charge (WO+) who are to act as mentors to better the troopers below them. I don't know if you've personally met CG High Command, but they're among the nicest people I've ever met in this community. The battalion is very tight-knit, yes, but they won't hesitate to punish any CG in question that's being idiotic.

When it comes to the general environment of toxicity on the server, it goes both ways. Not just with CG. Some people say SO BDE is toxic and elitist, some people say 21st is toxic because of *their* elitist attutude, hell some people say 41st is toxic and are a battalion of minges. These are all generalizations and they're not fair to each group of people. And even if they happen to be true, then it's always been an issue with *EVERYONE*, not just CG. You have to remember that you're in a server full of teenagers who are bringing their High School Clique attitudes over to a video game.  More on this later.

2 hours ago, Dennis said:

Quoting non-existant server rules, claiming its within their SOPs, using metagaming methods to enforce arrests

1. Report them to superiors. Instead of getting upset over this, people should actually get out of their shell and make an effort to communicate with people. I've sat in a lot of CG Report processing and it's always been handled with professionalism and care for the health of the battalion.

2. Look into these SOPs. If it's something that conflicts with a server rule procedure, then do the proper research and do what you can to come to a compromise.

3. What? You want idiots to get away with breaking rules? If a CG gets RDM'd by some CT that's going around causing issues, then they have every right to use outsider knowledge to arrest that CT. These are all basic things that *help* the environment of the server, not hurt it. If we arrest all the idiots, then they're either going to sit in a cell so others can enjoy their time on the server and get a chance to breathe from their bad behavior, or they're going to glitch out and get immediately beaned by the incoming admin ticket from the CG on warden duty.

If we couldn't "metagame" to capture some dumbass who's going out of his way to ruin the experience for everyone else, then you may as well void the whole purpose of rule enforcement and turn Synergy into an anarchy server. The only person that a "no metagaming for arrest" rule would help is a person who wants to cause trouble for EVERYONE. Even the veteran players who feel they're entitled to cause issues because they don't know when to stop running their mouths.

3 hours ago, Dennis said:

lack of respect for superior officers/ranks by not saluting, referring to them as sir, and quickly baton smashing them at their first opportunity.

To address the "lack of respect" issue, this is an issue widespread to EVERY battalion. And pinning this on CG alone is ludicrous. I personally NEVER see people salute people outside of their own battalions, call them sir, or anything like that. And a lot of it isn't even disrespect, it's familiarity. I'd say at this point it's pretty much a fact that if you know someone for a long time, you're not going to salute them. Either because you've already done it enough for them, the CO runs off too much (love you Killjoy), or the CO already knows deep down that the lower rank respects them. 

You shouldn't demand to be put on a pedestal in such a way. Sure it's good for "serious RP",  but the same people who say this are those who are pushing for semi-serious RP. Thus proving my point that people only like serious RP when convenient to them. Plus, this is pretty hypocritical for those who say CG have a "god complex". These things go both ways, peeps.

And as for arresting superiors, that's just fairness. It's not fair if you would arrest a CT PVT for disrespect but not bad an eye towards a Commander who does the same thing. Again, this is hypocritical to the "god complex" ideal. You're not above the law. And neither are CG. I've personally arrested more CG than I would have liked to in my long career within that battalion. And guess what? Those idiots were dealt with by either improving or not lasting another day wearing red. The whole "you are not above the law thing" is the FIRST rule in CG's CoC and breaking rule #1 is ALWAYS punished severely.

3 hours ago, Dennis said:

Have admin+ deal with arresting people when AOS are called. Admins can spawn themself batons when needed. Remove batons from the shock loadouts. 

I'm just going to quote this for my closing argument for the sake of organization. Admins are just as volatile, if not MORE to bad attitude than CG are. Staff ticket counts are recognized as a thing for promotion, and if staff were arresting then odds are a LOT of it would come from staff tickets. This is the equivalent of promoting a CG for getting arrests. Plus, in the current state, staff NEVER log the arrest. You barely see it. CG have something staff don't in that regard: organization.

Staff also presents opportunities for those who aren't very rule enforcement oriented as well, which is a very good thing, but CG is a battalion that focuses on just that, so statutes is put in place for this. I'm not saying all CG are the best at enforcing rules, but I'll swear on my grave that they're at  least trained for it. It's literally what every member signed up for. Staff will always just figure out a way to solve an issue as quickly as possible, whereas a CG will solve things as effectively as possible.

Can we just all work hand-in-hand to make sure that the environment of the server remains in tact? I love you Dennis, but this ain't the solution.


  • Agree 1
  • Winner 2

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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If this was implemented, would shock be given something similar to the handcuff swep some servers use and baton(insta arrests) be handled by staff? While I understand the idea, I think, it seems like something that would only happen via comprise(the handcuff sweps) as no cg is going to agree to having the item and ability to arrest someone revoked without some sort of compromise.That and the handcuff sweps do allow for some more RP in an arrest situation which is one of the reasons I brought them up anyway. Though my apologies  if anything sounds weird, not the best at projecting my thoughts in a cohesive manner. 


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This seems like it should have been thoroughly diplomatically discussed with the proper authority’s before this was posted. The fact that this was posted superseding any forewarnings shows me that you didn’t even want to give the management a chance to do their job, which seems both unreasonable and unfair towards the current CG management. Also controlling the arrests is what makes CG unique at all, otherwise they just wouldn’t fit in and have the most absurdly boring job in existence: talking to senators all event. Humongous -1, it would kill off the battalion faster than you could make the announcement. Unless substantial evidence is provided to the contrary, my vote will not change. I once managed a respected, dutiful, and strict Shock battalion and as far as I know they still carry out their duties to the server.

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Alright boys, time to play devil's advocate.

*clears throat*

I actually kind of agree. To a certain extent.

No, I don't think that Shock should lose the ability to arrest. That seems counterproductive for a battalion literally centered around detention. But the idea that Shock should be more IC is actually... good.

Think about Shock's responsibilities right now. They handle OOC arrests, IC arrests during events and encounters, VIP protection and handle everything with Base Ops now that they are in the same regiment as them. The thing is that most of the time (and I don't think I'm wrong in saying this, shock feel free to correct me), Shock is dealing with OOC things with minges on the server.

The server is supposed to be Serious RP, meaning that people are supposed to be IC all the time. Unfortunately, we live in a flawed world, and people break the rules all the time. This means for every person arrested, 1-2 shock lose their character for however many minutes it takes to deal with that minge.

With the recent addition of Bounty Hunter, this finally gives Shock the ability to actually RP arrests. God, it's been too long since people could even RP getting arrested without it being detrimental to their clean record on the server. God forbid, we actually RP with the battalion who handles arrests. It's literally the perfect opportunity to finally give some freedom to people who want to play a character who gets caught breaking the law. Hell, there could be a whole IC bailing system put in place for guilds to bail their guys out of Anaxes, for a fee of course.

I definitely think that Shock's interests should shift slightly. This could actually be really good for the battalion, and even the Operative regiment as a whole, if they just RP with the BHG.

So, tldr, Shock shouldn't lose any responsibilities because that's what their battalion is based on, but it's time to shift focus onto RP rather than OOC arrests.

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