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what's star wars rp to you?

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I want to see peoples views and opinions of what the game and community is to them.


To me it's my preteen and teens. The friends I have made through the game that I talk to somewhat because I don't play much. The countless nights I've stayed up because of building dupes or talking to friends and having some great quotes and memes that have come from it.

It has taught me to be somewhat mature and responsible.


This is my experience, what's yours?



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A hierarchy training sim for sociopaths.

A community where you can meet some sound cunts.

No one actually knows what they're doing.

Can be pretty fun to chill out with the broskies and watch some gay ass petty shit or even get involved.

RP is rare af on a RP server.

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I originally wanted to play due to my extent of love for star wars, but I can't say I feel the same anymore. I am here for the people, and my friends.

I have no connection to anyone in the real world, due to online schooling. And I won't have anyone to know or talk to until i get a job. So you can see my appeal to it. It's not to say i can just go somewhere else to some other game, but SWRP has developed the most friends with the same interests over time, ever since icefuse for me.

I will admit that the server drives me fucking nuts sometimes, but there are times where I have my fun with the people and forget about retardation sometimes. From quality RP moments, to stupid but hilarious fun.

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Always loved Clone Wars, never really thought about playing it until I was finished with a SeriousRP server i used to play on. I don't really have an obsession with Clone Wars like I used do anymore, I just enjoy the community, the people, my battalion and helping people via staff. 



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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i rather just talk about how i got into it i play gmod four  times a year not really getting into it but here comms 2018 girlfriend broke up with me and i just sit around my house and be sad an think of what i could do different or how i could win here back but she got with one of my friends it just became so much shit i never felt before  fast forward a couple months right before christmas i came on to just check out random sever and i was asked if i wanted to join by a drunk @Tyennoch and loved the people there and it made forget about life and just talk and have fun with my new friends 

Edited by Shake
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Basically being lonely in Londom while at University result in me trying out different game modes in Gmod.

Kingdom RP

Hogwarts RP

And eventually Star Wars RP

Joined Icefuse for the total time of 5 minutes, was in DU that was fun, kinda.

Later left to find a more active server and found Synergy. 

I mainly started playing to talk to people and to have something to play to kill the time. Didn't think I'd get so invested in the server but I did  and still am to an extent.

I mainly hang around as I want the community to last and thrive and I want the organisations and people I've met and will continue to meet to have a good time and persist into the future with new skills, knowledge and experiences.


The server has allowed me to hone my leadership and management skill which I am planning on putting into my job aspiration of being a Management  Accountant.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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I like Gm’ing. That is why I’m here, Sith was really fun for me and i can’t wait for another faction. But until then i just have a lot more fun making deployments for the boys and giving them something to look forward too.

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Me and my pal @Tinovious have known each other for a little over three years now? I think sorry Tino lol it’s been too long. We met on Xbox through Halo and found out we have a lot of similarities with the things we like, one of them being Star Wars but more specifically the Clone Wars era. We were too poor for PCs so we stuck with Xbox for a long time just watching videos of Star Wars ops on Arma III which amazed us as we would RP on Halo of all games lmaooooo. Finally I took the leap of faith and bought myself a nice early 18th birthday present and ended up inn GMOD instead of Arma because I’m an actual idiot and Tino shortly followed. 

I gotta be honest my first half of my stay here was because of my love for the Clone Wars but it has since changed into the people. 


but now look at me. I’m trying to kms with this game.


i am literally captain tukk

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2 minutes ago, Marvel said:

Me and my pal @Tinovious have known each other for a little over three years now? I think sorry Tino lol it’s been too long. We met on Xbox through Halo and found out we have a lot of similarities with the things we like, one of them being Star Wars but more specifically the Clone Wars era. We were too poor for PCs so we stuck with Xbox for a long time just watching videos of Star Wars ops on Arma III which amazed us as we would RP on Halo of all games lmaooooo. Finally I took the leap of faith and bought myself a nice early 18th birthday present and ended up inn GMOD instead of Arma because I’m an actual idiot and Tino shortly followed. 

I gotta be honest my first half of my stay here was because of my love for the Clone Wars but it has since changed into the people. 


but now look at me. I’m trying to kms with this game.

Three going on four, so you’re right. 

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Pretty much what Marvel said. 

We met on Halo in late March of whatever fucking year. I was a fresh new recruit for the clan and @Marvel was pretty high up, I had really  poor connection at the time. So every time we had a clan battle; I’d disconnect like every five minutes and spammed him with. “INV” Our friendship eventually grew from there and we basically had the same interests. We played battlefront 2 on Xbox for a while with our good friends, and we kinda wanted more in terms of Star Wars stuff. So we started to watching ARMA ops and stuff. He got a pc and came here; and it took me months to get one because I was a raging alcoholic. Lmaooo. But, I eventually joined here in January and kinda grew to love the people and the server. Even though people are pepega. It’s all thanks to marvel that I grew to want to become Niner and Kal. 


Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Me and @Slump played the shit out of PC when he finally fucking got one after literal years of me asking and we played a lot of games including a lot of SCUM but we always came back to GMOD mainly some DarkRP or we would listen to a shit ton of music with our friend on Cinema. But, one day I came on and @Slump was playing some GMOD so I hopped on and he introduced me to synergy, I thought it was fucking cool and joined Shock (CG) with him he's been hooked ever since but I took a small break and came back March this year, haven't stopped playing and it's not even for the server the community is one of the best I have ever seen some really great and fun people to chill and play games with and now I'm stuck with these dummy's @Jayarr @BlackiSblack @Chop @Jax @Zyner @SmallJeff

  • Funny 3
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  • Current: GAY
  • Former: 41st BCMD Gree | 41st XO | 41st Green Company Draa | Delta Squad Fixer
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I was here for the start and played for my love of star wars and the friends I made but now there are limited friends. Almost all of them are banned or left the community because they were burnt out. I stay for the few friends I have left and I distance myself from a lot of people in the community because they are either cringey or soy boys but what can you do. 

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From the get go it’s an escape from the soul sucking abyss of life, a way to express myself in something I like away from the bs.

Now it’s just a meme

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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I really didint understand starwars rp at first then i watched the tv show and joinee this server and after a while it started to feel like a family because i knew people so well on this server even tho i dont play as much as i use to because of work or im playing WoW XD really want to come back to the server rn but im to busy 

Edited by Hawky
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I started playing SWRP specifically CWRP back when the ugly ass marshmallow models were released and there wasn't even the base Venator map yet. I fell in love with CWRP and quickly became a very cringe worthy child that had a hard time with real life interactions. It might sound dumb but in a big way over the years, CWRP has helped me build social skills and has for sure crossed over into my real life. Today I work in the law field and I probably would have never gone for it had I not been able to be as social.


So in short, CWRP might piss me off sometimes and even get kind of boring but its something that I think I will always come back to because of the way its helped me in my actual life. And yeah I can still be pretty cringe lmao but I'm working on it :D 

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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I came here for my love of Star Wars. I love to RP and make my own stories based around the universe. Not to mention the friends I’ve made and continue to make. Find the server fun due to other people’s creativity and sometimes goofyness. 

Yet I find myself dealing with people’s bullshit because I’m in Shock, which is my favourite battalion for some reason, which slowly gets me a bit fed up. 

But regardless of the shit I deal with the enjoyment I get of it, somehow, always makes up for it and I always end up coming back


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Not gonna lie i joined back in 2017 with the intent to munge hella hard after watching pixelcat, cronic, and zuthar vids. After i completed my ct training i was ready to shoot shit up and minge but then i met some cool folks starting with @Jax @Tybo and later @Thexan @Arcann @Goten 


The server was supposed to mean a mingefest for me, but in reality it is a place for friends who share a love of star wars. The type of friends that even if u havnt spoken to them in 6 months or even a year, the day u come back it feels like its only been a couple of hours :,)

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