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Blake's Krennic Application


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Steam Name:
[SR] Blake|Bob John

RP Name:
Base Ops ATCM LTC Blake

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


I became a Moderator. I got to the rank of 187th XO (SYN CMD). I also got to Temple Guard Manager which was higher than normal servers. Also, I got the role of Director of Medical over there and CSM in Naval.

[Frost Harbor]
I became an Advisor over there and a Sith Darth.

I became a Shock Captain. Also, a Naval Medical 1SG (While we were on SLG)  then resigned. Then I became Senior Admin and a Game Master. Then became a Temple Guard Manager and Knight I. I also got Sith Juggernaut Apprentice. Then Neyo (Grum) asked me to become a Commander for the 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps. Then after grums term ended and he went for Recon Regimental I went for Neyo and got it. I then completed my term as Neyo and pretty successful on what I wanted to do. After that, I left the server for a little bit.

[Hydronic Role Play]
I became a Shock Sergeant Major over there. Then I became a  Moderator. Also, I became a Naval Medical SSG.

[Synergy v2]
I came back and I wanted to join Base Ops for role play. So I joined and working through the ranks I became an Intel Manager, They ATC Manager, Also a Lieutenant Colonel. Which for Intel I remade the entire roster to look nicer and easier on the eyes and looks nicer. Then I also have removed around 60 people from base ops and base ops discord to make sure that we are staying up to date on the branch. Then for ATC, I have remade the entire roster from east to west. Also for Base Ops, I have made sure that the lore characters are up to date by creating a new roster for them and trying to get some more added in. 

I have played Garry's mod for near 2 years now. 

Also in real life, I am a stage manager for productions on stage and that entirety is leadership. In real life, my cast was 80 people for the show cinderella and I was in charge of all of them because stage managers make sure that everything is running smoothly and that nothing is being messed up sorta like base ops. 
Why should you become Base Commander?:
I should become Base Ops Commander because I want to make sure that the Branch stays stable during their time of need. I also want to put more role-play into the Branch. Then I want to make sure that they are doing their jobs and making sure that the trainings are being done. 

Do you understand  the purpose of BO on the server?:
Yes, I do, Medical is in charge of making sure troopers are being healed and that they have medical training and making the Med Bay stay in order, etc… Engineering is to make sure that the base generators and consoles are stable and they don't go down or explode and to take care of charlie etc… Then with ATC, They are to make sure that the server gets ATC Training for them to be able to get any vehicle trained and to become a pilot. Also to make sure that the outpost is staying occupied and making sure that they stay safe from the civs that run around the map. I do believe that HC is in the process of making a schedule for this and I have helped in making this document. 

I am very active on the server and it is summer so I am usually on every day for at minimum 5 hours a day, usually more. But I am in High School and it starts on 8/7/19. But that should not interfere with anything and I was Neyo while in High School. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Shock Captain

Staff Senior Administrator

Jedi Knight III

Jedi Temple Guard Manager

Naval Medical 1SG

Knight Initiate

Sith Juggernaut Apprentice

91st Commander Then BCMD Neyo

Base Ops Intel Manager

Base Ops Air Traffic Control Manager

Base Ops Lieutenant Colonel

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want the Base Ops to be at the end of your term?:
I want Base Ops to be a Very Active Branch. I know that sometimes we have good and bad days and I want to make them all good days. Also, I want to make sure that they are doing their jobs and making sure that they are doing their trainings and more, etc creating docs … Also, I want to have people recognize that Base Ops controls the base and that they aren't puppets that are to be played with because they are ( Button Pressers ). I also want Base Operations to make sure that people are doing this whatever it is either cleaning a vehicle or doing light pt or even a sim I just want people to do stuff. 

How do you plan to change the Base Ops under your command?:
I plan to make them more active by creating NCO Challenges and add Role Play trainings to make sure that they are always good. Also, I want them to make sure that clones are doing something constantly. Whether they are cleaning the walls or BO got a staff member to do sims for the troopers. I want Base Ops to be involved with clones. Because I am tired of seeing Base Ops people act like they are in the HC of the republic. I want the Base Ops Medical branch to do checkups when they're on troopers. I also want Game Masters to contact me so we can do a role play with the troopers like having them do a check-up have quatermastery check to make sure that their all good and set before they deploy. Because role-play is lacking on this server and it is showing. I also want to set in place with the announcement that I want more people Alt waling instead of sprinting around the base because people would never do that unless they are under attack. Also, I want to make a rule that when you use comms (/comms) and it is secured ex. ( [sc-plo koon] these civilians seem a little fishy by the lake.) even though it is secured you are technically speaking trough the comms so I would say that anyone around the voice range of the person sending the comms can see. Adding to this question I want to make sure that the troopers go to the med bay if they are seriously injured (roleplayed) because yeah there are combat medics but they would only be able to do so much. ( This would make events last longer because droids wouldn't constantly get killed because clones would be getting hurt.)

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Yes, I fully do.

Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Base Commander rank?:
Yes, I fully do.

If you have any questions about my app please don't do it on this applications I would like there to only be +1's and -1's on here. If you have any questions my discord is blake#3502. Also, I was voted by the Senior Officer Core of BO to run I am not doing this to power-play Base Operations. And they wanted me to put it up pretty quick. 

Edited by Blake
  • Winner 1
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-1 app, and prior experience as Neyo. The dedication just isn’t there chief

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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-1 Theres more high command people that have tried harder for this spot and seems you're trying to take if off them. We need time to talk

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Sadly, the app leaves much to be desired on top of the fact that your only position of leadership, Neyo, left the 91st in rough times whether it be in numbers or in terms of organization. I don't think you have what it takes to be BO Commander.

Edited by Thexan
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Buh-Lah-Kay, I love you dude. Seriously, but I do know you can be. While the school year has definitely ended for you, you've went on a lot of LOA's and in the 91st, what I was hearing was that you were never on at all. I know you and I don't doubt at al that you're dedicated to the cause, but I'm also worried that Base Ops needs someone who can keep that dedication. I can't extend my support for this one, sorry.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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+1 has the support from BO senior officer and high command give him a chance. He is one of the most active BO that I have seen 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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27 minutes ago, Pythin said:


Stop giving Blake shit.

He has done a lot for base ops along side others. I May or may not go for it, and a lot of us voted on Blake running.

He has my approval along side others.

he isn’t the worse choice and just because his app is horrible you guys are minus oneing 

there are people who have. Had worse apps and have gone for positions. 

+1 Has my approval 

the app is the main thing people look at along side what he does if you have a bad app you are not going to get it 

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2 minutes ago, SmallJeff said:

the app is the main thing people look at along side what he does if you have a bad app you are not going to get it 

Some people have had worse apps and gotten there positions

contact me on Discord for anything else please

Former: Liaison


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Blake Im really sorry I love you I promise I do but at the end of your term as Neyo when we needed you most you just werent there as our numbers dipped and as we were struggling to get members. At the time we didnt have your leadership and it was up to Legacy like Doc and Jad to help us out instead of you the person who should have been taking charge.

Direct Question: How can you ensure that does not happen again?

Until then 


Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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-1 Short app didnt really see you do anything during ur term as neyo and had some bad experience with you back however i still wish you luck!

                                               So Basically ANIME


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  • Management


Don’t really know you but from what I hear you’re probably not the best choice for Base Ops Commander. This job entails a lot.


i am literally captain tukk

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-1 You handled 91st pretty poorly tbh especially near the end.

The battalion was being carried by a few officers and you pretty much neglected it, I understand you did have some stuff going on with theatre or whatever but you should've resigned if it was going to be that bad. On top of that, once you returned from your LOA you spent a majority of your time playing on other games such as battlefront and Sims.

When you did come on, you did pretty much random promotions of people who were doing inadequate work compared to the officers and NCOs carrying the battalion. You let inactive people sit and hold positions despite averaging less than 10 hours every two weeks. Most of the suggestions took forever to be pushed through and left officers struggling with a limited scope of authority to make dramatic changes that needed to be done. If it wasn't for your term closing near the end you would've been removed easily.

I don't have any trust in your judgement skills nor leadership, and I cannot see Base Ops doing well under you so for that reason I cannot give any support towards this.

  • Agree 1
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I mean thats great that BO wants you to go for Krennic. But when BO actively effects other battalions as well it is not just solely up to them. and I am not impressed by this app. -1

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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21 hours ago, Perri said:

Ah. +1

Everyone deserves a chance. 

Just because a app is short doesn't mean they can't do their duty.

Unfortunately I disagree with this based on his previous experience in a commander position.

He could make up for this by explaining it in the application and fully explaining his plan.

  • Agree 2

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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