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Favorite SW lore character

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I have to pick one?...But...

Alpha-17, Boss, Ponds, Waxer, Wolffe....

Revan, HK-47, Bastila, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Valkorion...

Thrawn, Vader, Kyle Katarn, Tyber Zann...

Do I gotta keep listing them? But if I seriously had to go with one of them...




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"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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3 hours ago, Jagger said:

I have to pick one?...But...

Alpha-17, Boss, Ponds, Waxer, Wolffe....

Revan, HK-47, Bastila, Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Valkorion...

Thrawn, Vader, Kyle Katarn, Tyber Zann...

Do I gotta keep listing them? But if I seriously had to go with one of them...




Happy to see another Revan fan! :D

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For droid it's 100% HK-47 or G0-T0, though the writing for HK-47 only shines in KOTOR 2 specifically.

For ANY Jedi/Sith related character it's gotta be Darth Traya / Kreia for being one of the most well thought out characters, even if her concept of the force isn't exactly the correct interpretation in canon she's still one of the most convincing characters in any Star Wars media, though any of the Sith Triumvirate can take the cake since Sion and Nihilus are inherently interesting as fuck, though if you wanted me to rank them based on how much I find them interesting as a whole then it's probably Kreia then Palpatine then Bane or Plageius, and for badass factor eitherr Revan or Nilhius

Favorite Clone is without a doubt Fives.



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Honestly Anakin. He was extremely whiny and annoying in the movies but we got see to a new perspective of him in clone wars. I wish his body was never destroyed because then we would've been able to see how ridiculously strong in the force he would become.

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13 minutes ago, Jax said:

Honestly Anakin. He was extremely whiny and annoying in the movies but we got see to a new perspective of him in clone wars. I wish his body was never destroyed because then we would've been able to see how ridiculously strong in the force he would become.

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Ohhhh, look at me, I don't like sand, bo ho, do you mind if I am a little bitch and betray the Jedi Order? Look at me Mom! Oh wait, you can't, you were killed by a group of sand loving hippies, did I mention that I FUCKING HATE SAND! 

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Just now, Beb said:

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Ohhhh, look at me, I don't like sand, bo ho, do you mind if I am a little bitch and betray the Jedi Order? Look at me Mom! Oh wait, you can't, you were killed by a group of sand loving hippies, did I mention that I FUCKING HATE SAND! 

plz admin stop this man he is very hurtful to my feeling :(:( ur ab00sing me

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51 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

For droid it's 100% HK-47 or G0-T0, though the writing for HK-47 only shines in KOTOR 2 specifically.

For ANY Jedi/Sith related character it's gotta be Darth Traya / Kreia for being one of the most well thought out characters, even if her concept of the force isn't exactly the correct interpretation in canon she's still one of the most convincing characters in any Star Wars media, though any of the Sith Triumvirate can take the cake since Sion and Nihilus are inherently interesting as fuck, though if you wanted me to rank them based on how much I find them interesting as a whole then it's probably Kreia then Palpatine then Bane or Plageius, and for badass factor eitherr Revan or Nilhius

Favorite Clone is without a doubt Fives.



Holy hell, you read lots of star wars books.

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36 minutes ago, TheIceMan said:

Holy hell, you read lots of star wars books.

I'm nowhere near Lore Whore level - I pretty much read Old Republic Lore on the daily until I'm woke enough to talk about every sith ever

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I have a lot.

Skippy the Jedi Droid, Obi Wan, Mace Windu, Malak, Revan, Yoda, Fae Coven, Fordo, Rex, Fox, Plo Koon, Qui-gon, Pong Krell, Anakin.

I probably have a lot more, but I can't think of them.

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1 hour ago, TheIceMan said:

Name every jedi who survived order 66

In Legends Shaak Ti was included in this list; but since I'm including legends characters this'll be everyone.

Rahm Kota, Yoda, Kenobi, Kanan (I guess? He was pretty young), Luminara survived the FIRST part of Order 66 (but was dead by 4 ABY), Ahsoka Tano (technically, she wasn't a Jedi by that point).

There's a case for Barista Coffee surviving, since she could've been an asset and it's kind of my own headcanon that she becomes an inquisitor and Ahsoka has some spicy ol emotional crisis

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16 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

In Legends Shaak Ti was included in this list; but since I'm including legends characters this'll be everyone.

Rahm Kota, Yoda, Kenobi, Kanan (I guess? He was pretty young), Luminara survived the FIRST part of Order 66 (but was dead by 4 ABY), Ahsoka Tano (technically, she wasn't a Jedi by that point).

There's a case for Barista Coffee surviving, since she could've been an asset and it's kind of my own headcanon that she becomes an inquisitor and Ahsoka has some spicy ol emotional crisis

Wow, thats, beautiful.

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I have two types of characters I like. One is Revan and the other is a group of people: Mandalorians. They are the bad asses that train the clones. Even the most elite clones were trained by Mandalorians. 

Kote at Manda'yaim!


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3 hours ago, Duck said:

tbh in lore my favorite is Darth Sion. The fact the mother fucker couldnt die until he actually wanted to let himself die was kinda interesting

How can you call Fox a dick! If i could i would ban you like my dad!








Jk but fox is LEGEND!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Image result for star wars carnor jax

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Carnor Jax <3333333333

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imo I can't understand people who have Nihilus as their favorite lore character simply because he's the most undeveloped one in KOTOR 2


with that being said:

Old Republic Era: HK-47, G0-T0 (his motives primarily), Darth Traya/Kreia, Atris, Darth Marr, Exar Kun, Darth Sion

Fall of the Old Republic: Darth Bane

Clone Wars Era: Can really only say Gregor and Obi Wan, maybe Anakin in Clone Wars period and Palpy, Maul would perhaps be up there too.

Legends Clone Wars Era: Pretty much Delta Squad period

Galactic Civil War: oddly enough I don't take a huge interest in this period but if it has to be prolly Lando, Obi Wan or Luke

Post-OT era: Grand Admiral Thrawn


posted earlier


Edited by Faoeoa
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Clone Wars TV show wise, how can you not say Fives? He's the second most developed character after Rex, and although he was engineered not to, he still was smart enough to remove his inhibitor chip. He died trying to save the Jedi from losing the war. Not to mention he started as a failure, and turned into a badass.


Gregor is a close second for me.

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WHAT?! no love for Durge? This tough son of a bitch was a mando killing jedi slaughtering powerhouse of pure muscle and hatred. Literally the only way you can kill a Gen'Dai, his species, is by destroying them on an atomic level. Otherwise their muscle will just basically grow back. Durge was killed by being launched into a fucking STAR! seriously look this guy up if you haven't.

"I was once buried alive—for 60 years! If that didn't kill me… if the Sith and the Mandalorians and the Bloodboilers of Kragis couldn't kill me—then you will not kill me!"
sadly he isnt canon.
Edited by Dax


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