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  1. Not the most creative idea I've ever seen, but was executed well from my point of view. It was a pretty novel base attack but had many opportunities for combat and teamwork. There were a few things I could nitpick such as people coming back from Tatooine to be surrounded by droids in the hangar, but for the most part it was a high quality experience. 8/10
  2. +1 The vibe I've gotten so far from Mason is that he's just a pretty chill guy. He's not overbearing or overtalkative and I've yet to see him get heated, abuse his rank, or treat anyone with disrespect. Additionally, he's humble. He seems to be on a lot but never implicitly begs for credit for the work he does. I haven't been in the battalion for too long so I can't say much with total confidence, but so far Mason has made me feel really welcome in the 212th.
  3. 9/10, unique story as well as specialized roles for each battalion and lots of combat. Also the vibe was very grandiose. As an aside, I was upset that my staff ticket was ignored until the debrief after the event was over. During the event I disconnected. When I rejoined the staff in my teamspeak told me to make a ticket to be teleported back, so I did but no one answered until after the event was over so I was waiting a while. It is frustrating because there were so many staff members on and I still wasn't helped. I understand that you all were busy with the event, but hopefully me noting my experience could help with planning in the future. For example, maybe have a newer staff member whose role is to take non-event-related tickets during the event. All that aside though, bravo, it was a really well put together event.
  4. - Map was huge, the event should have been constrained to a smaller area. The game master did make an effort to close areas off, which was smart, but still a lot of space to roam and not many people on led to the event feeling somewhat empty and most of the time being spent walking back and forth between roleplay encounters. - The roleplay of the event was actually very good. The game master got a lot of substance out of only a couple event jobs. There was freedom to interact with the event jobs however we pleased. Additionally, the story was creative and the game master was constantly monitoring the action and even went as far, I think, as to teleport people to the areas of action to make sure that no one was missing out. Great work there. That's all I can think of. Not the greatest event I have ever played, but it was hard to find fault in it. 9/10.
  5. 6/10, great care seemed to be put into the event but personally, most of my time was spent running back to combat after dying. For next time, I recommend setting up checkpoints in which players can respawn after dying once the checkpoint has been reached.
  6. 9/10. Props for the very late night encounter when not many people are on to give us something to do. A couple critiques - The spawning could still use a bit of work. With only ~40 players on I felt the level of droids and bosses was too much. For constructive criticism, I will suggest that the number of players be taken into account when determining the difficulty of an event. Not to beat the dead horse here, but additionally, there were some instances where droids were being spawned too close to players, but some of that is unavoidable in "shoot em up" events, so we can't fault you too much for it. My final comment does not have to do with you or your event, but a couple times during your event a senior admin commented in OOC chat on flaws that he found in the event. For example, while the fighting was going on this staff member in chat was trying to tell the game masters / event jobs that Grievous couldn't use force power in OOC chat. I don't know why he/she couldn't just use their staff powers to join the game master channel in TS and politely inform them. Staff members arguing in OOC makes the staff team look disjoint and shows poor communication. That's just my opinion! Thanks for the great event!
  7. Fizzik! How many hours you got on gmod now, 10k? 😂
  8. Oh myy good to hear from you nightmare. :) Hope things are going well Yes! Haha. Glad to hear from you Forseen. Sounds like you're doing well, Mr. "Director"
  9. Hi all, I'm Summit, I played on this server near the time when it was founded around 3 years ago I think. It's been a long time since I played SWRP but with the quarantine business I've been wanting to get back into it for real. Anyone know if the 41st Elite Corps is very active on the Clone Wars server?
  10. Rip my man dreams, his whole battalion turned against him. Lmao. 41st forever
  11. Clone Wars TV show wise, how can you not say Fives? He's the second most developed character after Rex, and although he was engineered not to, he still was smart enough to remove his inhibitor chip. He died trying to save the Jedi from losing the war. Not to mention he started as a failure, and turned into a badass. Gregor is a close second for me.
  12. I've always thought that it's up to the higher ups in each battalion to keep their troopers entertained. For example, they could run training, hold sims, etc.
  13. Don't forgot about "Missing in Action" in season 5 I believe, which showcases Gregor's skills.
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