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Everything posted by SixSeven

  1. +1 I was an XO back in spec ops on icefuse (2016) and I personally recruited aust into the battalion I know how much of a hard worker he is and he is capable of so much he’s an OG and has so much experience and time played he clearly knows what he’s doing. Aust has one of the best work ethics I have ever seen and from when I used to play along side him was active all the time which I can accurately assume hasn’t change. He’s been in this community since the beginning along side myself and experienced the ups and downs of most battalions he knows how to run a battalion and how to lead he’s been doing it for so long it would be stupid to assume he couldn’t. Aust always stayed battalion loyal under my command when I was shadow company commander when the server first opened which further shows his specialized regiment is the experience. I have come back to make this one post after quitting 3 years ago just to show how great Aust is I 100% recommend him for this position.
  2. Boi I got an email notification bout this ting lmao You need to come on some mad sesh with me good u got ur life back tho bro
  3. Being former BCMD of SC I know that Aust used to be active. Although I was sent a roster as I just wanted to check up on the battalion and since I've left it seems that the battalion has turned into a mess with around a total of 25 players. If he is inactive then +1 (Sorry Aust)
  4. +1 best person to take my position, I love you and I wish you good luck. Dont get cucked
  5. Read this for the full story. Pretty much wont ever be coming back, later bois. And THANKS <3
  6. Name: SC BCMD SixSeven Reason for stepping down: @Freck Bascially a top lad has mad bants. @aust @Flynn My sidekicks in SC, both of you should run for BCMD. @Joah Thanks for making this community, it was good while it lasted, for me, lul. @Neat My G. @Seshkings (Not an actual tag) We can have some mad sesh's xDDDDDDDDDDD The Whole of SC: Thanks bois. If anyone wants to contact me: Discord #: #7534 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169995127 ALL RESIGNATIONS ARE FINAL IS 3...2...1 Date of full Resignation: I think this is like 3 days? 8/16/17 GG WP EZ Good MEMEZ
  7. Accepted as staff as of 8/6! Welcome to the team!
  8. Accepted as staff as of 8/6! Welcome to the team!
  9. So today I did an interview and I went into the !menu to try and set this guy to vip new admin or new admin so I could get him trained, I wasnt able to set him to either they didn't even appear in the groups I could set him to. I need this to be looked into so that I am able to do interviews and then set players to the rank so I can train them for staff. https://gyazo.com/c607307f4429bc13bed791c43910d87e ^^^ I can set vip operator - vip admin and operator - admin but no new admin. Hope this gets fixed
  10. Accepted for staff as of 8/4/17! Welcome to the team.
  11. @Jek I guess this is your situation.
  12. Got removed from staff for being a minge lmao
  13. Ron's gonna be on all of our asses bois WATCH OUT U MOTHERFUCKERS
  14. Ayyy, welcome back <3
  15. Is this fucking faggot insane? Looks like IceFuse is taking 'SeriousRP' to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL! But wait...? What about the Mass RDM performed by the 'revolt'... why were they banned? Icefuse is a fair server guys it doesn't matter who you are your treated equally.... "Chronic Gamer Connect for the first time" "You have been banned for 'Chronic'" oh wait he hadn't done ANYTHING yet and it could of been a normal play but because IceFuse is fair we do that shit! 10/10 best DvL would DvL again I r8 8/8 m8 this is gr8!
  16. Oblivions Gamers - Old UK server that was shut down cus the owner went to university and didnt have enough time to run the server.
  17. I guess it all depends on what positions are open in what battalions and what type of battalion you want to command I guess?
  18. Me in lore I was a good meme 10/10.... Really I think that Qui Gon Ginn was pretty dope.
  19. My name is from a gang in london just sorta was like fuck it why not
  20. Lmao they are so fucking stupid, we 'revolted' cus of their actions now they are shitting themselves about it. IceFuse is gonna struggle with times to come, well played bois we are the IceFuse killers, hehe
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