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Everything posted by Jinx

  1. Jinx


    I am an awesome guy for signatures or just general designs https://johnwinford.carbonmade.com/ ^^^^^^^^^ old artwork from 2016 and have only improved since. +1
  2. I heard about it. This is sad Rest in piece...
  3. DGKDR which was one of the first of its kind back in 2015.
  4. I think some people said they saw you in this video If this is the case then you have been around as long as I have!
  5. I don't sleep, so I should see you on some for sure.
  6. Good to see another member of the community that loves AoT
  7. I am not applying for the clan BUT I SUPPORT THE MOVEMENT A %100!!! WEEB WEEB WEEB WEEB
  8. Your profile picture reminds me of scrap metal.
  9. If you are an old school guy like me then you probably remember when Pixel Cat Gamer came on Icefuse in June 2016. This being said, prepare to laugh your ass off. Yes, I did have a couple moments where I was in the video. My name was Poe and I was a 41st PVT playing on Icefuse for the 1st month after my old community was falling to shambles.
  10. Technodad is awesome! I hope that you can a spot for this awesome community member. +1
  11. @beb just whipped your rat butt @SharkBait
  12. Once this gay boy Ron went to work at Icefuse Corp, he encountered something strange.
  13. I didn't think about that LOL
  14. If you did not know that the forums limits you to only being able to like 10 posts and I want that bumped up, so I can like more posts.
  15. Hello! Few of you know me in this community; however I have been playing clonewars rp since June 2015. My first community was DGKDR and it took me 11 months in my clonewars rp journey to finally stumble across Icefuse. I joined Icefuse on May 1st, 2016. Very few people remain that I know; however I have decided to officially come to this community. I find that Synergy Roleplay and its members have a closer bond with each other than Icefuse. I am excited where this turn in the road takes me just like most of you. I am excited to cross paths with each and everyone of you. -- Thanks for reading this post!
  16. I don't really like things often, but I consider myself on the forums quite a bit and have came across more than 10 posts that I really like and would really like to be able to share the love
  17. Whats up my guy. Glad to see more people coming in!
  18. Introduction Alright so here is how this works. I will start the beginning of a beautiful and promising story. By writing one sentence. It will your job to reply with another sentence that continues the story. Rules You may only write one sentence each reply and you cannot double up on your replies. You must wait for at least 1 other person to reply before added another sentence to the chaos. The Starting Sentence There once was a young, wild boy named Ron.
  19. I played a lot of League of Legends and so I was like "Aye Jinx is a good name."
  20. Haha just realized the typo in the title if someone could change that "to" to "do" that would be awesome.
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