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Sinister - Specialized Regimental Application


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I have been waived to apply, because my current rank is Captain. I stepped down from Commander yesterday.


Regardless of your personal opinion of me, positive or negative, please read the application before submitting feedback.


Steam Name: [SR] Sinister [HA]

RP Name:  Alpha 66 Captain Muzzle

Steam ID (SteamID Finder) : STEAM_0:1:67611701

Regiment you are applying for: Specialized


Roleplay Positions



During the days of Icefuse before the creation of Synergy, a man named Fizzik took over BCMD of the ARC battalion, that would eventually be renamd to Rancor. Fizzik pulled me out of 41st to join him in rebuilding the battalion, after wiping the roster on his first day. During that time myself, kazane, and fizzik restructured the battalion. Essentially, we scrapped everything that the battalion used to do and made our own processes. This was the beginning of the current standard for ARC training. A bit of a disclaimer, I take no credit for creating the actual content of the ARC training, I just helped make tweaks and ran the trainings. My time as an XO of ARC gave me pivotal experience in the rebuilding process, and greatly grew my experience as a leader.

Grand Master Yoda

While my time as Yoda was short lived ( @Joah the meme lives), I did learn a few things, and invoke some positive changes. I attempted to make the Jedi Order feel more welcoming to new players, but also feel as though it was more of a challege to move up. I tried to cut out favoritism, and in the few master meetings I lead I actually promoted a few people to Master that, quite frankly, I despised. I believe that set an example for others that followed me to focus on the skill, personality, and work ethic of people instead of their own personal bias.


Alpha ARC

When I returned to Synergy after an extended period of LOA, I quickly rejoined Rancor, and became an Alpha ARC. After some time, I was promoted to the rank of Major, and granted the Character of Fordo. If you are not familiar with Alpha, Fordo is the second in command of the unit. During my time as Fordo I pushed the Alpha ARC to become more skilled and more detailed at the RP they were supposed to be trained in. I did this by checking their RP in events, and if it was not satisfactory, I sent them back to do trainings. My time in Alpha ARC ended when I moved back up to Rancor Commander.

Rancor Commander Havoc/Colt

Starting at the beginning of October, I took on the role of Havoc, and the rank of Commander. Rancor had no senior officers besides the Alpha ARC, and most junior officers were still LT. I took this role in order to help my battalion, and to take some workload off of Dragon, as he was struggling to keep up. Being a Commander in Rancor is a very large responsibility. I was not only in charge of Rancor in the absense of the BCMD, but also the Battalion ARC and the ARC trainings. During my time as Commander, me and Dragon worked to fill the Senior Officer positions, Line up candidates for new Commanders, as well as selecting a solid WO (Hammer) that could strengthen our NCO corps. I believe that we accomplished all of these goals, and that is why as of yesterday, I have stepped down from Commander to move back in to Alpha ARC.


Currently, I hold the rank of Rear Admiral in the Fleet. Through this position I am in charge of the Internal Affairs sector of Naval, overviewing branches such as Discipline, Infrastructure, and more. During my time as this position, and my previous time as a commodore, I have done extensive work on the documents. I will not take all the credit for it, as I did have some help, but the majority of the main naval document was recoded, reorganized, and overall improved. The main document, for those that don't know, is currently at 15 tabs, and 5 forms that link to various tabs. Moving on to other sectors, I believe I have had influence in promoting better RP in the Fleet. I have attempted to instill that the fleet do not overstep their roles in terms of commanding troopers, and that they do not break character under any circumstances. Naval has had very few disciplinary issues in the past couple months, and while that is not entirely my doing, I believe I did have a sizable influence on it.



Prudii Skirata

Ahsoka Tano

Padme Amidala

Jedi Ace Manager


Staff Experience

Executive in another Community

Before I begin, I'm choosing not to name my previous community so there's no "advertisement". I'll only touch on this lightly, as it is outside synergy.  For about a year, I was the Executive in charge of the staff team that had about 23 servers at the time. The time I spent in this community in various positions and in the executive position taught me most of what I know about being a leader. If anyone wants "proof" of this, or just wants more information about his section, please contact me privately and I can link you to the community.


Since returning to the server from my hiatus, I have been a staff member for about 3 months, and currently hold the rank of Head Admin. During my time as staff, I have worked to further the game master program. My motto is quality over quantity, and that's something I'll touch on later with relevance to the position I am applying for. I believe I have influenced positive change in my time as a staff member, but there is still work to be done. I look forward to gaining experience as time passes, and working on the staff team.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I wish to become the Specialized Regimental Commander because I believe that I am the best canditate to assist the battalions in the Regiment. I have made a lot of mistakes throughout my various leadership roles, and acknowledging/learning from those mistakes is one of my strong suits. I wish to improve the relations between specialized battalions, and impact positive changes throughout my term. I will touch on specifics later in the application.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes.

Availability: My work schedule varies sporadically, but if someone needs to contact me I am always available on discord. Other than that, I am on the server/teamspeak constantly.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Commander/XO in Rancor

Alpha ARC LTC (2nd in Command)

Prudii Skirata

Rear Admiral

Jedi Ace Manager


Game Master Manager

Head Admin

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want the Specialized Battalions to be more intertwined with each other. At it's current state from an outside perspective, I rarely see the battalions working together whether that be during simulations, events, or otherwise. At the same time, I want the battalions to be self sufficient. The battalions should not rely on eachother, rather they should be helping eachother. Also, I want the specialized battalions to be comfortable coming to me as the regimental with things all the way from large issues, to just asking for simple advice. Overall, I want the specialized battalions to feel as much like a family (yes that's a cheesy statement) as possible, while also being proffesional and have a strong structure. The final thing I'd like to influence in these battalions is to recruit quality troopers, and not look for mass recruitment. This can be done by increasing difficulty of tryouts, or by increasing standards of promotion. I believe this is very effective in improving the quality of the overall battalion, as you are only as strong as your weakest link.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan to improve relations by doing check ups with the specialized battalions often. These would most likely happen weekly with CMD+, and through daily conversations with all ranks. I want to make sure to incorporate the opinion of everyone in these battalions, not just their high ranks. I plan on making myself approachable, and always open to communication so that I can assist the battalions whenever I am needed. This will be accomplished by always keeping my channel unlocked, and answering discord private messages. I get notifications on my phone, and typically respond to them within 30 minutes or less. My activity and involvement as a regimental commander is key to the success as the regiment itself, and I plan on doing my best to keep both of these things to a high standard.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes.


Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please ask them in a reply, and I will answer. If you have any concerns, please say it in the form of a question if you wish for me to reply.

  • Agree 1
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  • Coordinator

+1 all my interactions with you have been nothing but a blast and fun 

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Please bare in mind that High Command is a position that drains people, along with the workload of being a high ranking naval, I recommend you try to balance the workload or focus on one position. Otherwise you'll get burnt out quickly, and we don't want that to happen.


Best of luck my guy.


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7 hours ago, Stern said:

Neutral. Will you be able to keep up your great work in naval and then also spec reg?

To put it bluntly, I have no life. I have an immense amount of free time, more than most people, so I do believe I’m able to put in the work and time necessary to fulfill both roles. 

  • Funny 1
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-1 i don't think that you're fit. you don't have enough experience within specialised battalions to know how it goes and you'll need a long time to learn how everything works. you probaly won't have enough time to manage naval staff and padme even if you have no life (trust me i know it). I'm just afraid that you will keep the spot occupied for anyone that has the time, knows how it works but just needss to finish some things like he needs a week longer to apply or anything like that. i change mine to Neutral since my BCMD thinks you're fit and if he believes it i'll accept it also you contacted me about my points where just another person would just ignore it. But i still think all of the above.

Edited by Banker
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Sinister is a great guy and is extremely active within the community. +1 


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wat da hell???!?!?

Well damn muzzle is going to be open again lul

I appointed Sinister as my Fordo and he was a fucking great one, he helped Alphas become who they are today, he was a massive piece in forming what is the best sub unit on the server ;) 

So no doubt about it even though he has not been in any specialized battalions other than being 104th jedi for a moment. He has done so much for others that i have 0 doubt in my mind that will carry over to the Specialized Regiment, and he will hold those boys up to a standard they have never seen and lead them better than anyone before.

Good luck ❤️ 

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GM Leadership

+1, You can do better than me and have seen what you can do in naval. Just don't burn yourself out.




I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Sins is in my opinion the best fucking leader i have ever been under, both in life and server. The guy always knows what to do in even the worst scenarios, He is also professional, Honest, Smart AF, Patient, And He's a quick learner for the people that didn't read the app and never met the guy. He did so much for rancor that even i can never dream of doing, He really did help us get back in our feet and he's more than enough to fill the role of Reg commander.


Thanks for it all fam.

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Since no one has brought this up ima say my piece.

I have no doubts that you are more than qualified. I have these issues though.

1. You have no experience in this regiment what so ever.

2. You are currently an admiral in naval and an HA, how are you gonna prioritize your high command position with those other 2 roles? Even if you “have no life” other things will take priority for you on server and so far it’s clear that your priority is Naval and staff.

3. Activity, it may just be me but I rarely see you on your clone. As I stated in the second reason how will you be any different from Crimson if you are instead of not being on, are just on your naval.

4. Intentions, your intentions seem to be good, but you listed nothing but generic things such as “cooperation” instead of specific issues you see within the regiment. This further adds to the fact that I do not know if you actually have any idea what issues these battalions have. 

Just because you are “better than Crimson” doesn’t make me want to support you. I want someone who is dedicated to my regiment and has clear and defined plans to lead it.

Edit: Been seeing this reason a lot for people +1ing and want to say something about it.
Just because someone is "qualified" for a position does not mean he is the best fit for that position.
Please if you guys are gonna +1 at least think about why he is fit for the position other thank "qualified"


Edited by Mitchel



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26 minutes ago, Mitchel said:

You are currently an admiral in naval and an HA, how are you gonna prioritize your high command position with those other 2 roles?

I have been a Head Admin for just under a month now, and I believe I have a firm grasp on my duties and responsibilities. Yes, being an HA does at times cause a heavy workload. But during an average week, being an HA is not as time consuming as people think. I spend maybe an hour a day on staff work (obviously varying day to day). I don’t believe that staff responsibilities are an issue at all for day-to-day activity.


As far as being the Rear Admiral, this takes up even less time than HA. My job as RA is to focus on the internal affairs of naval. Recently, we have had little to no disciplinary issues, so the only thing i’m working on is a new program (coming soon). 


Also, I won’t make it public information yet as I am still deciding, but I will be resigning 1-2 of my RP Roles if I receive this position. (These are Padme, Muzzle, and Rear Admiral)


If you wish for me to address more of your concerns, please ask a direct question about them, or come find me in TS at some point and we can talk!

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You are the most qualified person for the job, and I know how active you  are. Not only are you on all the time, but whenever you are on you have a presence and are a respectable member of our community.

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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