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Pratts Special Operations Jet ReApp


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 Steam Name:

[SR] Pratt [VA]

RP Name:

Battalion Commander Jet

Steam ID (SteamID Finder)


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Battalion Commander Jet / Blackout

How many terms you've held the position?:


Why do you wish to maintain this position?:

I wish to remain as Battalion Commander Jet because I have put in work for this Battalion, and I still want to continue to see it succeed. However I do have a few members of my battalion that I could see being in the BCMD position. 

(if you want to know my full story of being in SO keep reading if not, skip) 

I joined Synergy back in November of 2017. Under the command of Ryx, Kitsune, and Oshava I learned how to be a strict trooper and quickly rose through the ranks as SO was at the time facing hard times and needed to be revived or face removal from the server as a whole. I became one of the most active members of the battalion, training new recruits, training for both Heavy and Pilot Specializations. I loved this Battalion and wanted to see to see it survive into the next year. Special Operations grew into the new year and Myself with it. However in February of 2018 I left the server for a long 3-4 months until I returned sometime in May. Special Operations in that time had seen 2 BCMD's and a kind of bad falling out by one of them. Forge was doing his best to be on the server and be a commanding force but was not active enough, he stepped down and told me to become the BCMD as Summer was nearing and I was the most active and also had been at the time of Forges resignation XO of SO. Over this past summer I poured my extra time after working in my schools woodshop to push the battalion out of its ditch. And for the past summer that is what I have been trying to do with the rest of my battalion. I try to keep a very close relationship with all of my troopers, new or old. Welcoming in people who have tried to perform elsewhere but were denied or wanted to generally learn to become better and organized. Every Person in my battalion wants to work together and that is what I love to see, humans interacting with each other to complete tasks, overcoming obstacles and sorting out their differences. All I can hope now is that you members of Synergy will offer me the opportunity for me to continue my work and progress here along with all of you.    Thank You

Current availability:

SAT-MON essentially all day if I don't have homework

Tues - Fri Generally in the afternoons and evenings past 6 pm til whenever i need to sleep for my next days class

What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?:

Got numbers waaaaaaaaaay up at the beginning of my term and began to institute more military like comms as well as a more rigorous tryout. NCO's try to provide PT or other forms of training during down time instead of idling and doing nothing. Our Officers are actually competent, they can lead troops and show NCO's how to command themselves in battle. Also SO has changed up specializations / battalion jobs, troopers must now wait to be promoted to SGT to e given the opportunity to have a specialization. 

What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

Gather more troops to the Battalion. Currently it is made up of around 14 or so Active Members, around 5 of which are online on a daily basis. However because we are considered Recon it is expected we have more troops, as of this week we have 4 new recruits who I hope will be long term active members of the battalion.

In terms of additional improvements, Make myself more of a strict person. I need to sometimes go back to basics and refresh myself on rules and combat situations. 

SO has always wanted to have a sub unit in the battalion, Bad Batch has always been presented as an Idea but gets shot down by everyone so IDK. 

Medics are in ALL other battalions except for SO, so gonna need some Documents and leadership for that when our models come out (whenever that happens ❤️ Gideon) 

Spark is our other Lore character who is our Pilot, gotta make some docs for that tryout and that job. Also Find a use for the Cloaking Ship that we HAVE BUT DONT USE.

Keep our documents, Our current documents are almost fully automated through google docs but some things have to be kept up still like the roster 

do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:




(i am tired when i wrote this hopefully its alright)

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You didn't put the effort to fixing the battalion.  It laughable how much the the rest of the officers have put effort into fixing and undoing the messes you create.  He was rarely active and when he did have free time he would spend it either GMing or playing other games.  Proof of the matter is him only being part of 14 events that SO has had during his entire time as BCMD. 

Also anything mention in his achievements was work other members spend hard time doing.  Pratt has no claim for the changes SO has made and its rather insulting he tried to claim them has his doing.  Sure hes a nice guy, but with lack of actual leadership skills and attendance in the game he leaves much to be desired from as a BCMD.

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Neutral untill i hear what pratt has to say regarding what MsFox said. (Sanchez and CBlake asked for it so you can reply Pratt since its in direct response to a question)

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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-1 SO need someone new to lead it. Hopefully that person will do good. But I'm sorry to say pratt, SO is dead af and that falls on your shoulders. At some points I forgot SO was on the server. If it was to be fixed you and your officers should've stepped up. That obviously didn't happen.

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Pratt, you might be an interesting character but most of the time, I see you not focused on your own battalion. I mean, your XO did more work trying to perfect the battalion than you did. That shows carelessness. 

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1, pratt we are friends but I don't feel the your activity makes sense in a BCMD spot. Lemme put this in more detail Pratt. I like hanging out with you but SO needs an active BCMD, obviously life doesn't allow you to be active but once it does, apply next term and I'll definetly +1 it.


Edited by Lil Incest
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Since everyone looks for a scapegoat and that usually goes up the chain of command on this server, I am alright with being vilified. But that does not mean I wont state my side.


In terms of messes I create it is mostly just promoting someone early, or giving someone the wrong whitelist because I so seldom do give people whitelists. Other “messes” which sounds really vague, no specific details about what such messes I have created. Assuming you mean times I’ve been arrested it is likely because I was in a small battle with someone - usually Executive Officer Baron. While in combat we do not communicate what health we are on. As a result I end up killing the person I am engaged in combat with.


In terms of activity, I play this game before I play other games. During the summer I on occasion was playing GTAV or Minecraft. While I am on the server it is a part of duties as a member of staff to Game Master and Game Helper to hopefully create fun and exciting new adventures for Members of the server. Also in response to myself only being recorded as participating in 14 events is because for a good while I had not been recording them since it was just myself on the server and saw it unfit to record such missions on or off ship. I would like to kind of question your own activity MsFox. I have not seen you around much for the past month. I understand you have streams and real life stuff to deal with but when I do see you its at 2-3 am in the middle of the week.


Before and at the beginning of my term I was creating / revamping documentation. Specifically things like tryout documents, making specialization documents look neat and not just text on a white page. I did at one point try to make the roster automated like it is today but never achieved that with Turbine. I am thankful that you MsFox have updated and revamped the roster with forms to be semi-automated and also combine documents so that way we have a dedicated handbook for new recruits to look at to learn about the battalion. I will say that taking credit for the documents is wrong to claim. Also many of the policies that have been instituted under my term were yes, recommendations from you officers. Things like the better comms, specialized formations, and our squads are things that came from you, I liked those ideas and integrated them.


In the end I feel that I am still an alright candidate for continuing to be Battalion Commander, people recognize me and know me well for the position that I hold. I can listen to suggestions, make choices about how to change the battalion, and provide people with a sense of accomplishment for being a part of Special Operations.

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On 9/21/2018 at 9:20 AM, Doc said:

-1, including both what msFox has said, along with during the entirety of my time as Neyo, there were no attempts to outreach and connect as Recon Battalions. 91st connected with Rancor, and even 41st (during their time of the new BCMD and before and after where they were more closed off) yet I think the only person in SO I sort of talked to was msFox. We had a recon discord and I don't think I ever saw you even talk in it when all CMDs were discussing things. I believe you are good as a staff and GM, however as a BCMD I feel you are severely lacking

Did you attempt to even outreach to him yourself? Usually the person that is supposed to have the regiment interact with each other is the the REGIMENTAL COMMANDER. The job of the battalion commander is to lead the battalion and keep it active, not interact with others. That’s his own personal decision to keep to his own battalion.

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4 hours ago, Pratt said:

In terms of activity, I play this game before I play other games. During the summer I on occasion was playing GTAV or Minecraft. While I am on the server it is a part of duties as a member of staff to Game Master and Game Helper to hopefully create fun and exciting new adventures for Members of the server. Also in response to myself only being recorded as participating in 14 events is because for a good while I had not been recording them since it was just myself on the server and saw it unfit to record such missions on or off ship. I would like to kind of question your own activity MsFox. I have not seen you around much for the past month. I understand you have streams and real life stuff to deal with but when I do see you its at 2-3 am in the middle of the week.


Before and at the beginning of my term I was creating / revamping documentation. Specifically things like tryout documents, making specialization documents look neat and not just text on a white page. I did at one point try to make the roster automated like it is today but never achieved that with Turbine. I am thankful that you MsFox have updated and revamped the roster with forms to be semi-automated and also combine documents so that way we have a dedicated handbook for new recruits to look at to learn about the battalion. I will say that taking credit for the documents is wrong to claim. Also many of the policies that have been instituted under my term were yes, recommendations from you officers. Things like the better comms, specialized formations, and our squads are things that came from you, I liked those ideas and integrated them.

I was actually amazed you didn't just step down and not reapply.  You talked about quiting numerous times and even told us to have you removed serveral times when myself and others brought up your lack of leadership and activity.  It was so bad we just turned you into a meme "Inactive BCMD".  We never had anything approved by you.  It was just telling you hey we did this or this.  I never had a doubt you would just say yes because you would never comeback with even slight criticism for improvement.  We would only have to rely on you for things that had to be approved first by BCMD.  Other than that you were useless to the battalion.  

Im not sure what your point in trying to bring up my activity.  There is a reason I'm not putting in an application nor is it appropriate to bring up that in your application.  This is about what you do or (mostly in your case) not do and it shows your lack of leadership and responsibility.  Firstly I refrained from posting an application for your removal since it was close to your term.  As for your approval for things I and other members never saw you as the real BCMD.  All the work fell on the other commanders and mostly Baron since he was the most active.  Most of the time for the numerous things that I and others did was just go get approval from Baron and then tell you after the fact because your opinion never was valued and you would just say ok.  

If anyone is wondering this isn't for personal reasons or any power play.  I will be retiring in the next week because I was accepted into a mortician program and will not have time and would rather focus on life.  I just want to leave SO in the best hands for those people I will be leaving and in my opinion that person is definitely not Pratt.

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5 minutes ago, Ms Fox said:

I was actually amazed you didn't just step down and not reapply.  You talked about quiting numerous times and even told us to have you removed serveral times when myself and others brought up your lack of leadership and activity.  It was so bad we just turned you into a meme "Inactive BCMD".  We never had anything approved by you.  It was just telling you hey we did this or this.  I never had a doubt you would just say yes because you would never comeback with even slight criticism for improvement.  We would only have to rely on you for things that had to be approved first by BCMD.  Other than that you were useless to the battalion.  

Im not sure what your point in trying to bring up my activity.  There is a reason I'm not putting in an application nor is it appropriate to bring up that in your application.  This is about what you do or (mostly in your case) not do and it shows your lack of leadership and responsibility.  Firstly I refrained from posting an application for your removal since it was close to your term.  As for your approval for things I and other members never saw you as the real BCMD.  All the work fell on the other commanders and mostly Baron since he was the most active.  Most of the time for the numerous things that I and others did was just go get approval from Baron and then tell you after the fact because your opinion never was valued and you would just say ok.  

If anyone is wondering this isn't for personal reasons or any power play.  I will be retiring in the next week because I was accepted into a mortician program and will not have time and would rather focus on life.  I just want to leave SO in the best hands for those people I will be leaving and in my opinion that person is definitely not Pratt.

This just in, MsFox quits CWRP to focus on dead people. 

  • Funny 2
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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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