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About Drayton

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Forum Onion

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  1. 2/3/4 it was just a 1 life shoot em up. Very little to do besides that. Thanks for the deployment either way.
  2. 4/5/5. You let me go through the vents when we found out it wasn't on the map for some reason, appreciate the chances for the RP and stealth like that. Sucks the real vents where not there.
  3. Drayton

    212th RP event

    5/5/5 Generally loved this event, a mix of everything. Survival RP, Passive, The right amount of combat and all. Only thing I can suggest is adding some more Passive RP things, like vics we can repair, boxes we can search, background things that you can investigate to learn more about the story, rp and what happed to people there ect. And just stuff like that in general.
  4. Drayton

    CCS main base

    5/5/3 Really liked the PVE/PVP Aspect.
  5. 5/5/5 Although it was drawn out you allowed the RP to happen while giving others things to do.
  6. 10/10 Enjoyed the whole thing, took awhile but was really fun.
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