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Posts posted by Spieler

  1. Name: Spieler

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60368280

    Staff Rank: SA

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 12/4/2021

    Reason for leaving: I've lost every bit of motivation I've had for the staff team since the removal of the TR program. I'm happy for the success of the GM team, but I never signed up for doing GM work. I never would've applied if the TR program didn't exist. If the TR program ever is added back I'll gladly reapply instantly.

    Farewells: I'm still on the server, just no longer staff.

    • Bruh 1
  2. I've got a lot of other people that really mean a lot to me.

    @Pog One of the main reasons I ever got into this server was you. You have, consistently, been so fun to be around. You always make TS and game so much brighter. There's never a dull moment around you. Even when you're not being funny, you put so much effort into your battalion. It remember times at 3am where you would be hosting events and making sure new 212th enlisted were engaged to help the battalion.

    @Bacta Genuinely one of the hardest workers I've ever seen. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself down like you do, and I really respect that. You openly let yourself be the punching bag of the server, putting yourself down so that others can have fun and enjoy themselves. Even though so many people dog on you, you never let it get to you. At the same time, you take anything someone brings up to you seriously, which is incredibly admirable. 

    @Lyonaxis Your kindness literally has no bounds. You are the biggest-hearted person I've ever met, surprisingly being more loving than Caidoon of all people. I've never heard anyone talk anything bad about you, ever. You existing just makes people happy.

    @Caidoon Holy shit you are such a nice person. I can't even imagine you hurting a fly (maybe your cat though...). Every single experience with you has been nothing but heartwarming. You go out of your way to make everyone happy and make sure people are laughing, and it makes me so happy to see. 

    @Shockpoint You're such a fun person to be around. I really looked up to you when I joined the server, and I'm so insanely happy that I got to talk to you more when you came back and that I got to be in a squad with you. I hope everything is going fine IRL.

    @Conrad The amount of times I've seen you give such amazing life advice to people on this server is stunning. You're such a loved member of the community for a lot of reasons. Every situation I've been in where you were involved has been incredibly entertaining. I very highly respect what you do for so many young people on the server.

    @Katy It's so nice to see someone stand up for what's right, and I've seen you do it so many times. Being in 2ndAC and 212th with you was such a treat. You're incredibly funny and extremely entertaining to talk to. 

    @BlackBerryEverything you say makes me die of laughter. You could sit still and say NOTHING and I'd find it funny. Every moment that I had with you in-game, whether with you in Parjai or seeing you as Fixer, was so much fun. It's also really respectable how much time and effort you put into your RP, as well as how open you are about the effort you put into it. 

    @Brooklyn Since my beginning on the server, you were always someone I really wanted to talk to and interact with. I don't know what it is about you, but It's so fun being around you for anything. You always manage to make me happy just by existing. 

    @Whataburger You say a lot of stupid shit, but in the end you're very funny. It's really refreshing and heartwarming to see you succeed in the server. Keep on being you. 

    @Cox Just like Marshh, you're a really kind and nice person when you're in a small group of people. You troll a lot more, but that's what makes it fun to be around you in game. It's so fun to watch you be sincere. 

    @Marvel You're one of the funniest people I know on the server. Every single moment with you is such a fun time. I highly respect how genuine and real you are with people. Conversations with you are never boring. 

    @Jovanovic As toxic as you are, It's really nice to see you speak your mind. You never hold your opinion back, which is very admirable. 

    • Friendly 9
  3. As much as he likes to joke around, @Marshhis genuinely a great guy. When you get into a channel with a small amount of people, play other games, or bring something serious to him, he's really kind and nice to be around. The amount of times I've seen him take the time out of his day to do small things for new players or just do things that aren't even his job or responsibility is really heart warming. 

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, Jovanovic said:

    You wanna know why RCMDs afk all the time? It's cause we can't bhop

    You are WEAK if you think a measly jetpack can stop someone from bhoping. I'm honestly disappointed in you, Jovanovic. If you were a REAL RCMD, or even a real ex-Parjai 3, you would've learned how to bhop with a jetpack years ago. 

    +1 bhoping is the bane of Anaxes base.

  5. Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Bacara. I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 21st and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Keller, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 21st was what was needed in their command structure at the time. I have left 21st and joined 212th. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 21st as Bacara. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience. 

    • Winner 6
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