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Posts posted by Spieler

  1. At this point, the joke is only being used to make fun of the punishments being handed out. The joke has entirely derailed from "It's an IP, laugh!" to "You can get in trouble for making this joke, laugh!". People are just making fun of the extremely harsh punishments being handed out. I'm fairly confident that this joke would've died out into obscurity by now, like all do, if these extreme and very harsh punishments weren't being handed out for it. 

    I completely understand the idea of why these are being taken seriously, but these punishments are far too extreme for mere jokes. It's just ridiculous to think that someone that has been around on the server for YEARS can be completely fucking exiled from this community for making such a stupid joke.

    The fact that someone making an IP joke can be banned from the server for the same length as a ban for racism, homophobia, etc. is just appalling. I'd love to hear what the thought process is for handing out punishments as harsh as this for something so tame.

    • Agree 7
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  2. Nostalgia is highkey the best emotion to exist. Even though I've only been around for a year, I've made so many friends and great memories on the server. I have so much to think about in just the past 12 months, but you've been around for over 48 months. I'm glad that you and so many people care about the server, especially enough to stick through all the tough times and continue to interact/stay in the community. 

    It's really easy to get blind sighted by negative things in the community, but it always feels great to reminisce and remember the reasons why you even joined/stayed in the first place. No matter how much bullshit happens, I'm still glad I joined synergy to this day. I'm happy to know that I've made genuine connections with people, and I hope you and everyone else on the server feels the same way. Thanks for the inspiration, Pythin :)

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  3. 21 minutes ago, Noodles said:

    So to answer this I have talked to 4 members of SOBDE. Which I got info in which I needed. SO to say I have neglected your half the regiment is wrong. I have talked to your battalion members and I got the info I needed.

    This is something neither me or Lyonaxis have been told about. While you may have talked to four members, only two of them even slightly know what is going on in the battalion. You contacted a CMD, WO, CSM, and 1SG. None of this was communicated any higher. I'm glad that you at least thought to contact a single CMD, but I'm appalled that you neglected to think about the BCMD or XO at all. 

    Talking to four members is not enough to know the full issues going on in the battalion, and it shows as the issues we're facing inside the battalion aren't talked about in your application. I have absolutely no hope to work with you as a REG if this application process is any bit similar as to how you would be. -1.

    • Funny 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Clutch said:

    What youre doing though is gatekeeping my entry to prove my sincerity

    I personally don't care at all about the fact that it's you specifically applying for staff. I care about making sure people in the community feel safe and welcomed, no matter their upbringing or anything else about them, especially something like their sexuality or gender. Letting someone who is openly unregretful of their actions into a position of power on the server is the opposite of that.

    4 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    At which point i remembered and regretted it.

    4 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    I was clearly angry in my response to you on discord. I'll apologize for that too.

    I appreciate that you're apologizing for it finally, but the discord message just doesn't even slightly line up with any bit of regret. I may be wrong, but even if your discord response came from you at a time of anger, it shows no remorse or regret. The fact that you're also willing to point this onto me as gatekeeping makes me think even more like you don't feel bad. You don't prove your sincerity by spamming events on the server, you prove your sincerity by showing that you've changed and owning up for your wrongs.


    7 minutes ago, Clutch said:

    I am well aware of the society we live in now and you won't see one of these slipups from me as an admin.

    Finally, this ain't it. This piece really just screams, "I'm not wrong, I just made a mistake by speaking my mind too much". You phrasing the situation as a "slipup" is a giant red flag in my mind.

    I'm glad that you're responding, but I just can't support this. I really do hope that you can prove me wrong by showing that you've changed for the better. Until then, -1.

    • Winner 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, TheCyan said:

    Yeah, it has changed. Clutch deleted the channel. He's stated multiple times that he made that shit a long ass time ago. People do dumb shit and correct for it. 

    Yes, one month ago he got denied from staff. Clutch spent ages as a staff member and I remember being an SA along with him. Clutch wants to return to staff for the reasons I put in my +1. He likes making events and has a decent track record at making good events. He constantly offers his advice to the staff in 21st that are struggling or where they can improve. I guarantee you if any staff member asked Clutch for help they would benefit. He wont change their lives or anything but Clutch is a very solid dude and keep it real.

    How long do you want to waive that in his face. In your opinion, what's the proper time that Clutch should spend away from staff from a stupid ass TeamSpeak channel? 2 months? 6 months? What's the appropriate amount of time for you?

    This has nothing to do with "waiving it in his face." It has everything to do with pointing out the fact that he put transphobic and homophobic comments in a TS channel, and then:
    1. Complained when confronted about it
    2. Didn't change it himself. It was only changed after a liaison got involved.

    The screenshot of the discord text clearly shows that he has no remorse for his actions, and in-fact is more annoyed that he had to deal with anything rather than feeling sorry about his actions. This kind of behavior and actions don't belong in the community, let alone anywhere near staff. I'm glad Clutch can do good in 21st, but I can't support this in any way, shape, or form. I don't care about how long he spends away from staff. I only care about seeing that he's improved. If he would respond to what he did and show any bit of remorse PUBLICLY, I'd love to open my mind up. Until then, still, it's a -1 from me. 

    • Winner 1
  6. Has anything at all changed from this last staff app? It's been exactly a month and you haven't talked about anything that was put in the comments of your last app. For context;


    I really don't understand what the thought process is here. If you got 10 -1's and were denied on the same date that you put up the last app, what has changed in the past month to make you think it would be magically fine ~30 days later? 

    Still a huge -1 from me. If you have something that would make up for blatant homophobia and transphobia, or even a single sentence saying that you've improved as a person, I'd love to hear it.

    • Informative 4
    • Dumb 3
  7. In my mind, an important part of a GOOD merit system is that all aspects of it are clearly defined for the NCOs that are working with it. Simple things like making sure NCOs are aware that, in merit systems, obtaining all of your merits doesn't guarantee you a promotion are the responsibility of the officer corps in a battalion. 

    Something like a TIG system won't work well as it allows people to idly sit by and be promoted without doing anything, as well as easily allowing for favoritism. Having a well-managed system that is changed at the needs of the battalion through suggestions or the work of the Officers in a batt makes sure that everyone going through the system is given the same equal opportunities for promotion as everyone around them.

    As for the part about lazy officers, that's just how it happens with merit systems that are poorly maintained. A good merit system is one that also has good officers, where they don't rely on the merit system, but use it as a general gauge as to how much work they've done; not the quality of work done. Even with the merit system, Officers still have the responsibility of making sure that NCOs aren't abusing it and that NCOs are keeping up the battalion's standard of quality.

    It's not hard to make a merit system that is good and encourages NCOs to do good work. You just need to first make sure your Officer corps is willing to do their job. A merit system isn't perfect for every battalion, but works very well for the battalions that want structure to support the battalion.

    • Agree 3
  8. My time with you in 2ndAC had a lot of ups and a lot of downs, but overall I look back on our time together very fondly. You've spent a lot of time working with 212th HC to prepare yourself for this role, and I can confidently say that I fully trust you for the position now. You have a confident HC team and officer corps. You have more than enough help to maintain and make this battalion flourish. Good luck.


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