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Veteran Admin
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Everything posted by Moose_Wundo

  1. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  2. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  3. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  4. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  5. Blazin for glory +1 (Pains me to do this cause Blazin is stinky)
  6. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  7. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  8. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  9. I didnt feel qualified as a non jedi to vote too much into your app, however with this I do. From seeing Super in game and interacting with him I do believe he can do it and would be good with the role! very approachable, love talking to the dude and I am hoping to see some good palpatine rp! Good luck! +1
  10. Unfortunately, your application to become a Game Master has been DENIED. You are allowed to reapply after 2 WEEKS from this date. // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - DENIED
  11. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  12. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  13. +1 Ive seen mike around a lot and hes a friendly member of the server! Most people know him now!
  14. Oh man, after our little chat I was hoping not to see this <3 At the end of the day its about happiness and I hope you find it <3
  15. I can connect to the main server but cant connect to the event server unless I download LUA every time and its just something I dont want to suffer through but unless I have too!! Can anyone help? Ive done all the LUA deletes and everything and here are the errors ive got! gluapack fatal error - pack file not found (did it fail to download? check your network settings!) You have been disconnected from the server because the clientside Lua state cannot be initialized https://gluapack.com/help/?u=http%3A%2F%2Ffastdl.gluapack.com%2F026c23e2825027da9bdb291816be353d%2Fdata%2Fgluapack%2F7a6f3896a46f8bb2c0b49adb86a69b5c.bsp.bz2 1. failed - lua/includes/init.lua:48 2. unknown - lua/includes/init.lua:119 3. unknown - lua/includes/init.lua:227 lua/includes/modules/notification.lua:159: attempt to index global 'hook' (a nil value) 1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/notification.lua:159 2. require - [C]:-1 3. unknown - Startup:1 Startup:1: Module not found! 1. require - [C]:-1 2. unknown - Startup:1 lua/includes/modules/gamemode.lua:58: attempt to index upvalue 'baseclass' (a nil value) 1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/gamemode.lua:58 lua/includes/modules/gamemode.lua:43: attempt to call field 'Inherit' (a nil value) 1. unknown - lua/includes/modules/gamemode.lua:43 Gamemode 'starwarsrp' not found! Any help will be appreciated!
  16. +1ing both apps cause I believe you'd both make great leaders! Enjoying speaking with you or dealing with stuff on the SA team! Good luck!
  17. +1 Me like Boom! On a serious note everytime I speak with Boom its always positive and full of laughter! Good luck! 501st will do well with you!
  18. Both promises that will easily be kept should and if I get the job! Thank you for the change of heart and thank you for taking the time to comment on the app! :D
  19. Thank you! Its important to take it as you might learn something from it! No matter what rank you are going for! Quite a few parts to your questions so Im going to try and break it down a lot of what you asked can be found in my application! The good numbers are what they are currently showing at the moment! There isnt something massively Id change here other then keeping up with them! Theres normally when the server comes into its peak 8-12 people within the channels of each battalion! Most if not all sub units only have 1 or 2 slots missing, which I would love to start to get filled (Which I know the BCMDs are currently already looking into) Plans for innovation to start with as Ive said they have been leaderless for just over half a year so my main priority is to bring all three together and make sure we are all singing off the same song sheet! Once the heart of the battalion is beating strong for all three of the Regiments we can really start to branch out with trainings and entertainments and pushing out specializations trainings! As for keeping members active well thats an easy one! As long as I can keep the BCMDs and their command staff happy they are going to want to be on the server having fun! At the end of the day this is a game and I want to remind them of that, get on have some fun with the guys a motto I love to use is 'Come for the Star Wars and stay for the friends' and I do truly believe that! So as long as I am keeping them happily people will see that and keep coming back! Aswell as signing on!! As for the Theme I dont genuinely like to get involved with agreeing or disagreeing with statement like these, but what I can say is as of the last few weeks I have been running with all three battalions all the way from PVT to BCMDs. Talking to everyone and introducing myself aswell as having fun and running a few entertainments with the battalions! Ill be wanting to sit in their channels more speaking with them and getting to know them! Ill be employing an open door policy aswell meaning anyone is able to message me and just say hello! :)
  20. I do apologise, I have just changed it over for you. I feel its quite harsh to be called incompetent over the colour! I hope youll give me another chance and read it over if the vote stays the same thats absolutely okay! Have a blessed day!
  21. +1 Knowing Tyler for as long as I have done now the man is serious about the server and what it means to him! Would be a great edition!
  22. +1 The man is really coming through the server! When he first joined I believed would be a minge (Told him myself haha) But has come leaps and bounds and is such a great guy!
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