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Everything posted by Nova_

  1. +1, Lucky had appointed you with XO for a reason I don't personally know you but I know you have what it takes.
  2. +1, Good Man , Has taken naval to a great place , I would love to see him for a second term
  3. Name: Nova Who Helped: Wheezy, Wren, Summary of Event: After Death-Watch gets a lead on base blueprints they send in a recruit to turn off the shield , later on the recruit successfully turns off the shields but on the departure he was slain and he left a datapad with the location, after the main death watch command sends a strike on the baseafter the deathwatch loses to the republic and retreats the clones found the location of the deathwatch base on illum and clear it out.
  4. -1, Ive never had any bad experiences with you but from what forseen and others said you seem like your toxic, until you can show that you've changed its a -1.
  5. +1 Cool Dude, I agree with naffen on the activity.
  6. +1, I exactly agree with conrad , you seem like you have lots of plans and your prepared.
  7. 1+ From my experience with you your a down to earth person and when something is wrong you call it out.
  8. 8/10, I like the use of asaji ventress.
  9. So I need some lunch Ideas since im sick of eating microwavable food for lunch, please list some good healthy lunch and breakfast ideas.
  10. Nova_

    Vally of death

    6/10 , gonna be honest I know the event got ruined and it turned into shit........ But I still had fun
  11. Nova_


    -1 , after recent events, I decided to change my +1 to a -1, I honestly am disgusted by your and others in your battalions behavior, not only was I accused of something which clearly I didn't do and once I brought this to you , you ignored me. you and three other members latched out at my XO for someone's response on this application, I think you are qualified in a sense but your just very rude and your reflecting this on your associates.
  12. Nova_

    21st Bacara BCMD

    Im not gonna 1- nor +1 . you're an awesome dude , you have good rp but I only recently saw that you joined the server, I understand you have previous experience but from what I was told the last time you were in 21st was 2 years ago, I would like to see you sorta advance more .
  13. I can understand that he abused his power in DU like dennis said, after looking at everything he owned up to what he did and he apologized, I think he should be allowed back but should be on thin ice. +1 for now, Edit: After thinking about this I think this should be determined by the people he was bullying, im still gonna stick with my +1 since I think he has the possibility to change ,
  14. +1, I'm gonna be honest and im gonna say this is the nicest way this man helped revived 2 of the *dead* battalions im sure if he can do this he can also take upon marshall commander. he has my full support.
  15. Thanks for the feedback, if i'm gonna be honest my GHs kinda took over and did there own thing, for example the crystal and the robots those were the GHs doings, although I have to disagree with you on some aspects, its kinda hard managing three things at once, I was spawning in NPCS, I had to be an event job and it was chaotic, and I also had to manage giving people sabers, for some reason I don't know how but we were giving people sabers. you also mentioned how I should have done it branch wise , that was the plan but you can't really do a branch deployment when only 5 people show up. but initially thank you for the feedback but I feel like you have to realize its no so easy to get picture perfect event jobs. I did this to have fun and entertain people and jedi since I haven't really seen any deployments for them.
  16. Name: Nova Who helped: Topgunz - STEAM_0:145821941 . Skyron STEAM_0:1:124176067, Wheezy STEAM_0:0:106026873, Lucky - STEAM_0:1:73412369 Event Name: The Awakening of Darth Nihilus Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X8wXzZ0QoYcUjOFMer3ptrYeHOss72266lUH9tFGuds/edit?usp=sharing Side Note: This was my first deployment I would like to thank everyone who attended and helped out.
  17. +1 This guy revived 104th hes a good man
  18. 8/10 I had lots of fun , I was just kinda bummed I couldnt be my lore character .
  19. Nova_

    Ship maddness

    I agree with this statement . but I still had some fun.
  20. +1 Sure I can understand he just left but he has shown before that he is more than capable then holding the position.
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