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Everything posted by Nova_

  1. Thank you for the feedback , Im glad to hear that :)
  2. Name: Nova Who helped (If applicable): WilliamC STEAM_0:1:403112095, Tucker STEAM_0:0:111040245, Diplo STEAM_0:1:187597248. Summary of encounter: A commando droid disguised as a 501st trooper broke into BCC and closed the blast doors of MHB causing a distraction for another commando droid to turn off shield generators and after the base was weakened reinforcements were sent in with a fallen padawan and some b1 battle droids,, at the end the fallen padawan got captured and a interrogation was started on him then his masters ghost possess a jedi padawan and then kills the fallen padawan and causes havoc but then the spirit left the body and the jedi padawan passed out.
  3. I wish I could have known you more but I had fun times when you with your trap voice when you were on your jedi.
  4. Name: Nova Who helped (If applicable): Marshh, WilliamC, Codified, Mantis. Summary of encounter: Some Bithers went to felucia base to play some music after their vehicle got stolen they held a trooper for ransom but got shut down by .a jedi with whirlwind. Side Note - This wasn't meant to be a super serious encounter I just wanted to be creative and provide some entertainment for the server
  5. 7/10 Pretty Cool Shoot Em Up Event with some cool Jedi RP at the the end.
  6. Name: Nova Who helped (If applicable): Kortnul STEAM_0:1:92075356,Codified: STEAM_0:1:125400183, Jack STEAM_0:1:164100346, WilliamC STEAM_0:1:403112095 Event Name: The Mischievous Jawas Part - 2 Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lTpfRXU9hqEyalK-G6zbFPQS03Ew8fmiNOza9JwCa0c/edit
  7. Name: Nova Who helped (If applicable): Conradius - STEAM_0:106195145 , Jojo - STEAM_0:59565043, Gio - STEAM_0:1:455766639 Summary of encounter: In backyard of the felucia base I had a shop owned by jawas and later on I had three of them sneak into felucia base and I had one steal a beacon while the rest caused trouble, while I the leader was negotiating with other and later my jawas got arrested and I went inside of felucia base and I got them out and secretly before we left I planted down the mysterious beacon after that we were given a laat and we crashed and exploded.
  8. Now that I though about it I agree, Arc isnt some normal regiment therefore the training should be more special.
  9. Recently I tried out for Arc and I failed on selections, I personally feel like these training should be hosted more often since its kinda irritating waiting a week for something just to get turned down and having to wait another week. I feel like the Calander needs to be revised. Edit: now that I came back ealier I was salty , I just kinda wish trainings were hosted a little bit more often.
  10. Edit: I decided Im gonna remove this , I didnt ever see nor have any experience with rohan when he was staff. and I agree , if I made an application for a big rank like that just to get denied I wouldn't be pretty happy either. for now im gonna +1 this he seems like hes committed and wants to help out the community .
  11. RP Name: 501st Warrant Officer Appo | 41st Sentinal Padawan Nova | Naval Crewman Nova Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:456588171 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 13 Timezone: PST Tell us why you want to be an administrator: I think it would be nice to help out the community and take the late night tickets that other admins don't take . I would bring a variety of skills; such as empathy, kindness, maturity. To me these are qualities that would make up a good Admin. With the amount of time that I spend playing the game and understanding the server, I realize what I could do to help and keep the server running to its full potential. I have a really good nac for leadership,creativity, and a sense of humor. Having these features I feel as a Admin I would make a big impact on the server, in the future. Tell us a little about yourself: hello my name is Hayden I was born in the USA on August 24th in 2006. I am enrolled in middle school right now in the Eighth Grade. I’ve been a gamer since I was five years old and Ive play numerous amounts of games but here are some for example call of duty, left 4 dead,legend of zelda and many more. This year I finally got a pc and one of the first games I got was gmod, I stumbled on to this server randomly and now I have a big passion for it now. When I’m not playing games I like to go hiking, fishing and play sports. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes I was a Senior Admin on the Icefuse CityRP server How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 360 Hours Waived by Forseen
  12. Do any old 501st members know Sesu if so tell me who this man was
  13. MAJOR +1 , This man is such an epic chad and is a great fit for the position. side note - if Sesu applys you might have to forfeit
  14. 8/10 an Encounter with a twist
  15. 6/10 , A good shoot em up event I just felt like there was too much droids.
  16. Pretty unique and original event we need more events like this keep up the good work :) . 10/10
  17. 6/10 , Good little shoot em up event I just felt like there was to much droids for when there was only 3 clone troopers on the field.
  18. I dont like leaving negative feedback but this event made no sense, so first there were droid pods in courtyard and then soon after there was a sith named "CIS General Jackson Five" and then he appeared in bcc and was found out and just surrendered. then he was escorted to the brig and while he was being escorted he was singing "The Jackson 5 - ABC" and then he was placed in brig and interrogated and was executed. 1/10
  19. I felt the event was rushed and didnt really make sense. 0/10
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