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Everything posted by Mav

  1. +1 Kinda quiet in game and stick to yourself from what ive seen just start opening up more.
  2. +1 Welcome back I hope you got the cigarettes and milk you left for.
  3. +1 Keep doing what youre doing in game and im positive you'll do great
  4. Send him straight to Admin just due to his application +1
  5. -1 Just kidding +1 returning HS members make my heart warm
  6. +1 Love him or hate him his CG roleplay is great late night, and again we always need more late night
  7. +1 if youre good enough for Kurt youre good enough for me, Also returning staff members are always welcome.
  8. Big +1 I will train the man myself if need be love this guy and we always need more late night staff.
  9. +1 Not to much I can scan say personally but the fact I havent heard much about them is technically good.
  10. Mav

    Battle of Illum

    4/4 Loved the LAAT gun shipping and having a blast dropping troopers off.
  11. Sorry for the large list and some having multiple issues tagged together, these are all the issues we could find. Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqecf5 Description of the bug: KU Support trooper when swapped to causes an invisible LUA error and shares the same load out as Aerial Trooper to some degree. https://prnt.sc/sqehm4 Also is missing the bacta kit and shouldn't have the DC15X, original specs for job can be found Here. Whitelist is also missing "/buyarmor" How can we recreate it: Swapping to the whitelist shown in screen shot in f4. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqedld Description of the bug: Stealth Pilot (So Pilot) Has a white 104th pilot skin that needs removed and need a general SO skin added as a body group model. How can we recreate it: Press f4 and check it out. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqf1mc (Shows the skins side by side) https://prnt.sc/sqf1sl(Shows where its missing) Description of the bug: Missing secondary model skin for SO pilot, also might be missing body grouper options as helmet can be taken off but is not in the options. SO Pilot is also missing it's cloaking swep. ("models/player/cblake/synergy/spec_ops/sharpshooter/sharpshooter.mdl") How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqf3pv Description of the bug: Model error for the medic skin itself, might be a simple typo on line. ("models/player/gideon/galacticmarine/medic/gm_medic.mdl") How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqf4ej Description of the bug: SO Commander needs to be two Slots. (Commander Blackout, Commander Jet) How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Bug Type (Server:): CW Severity level (1-3): 1(.5) Evidence (if you can): https://prnt.sc/sqf6ue Description of the bug: 21st Nova Corps salary needs to be decreased to 300c instead of 350c. How can we recreate it: Can be seen while on Whitelist.
  12. Thanks now I have to change my pants at work smh got me wanting to call out when the update drops
  13. I love that multiple people want to meet me IRL - Mav also only one of yuh's is close enough so of course by default we would get drink whenever your ass turns 21
  14. Name: Mav Who Helped: Fenrir Summary Of encounter: A spice runner received a shipment request for a large amount of spice to be delivered to Felucia, no location was given but the nearest coordinates were incorrect and he ended up at the Republic military base. The Actual recipient, (Crime syndicate Dark Phase) found out about the delivery being miss placed and ended up sending his trandoshan goons to retrieve what was his. The Trando and his droid after having their ship destroyed ended up getting detained and arrested/scrapped.
  15. +1 Great player and roleplayer and is a pillar of the SOBDE group we currently have.
  16. FAT +1 this guy is a great player and came to me to get TR today and actually has jumped intot he deep end and started training new players already with in an hour, I see major potential.
  17. -1 Not seeing the activity I would like of a staff member and distinctively remember you completely trash talking server.
  18. +1 Darkk despite you being a defect 78.52% of the time you mean absolutely well and my time spent with you on server has been memorable.
  19. -1 For now just due to the fact when I see you ingame I don't see any exuding staff aspects from you. If I see you prove yourself I will change this but for now its a -1 from me.
  20. +1 Was previous staff awhile back like AWHILE and is make good waves as a trooper in 21st, wouldnt mind him joining the staff team!
  21. +1 Good Naval and is pretty mature would be a good fit for Staff.
  22. Easily one of the best players on server and very mature, would lvoe to have him in 21st. +1
  23. +1 Real life takes priority just keep up with LOA/ROA's and you'll be fine!
  24. Despite being a weeb returning high staff is always welcome in my book!
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