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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Forseen

  1. Sorry I didn't get to this thread earlier. Have you cleared out your Garry's Mod cache and unsubscribed to no longer used addons? These can increase load times when joining a server, including servers that aren't using them. @Luther @meowthemeower
  2. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on the forums or website // LOCKED // MOVED TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  3. Thank you for all the hard work you've put into this community to make it into what it is. We wouldn't be where we are today without your influence, hard work and dedication. It's very unfortunate that you didn't stick around to get that shiny Director tag as I feel that through all the lessons you've learnt over the time you've spent here and the times you were passed up, you would have been the best of us all. I wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors and I hope you keep in touch. The community won't be the same without your influence.
  4. Spawns are back on server now Question Answered
  5. Hey, I've brought his up with Maxwells and he was planning to get around to it however some other things have come up at the moment. It will be looked into shortly!
  6. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  7. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  8. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  9. Due to the amount of server resources that the Witcher Gates require to use and the amount of potential issues that the Witcher Gates can cause, the Founder team and Development team have come to the conclusion that the current version of the addon is not suitable to the main server. Should the addon be updated, we may revisit this thought process at a later date, but until then this will remain as an instant denial. * Yes anything is possible with further development, however this is not something that we will be prioritizing or allocating development resources to for quite some time. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  10. The only resignation I've actually replied to in a long, long time. The times shared with you mucking around are some of my fondest of memories of the people in the community, ranging from times on server, off server and the arguments we had about the smallest insignificant things that we were both too stubborn to agree when the other person was right lol. I hope you don't become a stranger man, keep in touch so you can keep kicking my ass in smite and teach me how to be better.
  11. Sorry but there will never be a time in this community where the community will vote on who becomes a Director or Head Admin, simply due to the level of trust and control of the server that we give the people within these roles. They are trusted by our Community Leadership team (Management+) to lead the community in the direction they feel is fit and generally that goes unhindered by our leadership team. In terms of this; This is where High Command and High Staff may use their better judgement, if there's a fairly even spread of +1 and -1 (yes that includes if it is overall more negative by a few votes) on whether or not these people are worthy of an interview. This is where votes get looked at as do you just dislike someone or is there a reason for this. This is where leaving a comment with context helps. But overall, You say you have a big problem, but I don't see a suggestion posted by you with a solution to fix the so-called issue?
  12. The community votes for people to obtain positions in Server High Command. Those people are then entrusted to make decisions based on what happens within the server. It's like the house of representatives. You as a citizen don't get a say on every decision. You elect people that the general populous feels would best represent them and allow that person to make the decisions and changes or arguments against changes as they see fit as you elected them. If you don't like the fact that these changes are being made without you being asked, then either; A. Run for a High Command position so you can be involved in the change making process. or B. Elect a new representative. ie. Don't +1 the person when they apply next.
  13. Just because there's 2 names in lore doesn't mean we have to use both...
  14. LOVE THESE Hate the cringe edge-lord bits at the end.
  15. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  16. Hey there, great question! Unfortunately without the resources for us to do a larger scale test on the update without everyone seeing the new and exciting surprises that we had planned, we encountered a lot of bugs which make the game either unplayable for some people (such as skill points not working) or major inconveniences. These have taken our top priority spot and due to the amount of work we are doing and will need to be doing behind the scenes now (it's currently non-stop working for our dev team) we can't confidently open this back up just quite yet. Once more of the major issues are fixed with the server and things are running smoothly again, we will discuss the possibility of opening these again. Hard to give the proper attention to suggestions when we are so busy with hotfixing and squashing bugs. Hope this helps.
  17. Any group that @Mazen isn't in, is my favourite.
  18. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
  19. Unfortunately, this suggestion has been DENIED. If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied. // LOCKED // MOVED TO [CW] SERVER SUGGESTIONS - DENIED
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