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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. Lol what not, you remind me of that mom from good luck Charlie
  2. Wrecker likes chicken @Regional... HBU?
  3. Why don’t you just ban the IP of his IP big brain :Pepehands:
  4. +1 Hell yeah vango ive been a game helper in some of your events and they’re not to bad!
  5. +1 I’ve had some really good interactions when talking with you. Would love to have you as Neyo!
  6. Neutral... How old is kal tho?
  7. Your rep, it’s minez HAHAHHAHA
  8. But that would ruin all the fun *Thanos:Smile*
  9. If I see you driving a Jeep one more god damn time I swear to the lord tachanka himself kid +1
  10. Lol I can’t imagine anyone else but you being doom on this server. Play cs more though nerd +100000000
  11. LOL brah you are one weird fuckin guy +1
  12. Holy shit bro. Thank you for making me an expert wielder of the baton. You’ll go down In the ol’ synergy history book as one of the legends brother. o7
  13. By filing an LOA you acknowledge that using the LOA to deliberately avoid performing your staff duties will result in removal from the staff team without notice. IMPORTANT: If you are going on an LOA for more than a month please contact a Director first before posting it. Otherwise you may be removed from staff. Name: Sniff Staff Rank: Veteran administrator Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 17th - 24th Reason: I'm going on a week long vacation to jamaica Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Hell Yeah Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yesir
  14. +1 Fuck yeah you got damn cutie, I TR Trained this boyo and lemme tell ya he's one hell of a goober
  15. 10/10 Loved the rp with the base ops, and I had a fun time doing a bunch of tech and EOD RP
  16. +1, good job you fixed the app up a bit...
  17. AWwww why is my fucking dad leaving :'( I'll miss you
  18. 10/10 Loved the story line, and the rp we had between maul and ventress
  19. Loved the event, Great mix between rp with the scientist that I liked a lot, as well as a confrontation by the CIS which caused us to hold our position and have a brief standoff between the battalions and the sepies! 10/10
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