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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. Cloud = Gey Change my mind?!.,'!/"]\(*
  2. +1 Wow, they're supposed to put their name in the ban, and he also said, "don't appeal" smh. where's the professionalism.
  3. You're actually a dirty little hacker toggle off nerd, you've been SHADOWED PLAYED AND REPORTED @JBFox
  4. Sorry sir, I don't know what your talking about. I would prefer my lawyer to be present in the room.
  5. @TinoviousYou could put a whole ass essay in here lmfao
  6. Feel you, we should run CSGO some time.
  7. Sorry Rocksteady, this isn't personal, I really do like you man, I just have the feeling like you're not entirely committed to 327th at the moment. One thing I want to see more from you is actually being with people from 327th, keeping them entertained and giving them things to do in game, so that you're able to keep recruits that you get, because they want to feel welcome and feel like they want to be there... Another point I have to make, you want to Build a "strong NCO base that can bring many new members in, but also ensure that they are well trained." If you want to do this, why are you waiting until you get the BCMD Bly spot? You can build a NCO base and get them trained and disciplined as a COL but I just haven't seen this from you lately. If you have done something like this, that maybe I haven't noticed, please tell me... In my personal opinion, the other candidate would be more fit to lead this battalion, and possibly bring it out of the rut that it's been stuck in. 327th needs some fresh blood, so for now I'll have to keep it at a -1. Good luck to you brother.
  8. Name: Sniff Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:188628909 Staff Rank: Vet Admin Were you VIP: Ya Date: 9/7/2019 Reason for leaving: I've put a lot of time and effort into staff, and I feel like I've burned myself out, and I just don't like being staff anymore like I did at first. The staff work i'm doing is honestly just taking away from what I really want to be doing which is RP'ing on the server and playing my character and being with friends. I may return to the staff team in the future, but for now I want to take a break. I'm gonna be staying on the server and everything, just resigning from staff. Farewells: None because i'm not leaving the server dent heads.
  9. +1, Cool Event Idea, would love to see what else you have in stock!
  10. I mean chief went to basic training, he got the respect beat into him, big +1 Good luck
  11. Could always use the extra helping hand... +1
  12. +1 Ez Clap, biggest promo of all time watch it. Anyways... you better stay Corr or I'll eat you
  13. Name: Sniff SteamID: STEAM_0:0:188628909 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 3351:26:18. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: Like a 5 or 6 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Pretty Decent Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: One of my events that I did was "The Bith Band Assassins" Basically, it was a group of 4 Bith who were disguised as a Bith Band, but they were really assassins, and they were sent by the CIS to come and kill a Republic Intelligence Agent that the Base was harboring. Pretty much 2 of the Bith ended up dying due to their cover being blown, and The other 2 had to escape, and the republic intelligence agent lived. I was thinking of doing a Part 2 where the Bith that survived and escaped come back to try and and assassinate the Agent. The republic may or may not recognize them, and if they do or don't the Event could go 2 different ways. A super stealthy mission for the Bith, or a fully fledged battle with blood, where they bring in their CIS reinforcements, and it's just an outright war in courtyard. Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):
  14. +1 No doubt you could handle this. Anyways... 327th needs some fresh blood.
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