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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. +1, can't go wrong with more game masters to keep the server up and active with solid events. +1 from me, good luck man....
  2. Other than that, the app is actually not too bad... I wish you the best of luck, you have my support! +1
  3. Really great guy, awesome trainings everytime I pull you for a training lol, would love to work alongside you bother. +1 from me chief
  4. 10/10 Really loved the shoot em up, also a fun seperate deployement with just shock which was really cool.
  5. 8/10 loved the shoot em up from my side
  6. You seem like a great guy when I've talked with you in game... You totally have the experience to become staff, so this is an easy +1 from me chief. Good Luck.
  7. The app is really short, and there is so much missing that is wanted from a Battalion Commander Application. Not only that, but during my time in the 327th, I honestly didn't see you that much. You just kept taking like 2 week Loa's consecutively... To get 327th out of the state that it's in, its gonna take an active battalion commander, with a lot of experience, who is able to build a strong officer core, and get a lot of NCO's to help build the battalion. In my professional opinion, I don't think you'll be able to do that, so I'm going to have to -1 you. Good luck man....
  8. +1, Really great guy, awesome to be around. I want you flying alongside us as a floating talz model. Wish you the best of Luck!
  9. +1, With the interractions I've had with you, you seem like a very positive person, and dedicated to the server. Would love you on board the staff team. Good luck!
  10. +1, Please Omalic, Please Please Please Get this, I've been waiting a long time for this to come. You deserve it, all the work you've put into 501st, I want to see what you could do with all of the Attack Battalions as a whole. Good luck brother. I really hope you get this....
  11. +1, 187th Needs a Leader, and I'm sure you're more than capable, and willing to take up the responsibility. Best of Luck to you.
  12. +1 I've seen you around a lot in game, and I've had nothing but good interactions with you. Would love to have you on board the staff team! Best of Luck!
  13. +1 I swim for my school as well! would love to conversate with a bit but anyways, you would seem like a great addition to the staff team. Best of Luck!
  14. +1 We do need more people joining the staff team, and you don't seem like a bad guy. I would just recommend adding a bit more to your app so that we know a little more about who you are as a person. Best of Luck!
  15. +1 Willing to fill the position, and take up the responsibilities. Best of Luck to you!
  16. Understandable... just try next time to get someone to take over possibly, maybe one of your game helpers, or another game master, just to finish the event so it doesn't just end at the peak of the event.


    I'm not gonna -1 this right away, but please edit your appeal. Just click on the server name to attempt to join, and it should show the information of who banned you and how long and why. Please get some evidence to help your case. We want nothing but to help you out bud, but you just need to fix this....
  18. +1 You seem like a nice guy, with great intentions... would love to have you on the staff team!
  19. 1/10 Event ended early, GM Dipped, after everything blew up. Yikes from me.
  20. I’m going to send in my war crime committer lead @Usefulgamer Deploy yourself as well as your forces.
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