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Medal of Honor
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Everything posted by ISNIFFPROPANE

  1. 10/10 Super fun deployement, I liked how it was a mix of shoot em up and rp, shooting the trandos, while at the same time rping the interrogation with the leader, super fun!
  2. Omg stop flexing dude you're making me blush[NO HOMO]. But dead ass, if you keep flexing so hard you're gonna shit yourself....
  3. 10/10 Fun Late night event when nothing was going on, and I had a lot of fun from my side...
  4. +1 Jesus Christ you fucking cutie. WO-->BCMD. Now you abouta do a NA--->HA
  5. Fun ass late night event, I loiked it alawt!
  6. I haven't known you for that long, but all these people seem to think you're cute. So I'm gonna +1
  7. Holy shit be Papa Cin Drallig already...
  8. I never put that in this suggestion lmao
  9. I've changed the suggestion a bit, if anybody wants to take a second look... Again if you want me to change anything about the suggestion to make it less OP or anything I can do that just put it in your reply
  10. They Can make it different than perma weapons just like when they gave Darman a bowcaster and just named it "Darman's bowcaster" But they buffed the bowcaster when in this case im asking them to nerf it..


    We're gonna rethink this, and Our squad lead will come out with a more refined suggestion for all of delta squad as a whole
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