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Posts posted by BlackBerry

  1. RP Name: 501st SGT Berry

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:234472636

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 18

    Timezone: CST

    What was your previous staff rank?: Senior Admin? (Highest reached was Veteran Admin)

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: School / Personal Life

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): It's 8 am and a CC needs training! Nobody else seems to be up and its a grand shame because I can read off these walls no problem. I also want to make events again and build dupes. Also I've joined a battalion so I'm going to be on a lot so I might as well help out while I'm here. To add more about my Game Master plans: I wish to create events with pervasive storylines that prioritize the user experience and incorporating a lot of roleplay, though I plan to balance out this intense roleplay with shoot'em up aspects. I've noticed a general deficiency of events and good ones at that and I plan to change that once I get into the staff team by being an active member with many events and I want to maintain a general level of good quality. 

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I think my previous time was a little short but the time before that was some of the best roleplay and fun I had as a staff member and as a clone. I enjoyed creating events as a part of the Game Master team and as a GMO, I would sink hours of my personal time into creating events and drafting storylines and I had such a good time. Let's restore this server to the glory it deserves!

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Ya

    // ((As a Galactic Marine I am tasked to uphold the core tenets of "Character, Courage, Commitment, Honor, Leadership, Professionalism, and Respect" I plan to uphold those of leadership and professionalism first and foremost as a staff member.)) // Removed in edit after transfer to 501st

  2. Name: BlackBerry

    Steam ID:

    Staff Rank: SA

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 2/1/22

    Reason for leaving: IRL, School, Work, ETC.

    Farewells: I wanted to apologize to the staff team for committing to rejoining and doing so not only in full stride but full focus, neither of which I provided, shirking even my base responsibilities. I wanted to apologize because it took me too long to acknowledge my negligence. And I wanted to say that I'll be back, one day, in full stride and ambition. Until then, may the force be with you.

    • Friendly 1
  3. Name: blackberry

    Who helped (If applicable): embark

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): n/a

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): shootem up, droids, landers, booms

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: yes


  4. Name: BlackBerry

    Who helped (If applicable): Whataburger

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): n/a

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Occupation of Aurek, Courtyard Assault; late night shoot'em up

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no


  5. RP Name: BlackBerry

    Steam ID:

    VIP (Y/N): Y 

    Age: 17

    Timezone: CST

    What was your previous staff rank?: VA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: School, Personal Life, Burnt Out

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I am rejoining the server and have regained interest, I would like to contribute to the community once again while I am here. I see a lot of events happening and I would like to be a part of the process of making them as I enjoyed doing so in the past and I think I could help provide enjoyment to people. I also would love to have the luxury of building, the result of which would be used for the server. Finally, being able to spawn NPC's as a part of events, encounters, and trainings is very convenient and useful, and I would do such appropriately.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I believe I was quite productive during my previous time as staff, I produced a number of events, as well as helped and oversaw others' production of events. I served as GMO for a time and worked well with the GMO team, helping both there, and as a VA in VA meetings to try and make the GM branch the best I could while I was in it. Near the end of my involvement, I was a lot less engaged and began to become inactive before resigning due to a busying personal life. 

    I would like to acknowledge that my schedule still is somewhat busy, with both school and work, however I believe I will be able to provide sufficient service as a staff member between this, do to my ability to be flexible with my schedule (usually making up for lost activity in prime time with a lot of activity during down time i.e 2-4am CST). I believe I am better equipped now to work around my busy schedule as I believe I have improved my time management skills. 

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

    If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, you are aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you down to the rank of Admin): Yes, I plan to be a Game Master

  6. Name: Blackberry

    Staff Rank: VA

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:234472636

    Are you VIP?: Yes

    Date: 9/11/21

    Reason for leaving: I know, as of the past weeks to a month or so, my activity and productivity has been in a steep decline. I would like to apologize for not making one of these sooner given such a trend. I now have neither the time nor passion to continue being an active/productive member of the staff team. In order for me to be successful in life right now, it is best that I leave the community for the time being. Thank you for understanding.

    Farewells: I am not going forever, however the duration is, as of right now, indeterminable. If there is one thing that I experienced one this server that was both the best and worst part of it, it was the people. I love some of you guys, you made it great to be on here :)
    @Caidoon - I know you already resigned and all but I really did/do think of you as a friend. LMK anytime you want to do something, I clear some time
    @Vicodin - Yeah you left too, but I hope if either of you still stalk the forums you see this. Vicodin, you got me to join 212th. I path I am glad you talked me into. I got to know you well, and we talked and we shot the shit, it was fun man. anytime, lmk
    @Katy - Thank you for everything! It was really nice to meet you and get to know you. Thank you for being the only person in ts sometimes, its fun to talk to you <3
    @Cox - Delta squad was a blast, love ya man
    @Marshh - Who?
    @Bacta - Idk why, but I kinda look up to you. Please keep the server fun, between your events and your drama, honestly a great part of logging on :)
    @Eclipse - <3
    @Spieler@MaterWelon@Mavelle - [Parjai] Parjai, sir! You three made 212th the best for me, you are all so creative and kind. It was a pleasure to meet and play w/ you guys
    @Marshh -asked. GOTTEM
    @Onyankonpon@Satan@Jovanovic - Shitters <3 Trolls the lot of ye
    Yall from SOBDE who I haven't already tagged, probably one of the best times I had, both on Gmod and Modded minecraft @Thunder@Conrad @Brooklyn
    Same for 212th, @Pog@GlizzyGlock0

    Anyone else that I have forgotten, I love yall. You guys can be not cringe at times <3

    • Friendly 4
  7. Name: blackberry

    Staff Rank: veteran admin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:234472636

    Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible):  8/30-9/19

    Reason: Want to get my feet on the ground firm this school year. Time is fickle and I want to prioritize college and my current school year. Thank you for understanding 

    Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes

  8. Mavelle :D 

    I very much enjoyed playing this event. I think there was a little bit of confusion in terms of where to go at points however I am not sure if that is just due to us being defective. I really loved the plot development with the interlude voice clips and stuff. I really enjoyed the spawning and world building with the consoles and the different type of enemies you used. The bodies and small text narrations, the attention to detail, beautiful. I think the only issue I had was the difficulty. I wasn't quite sure at to the consequences of my actions, or what was available to be interacted roleplay wise. By this, I mean I wasn't entirely sure how much of the items could be or were supposed to be developed through the intended main storyline rp vs developed/interacted with passive RP wise. It just felt a little awkward self governing roleplay boundaries. The GM duties were attended to amazingly, the spawning made sense and worked well with the map. Extremely well done for the plot and it's development. It was a very enjoyable event, I had a lot of fun.


    • Winner 1
  9. Event Critique / Rating


    • Layout - The layout of the first map through the internal sections was like playing through the Republic Commando game. The map building in terms of covers and obstacles was very good for the close quarters combat and level progression. Spawning in some portions in relation to map design and map drawbacks was, at times, lag inducing. Although I think that was a drawback more specifically of the first map itself.
    • Content - The dupes were very good, they worked well to help the flow of progression. Cover was places well whilst accounting for prop budget and wide opens spaces where not a lot of cover is really needed. Of course the detail work in the building is great as ever. The build for the Sith Lord on Naboo was just an expert implementation of RP whilst fool proofing and allowing for monologue/exposition. Some areas were a little poor, some invisible props on the first map that I got stuck on. And then sometimes just the aneurysm that occurred with npc collision  with a prop and the subsequent lag hurricane. Although this was isolated, and these mistakes were easily overlooked in relation to the rest of the good content.



    • Exposition/Rising Action - I very much enjoyed that we were thrown immediately into combat with the interludes of the evil villain goading us on. There was a bit off passive building with dead bodies and stuff, there could've been more in terms of lore world building to make this event the next tier from what it was. However, what was there, and what was expounded upon through active roleplay, was amazing and enough most definitely. The scene in the reactor room was fantastic! The sith lord using the force for like a stasis field was just perfect *mwuah! chef's kiss* . 
    • Climactic Engagement - The main engagements and battles were good, the swarming zombies, the aquatic troopers, the hoard and mandalorians. It was very well implement through tiers of waves in different disconnected sections. It was very well done and synergized with the progression of the story. The spawning in relation to story beats was very good. The dynamic flexibility was a major strong suit of your events and this one. Some issues health wise only with the aqua troopers having like a billion health LOL. /hj <3
    • Transitional Periods - The Venator roleplay was a little bit clunky at times, and was a little bit long winded. Although, I must admit: I am a sucker for venator roleplay, so I very much enjoyed it. I liked the dupes in place and the interactions that could be had. I did feel a little lost at times, and the subsequent confusion lead to me walking around a bit. I wish if you had incorporated using things like crafting or locating additional items / buffs is always nice and something I am a sucker for. It wasn't really clarified what we could do. However, things on the umbara map (final map) were always very engaging so well done! 

      I think a this point I have surmised the majority of what I want to incorporate in a rating. I wanted to write this out because the event was extremely good and enjoyable. Therefore, I want to give you indepth feedback so that they can be this way in the future (as I know they well be thanks to your standards of quality). Very well done, you said you winged it a lot, which happens most events, but perhaps design in a definite ending place / conclusion to the plot. Although, perhaps it is to be left open for character influence. I think your intuition will you both well as it has done in the past! Well done - 9/10
    • Winner 2
    • Informative 1
    • Friendly 1
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