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Posts posted by BlackBerry

  1. +1 Yes! I know this guy.

    Very pragmatic, Brak is no nonsense and knows what needs to be done. He is a very capable officer as of now, not only maintaining a large portion of the high command of 501st, but also utilizing his resources by collaborating with his officers, the previous Rex, and server High Command. He has the experience and potential to do extremely well here.

    • Winner 1
  2. Name:  BlackBerry

    Who helped (If applicable): n/a

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): n/a

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 501st and 41st cleared an infestation

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  3. 5 / 5 / 5 

    Absolutely amazing event! I love this dupe, you've used some similar before, and each time the care and effort put in is quite spectacular! You've done amazing work here. Stayed entertaining the entire time, while maintaining rigor and fun. Model event for real! 

    Amazing work to the 212th, your medics, your 2ndAC, and your coordination are absolutely amazing. 

    Thank you for allowing the Galactic Marines to participate!

  4. BOMB ass event! 5/5/5 
    some EOD rp! Explosive entrance from the munificent! 
    212th Really Defused that situation by shooting it down with the AA cannons.


  5. 1 minute ago, Wosy said:

    Honorable Troopers,


    Today, we stand here victorious, having emerged from battle as conquerors. Each one of you fought with unwavering determination and courage, and for that, we are grateful. We faced a formidable opponent, but we did not waver, we did not falter, we did not back down. Instead, we stood strong, with our weapons in hand and our hearts on our sleeves, ready to defend what we hold dear. I am proud to stand here among you, to have witnessed your bravery firsthand. We faced incredible challenges today, but we rose to the occasion, meeting each challenge with determination and grit.


    Our enemy threw everything they had at us, but we remained steadfast, fighting with honor and integrity. Today, we did not fight for glory or for fame. We fought for something far more important: the safety and well-being of our people. We fought for the values that make us who we are. We fought for the future that we want to build, one that is filled with peace, prosperity, and opportunity for all. Our victory today was hard-won, but it is a testament to the strength of our will and the power of our unity. Let us not forget the sacrifices that we have made, nor the price that we have paid. We have lost some of our own, but we shall honor them by carrying their memories in our hearts and continuing to fight with the same resolve that they had. In the days and weeks to come, we shall continue to face challenges, but I am confident that we shall overcome them. Our spirit remains unbreakable, our resolve unshakable.


    We shall continue to march forward, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, until we achieve the peace and prosperity that we seek. Thank you all for your unwavering commitment and for the sacrifices that you have made. Today, we celebrate our victory, but let us not forget that the battle is not over. Our journey continues, and I am proud to stand beside each and every one of you as we take on the challenges that lie ahead.




    Senator Bail Organa

    I aint readin all that

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