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Everything posted by Trixx

  1. +1 Is one of my good Havoc Boyos, this app is short af tho
  2. +1 Need more staff and you seem like you would do a good job so good luck!
  3. +1 Good app and good guy, good luck!
  4. +1 Sure, wasn't here for the events you used to do but I heard they were pretty epic.
  5. Hello Pot, I'm Trixx good to officially meet ya.
  6. +1 I expect more cringe this next term and I will be upset if you don't.
  7. -1 I'm not sure what's going on but I personally could care less about experience from other servers. You have to know the regiment you're applying for itself, all this experience wont help you. Plus right this second we don't really need a specialized commander, all the BCMD's are kicking ass right now. I appreciate you trying but I'm not sure if you spoke with any of the BCMD's but you need more experience if you're serious about the position and not just wanting a promotion.
  8. this is pretty epic not gonna lie, you seem dedicated to synergy. -1 tho go get like an hour on the server then we can talk
  9. +1 even if you forgot all about me I suppose you will be an amazing reg commander lel
  10. +1 As useless said, you have a very strong application. Both candidates will be great no matter what good luck!
  11. +1 You have done really well with Bad Batch so id like to see what you can do for another term. Both candidates are good tho!
  12. -1 People above me stated some good reasons for a -1, but mine is all about the application effort man. You have some experience in the specialized but it would be best if you had gotten more from the other battalions. I don't think you're a bad guy and I don't have any problems with you but this is not your time I don't think, if I could still neutral I would but I have to vote either way. I do wish you the best tho and if you get it prove me wrong my man I hope you do.
  13. +1 I dont see why not, you did good so keep it going!
  14. Massive +1 This man has busted his ass from enlisted to BCMD since I was XO last time. He has put the work into this battalion and there is no one id rather serve under right this second. Trust me Shake I am beating it out of him little by little lol
  15. played ESO for a while but I love WoW now so
  16. We literally just switched maps like just, nothing is going to be perfect at the start its a process. Posts like this doesn't help anything my guy.
  17. Fair enough lmao add on the jedi force jumping everywhere in the base and we'll talk
  18. Delete your map file in addons folder and try again
  19. Trixx

    New Map Leak

    When Joah starts flipping through the server suggestions with an accepted and denied stamp lel
  20. I feel like your application is hella strong, despite what some might think you're not a mean person lol you really care about SOBDE and it shows. You have a great history in SOBDE, they like you. My only thing is please take baby steps if needed don't rush everything and get burnt out, you can do this. +1
  21. I preferred to see Captain Kaiser but I guess it will work lol. Welcome back my man good to see ya
  22. Name: Trixx Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102554730 Staff Rank: Senior Administrator Were you VIP: Yes Date: 8/4/2019 Reason for leaving: Burnt out on staff and its making me a really bad staff member. I only wanted to help the players and community but I'm not needed right now, i am going to stick to being a player for a long time and then see where it takes me later on. Farewells: Just leaving staff.
  23. -1 My guy why? I don't care about the timing, your app is seriously weak my guy. I know you're experienced but you should work on the app more.
  24. Trixx


    Interesting, it would certainly help EOD evolve but a nice new helpful thing for gamemasters. +1
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