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Everything posted by Trixx

  1. -1 I have literally seen him in game lol maybe its your time difference? He does a lot behind the scenes for BO as well and it isn't the Admiral or BCMD's job to meet all the new recruits. Its nice and they should get to know him but if hes busy hes busy simple as that. He has an active XO and officers so there should be literally no problem. No offense but from what interactions iv had with you, you seem confused about some things on the server still even involving BO. Not to mention you lack the experience needed in a BCMD type position even more so a high command spot. I'm not trying to call you out I am stating facts that I have witnessed. Maybe you didn't mean to word it that way? Not sure but a clarification on that would be nice
  2. Heyo, welcome to the community. Hope you enjoy your time here and your time in the DU family.
  3. Damn man, I remember when we used to be TR's together on the Extensive map. I was pulling for you a lot but ya know that typa shit happens. I'm going to miss seeing you around here, take care of yourself my man.
  4. 9/10 Events are hard to enjoy these days
  5. +1 Like I said ya both have my vote because you both can do the job!
  6. I'm going to +1, I understand Agents concerns and I hope you do too because they're valid. However, and I am not accusing anyone here of anything but people on Synergy always seem to use having a real life or having to deal with things as an excuse to -1 something. We all have to remember at the end of the day this is a video game and if it gets to a point where you wake up and feel the need to get on the game and don't want to, or you hate having to be a Commander+ then the simple answer is resign or take a break. No where does it state you must treat this like a 9-5 job and get paid nothing for it, I am expecting the dumbs but this point is completely valid. Again activity IS important but don't ever feel like you are forced to get on the server when you don't want to. If anyone tells you differently they're simply wrong plain and simple. I think you can do this job, that being said I also think the next candidate can also do this job so you will both get my +1 at the end of the day I wish you good luck my man.
  7. -1 I'm going to have to agree with some peeps above me, you're a good guy and all but Black is just the better candidate for now in my eyes. I want to see what some fresh eyes can bring.
  8. I have an even better idea, lets just made DU as sub unit of 41st and then keep Commander Dooms pay the same and then maybe just maybe we can all hold numbers ;-; P.S. the great number down fall of 2019, not a slight or insult towards GM plz dont hurt me
  9. In my full honest opinion I think he made a mistake, he is new to Synergy and I think to the idea of Star Wars RP in general if I'm not mistaken. I tried him out for Dooms Unit and he was very polite, laid back, and nice during my entire encounter with him. I do not believe he is here to minge, he just wants to play a game on his down time like the rest of us nerds. +1 from me champ, good luck and hope to see you back sooner.
  10. Well damn, some of this app hurt my eyes but overall a damn good one. +1
  11. Some people are just actual dent babies i guess
  12. Massive o7 I need you to stay as Doom tho no cap because I can't deal with all these beans by myself.
  13. So I just wanted to post this here to let people get a better idea of what I am all about and what my roleplay character is about, it has come to my attention that some people may think I'm an asshole in game or over the top. If you have heard me in game I yell, I am stern and I don't put up with bullshit because in my mind that's who Brimstone is and what he's all about. In the Havoc Squad background he is stern, honorable, and does whatever it takes to make sure the men serving under him stay alive. I love my boys in Dooms Unit and I love to have fun but I am strict and serious when needed. In no way do I want my roleplay character to reflect who I am in real life and outside of the game in TS. I have always had since the day I joined Dooms Unit back on the extensive venator an extreme passion for the battalion. I simply fell in love with DU and everything it stood for, and trust there were some bad times for DU on that map. There were days where I was high command in DU and we had maybe 3 people on at a time? There were other times where the drama escalated so highly that it made me break down in real life not because I'm weak but because I loved DU and was watching ot being torn apart. I have been XO for 3 different Dooms now, each running the battalion differently and me trying to help make decisions and guide them. If I ever seem harsh about certain things in DU its because iv spent a long time just like people before me to build a strong foundation. I fell in love with Synergy from day one, I fell in love with DU since day one, and I don't want people to think im here for the wrong reasons or that I am a bad person. Being able to be Brimstone has been an honor so far and its something that I love playing as. Again being an XO for Dooms Unit has been an absolute blast, I have had my ups and downs but it has been a blessing to be able to meet so many people and make some really amazing friends along the way. At the end of the day this is a video game and I probably sound dumb but I honestly couldn't picture myself anywhere else but in Dooms Unit helping it any way I possibly can for as long as I can. If I have ever at one point offended anyone or truly hurt someone's feelings outside of RP then I apologize greatly. I'm a person of passion and when I get that passion for something I go full force to make sure it succeeds. If you read this or a little bit then I hope you get where I'm coming from, sorry if this post is ass and all over the place.
  14. +1 you bean, still remember when you did my ARFL stuff on the Extensive Venator. Good man!
  15. A long time ago we had our issues with one another, you as SOBDE REG me as DU XO but that is where i started to earn respect for you as well. We were both extremely passionate about what we were doing and talking about and at the end of the day that earns so much respect. Massive +1 You always put 110% effort into what you do and this wont be any different.
  16. +1 I literally hate the fact that its all underlined but its a good app and you're a hell of a Commander. Save the 501st and give them an active Rex because they deserve it.
  17. Yeah there is spikes of drama shooting up a lot these days sadly. Welp RIP you were a good staff member
  18. +1 An application where the applicant actually spoke to the regiment BCMD's? Shocking. Good luck guy
  19. Now this is an interesting one, can't say I know many people who would be willing to step down from almost the highest rank to help a struggling battalion get back on track I respect the hell out of that. Big +1
  20. 6/10 I thought it was creative but there was some scuff to it.
  21. I started playing SWRP specifically CWRP back when the ugly ass marshmallow models were released and there wasn't even the base Venator map yet. I fell in love with CWRP and quickly became a very cringe worthy child that had a hard time with real life interactions. It might sound dumb but in a big way over the years, CWRP has helped me build social skills and has for sure crossed over into my real life. Today I work in the law field and I probably would have never gone for it had I not been able to be as social. So in short, CWRP might piss me off sometimes and even get kind of boring but its something that I think I will always come back to because of the way its helped me in my actual life. And yeah I can still be pretty cringe lmao but I'm working on it
  22. +1 I was on my break when 187th was added but I was excited to see you guys on the server and you're dedicated and there is nothing I respect more. Good luck! Really nice application.
  23. Have you tried looking into your PC sound settings and making sure that the mic you're using is the system default output? Also might be a problem with your voice key bind, try and see if anything was rebound to that key at some point. If these don't work I have a couple more troublshooting methods we can try.
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