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Everything posted by Trixx

  1. I fully understand that you messed up recently which is why I am going to give my -1 I think you should wait a little longer and get back into things before going right back into staff.
  2. If you can fix the dullness in events and shit then +1 Also omegalul you toxic bean.
  3. Not sure if we ever met but I knew GoodTime, anyhow welcome back gamer!
  4. +1 Show us what you can really do in a second term.
  5. Trixx


    I have always said this and its something I believe in, a good leader needs to make change and set a base for those after him to follow and build upon. Sometimes that means throwing out the entire playbook and starting over with different ideas, Marvel from what I can guess just feels like he isn't done. To the others who are running they feel like they have the ideas and mindset that it takes to bring long term change, at the end of the day I respect them all for going for the position.
  6. RIP, I seen that CO app get shot down quickly. I hope you have some officers for BCMD lol anyways its totally understandable.
  7. +1 Changed to +1, the race has begun.
  8. +1 Obviously you care about SOBDE there is literally no doubt in my mind. I have had quite a few interactions with you and you're a very level headed and kind person who cares about Synergy and your regiment. The qualities combined with everything you have a achieved and passion is what puts you over in my opinion as the best possible person for this position.
  9. +1 Now Beasty, while sometimes we have our issues you still are a good person and care a lot about the server and have a lot of good ideas. You are one of my Havoc Squad defects and I love ya for it, but on the flip side you are also a hard worker and someone I can see doing good things for the staff team.
  10. Trixx


    Pretty neat stuff!
  11. This is my first ever Synergy PlayPack #1! Get now and play with your friends, keep an eye out for more exclusive packs coming soonTM.
  12. Omegalul Yeah they will open back up when the update drops, whenever that may be.
  13. Become a REG again then you will be the Hudson I knew.
  14. Bruh I was boutta break down and cry lmao In all seriousness I know I meme a lot but removing a battalion is a big move, this is something that has been brought up numerous times and lets be completely honest this time wont go anywhere either. People devote themselves to a battalion and bust their asses to make it their own, the only battalion I see removing is one with literally 0 active members in it and....yeah
  15. Alright Jayarr, I never really had interactions with you but you are a former Doom and I have always and will always love DU so we have that in common. I appreciate you trying to help the tension between us and a few of your boys. All and all, you were pretty alright my man.
  16. Omegalul Looks like my plans will have to go on
  17. Well if people played it smart like i do, be sort of toxic but with good points and then sneak in an insult somewhere and end with something positive.
  18. Enjoy your negative rep buddy and yes I am being toxic af. So I will see you on mY plAYer RepOrT. -1 kiddo
  19. Disagreeing with Boutineer is perfectly fine, its even important for a BCMD+ to hear thoughts an opinions. What is NOT acceptable is to not try and reach out to people or him even and then work together to change things he feels needs to be changed. I fully understand passion for a battalion, I have been XO for 3 different Dooms over a year and a half and I have had arguments but the important thing is to try and come to an understanding. I don't hate the guy, but he is digging himself a hole from each post he responds to. It is important to understand how Synergy works and how to handle something this sensitive. No shade but this shouldn't have happened at all.
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