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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. +1 don’t ge burned out again gamer
  2. Marvel

    CLan Wuud

    9/10 bc of Mandos Clan Wuud strikes back?
  3. +1 Foxtrot is in a bad spot right now and needs someone to put it on the right path and I believe that Jags can do it although I will miss him in Null. Good luck and hopefully Foxtrot will get on a good path
  4. +1 He's trading off a weapon that gives him an actual advantage at short to medium range so that he can RP as his character who in his lore has an actual sniper that can fire multiple rounds. Honestly this suggestion doesn't affect anyone in any way whatsoever so how you gonna minus one it lmao.
  5. 8/10 If you tch tch tch one more time imma shank shank shank you lol
  6. +1 (excuse my language but) Heck yeah!
  7. Marvel

    Clone 99

    That's the point. Why continue to mess with lore if it's already so messed up in it's current state? If anything we should be working on fixing the problems rather than adding onto them to make the server more immersive and such.
  8. Marvel

    Clone 99

    -1 Not lore accurate. There is teh argument that a lot of other things on the server but let's not add even more
  9. +1 I agree with this thought going through with it might be difficult
  10. +1 time to move on up boyo
  11. Marvel


    +1 If what Holo said about Nick is true then Nick was willing to lie in order to be staff for both servers. That's not really someone I want as staff imo, but it's hard to say this baout Nick bc all my experiences with him are positive. I do have to agree that this whole situation is making you both scummy and truthfully I mean no offense but this was a shitshow on your part Holo.
  12. +1 That event sounds like a plan ya?
  13. Where do you get your information dude lmao
  14. Marvel

    Come watch

    This is so sad. Can we please wipe the Shrek movies?
  15. You do realize we were reinstated right? It was just an oopsie.
  16. Really guys. If it wasn't for you we would probably be snorting cocaine or something lol. Info: If you do have problems or feedback, there are feedback forms (at least for Null) on our TS Channel. So if you have anything please fill it out or just go to a Squad Lead directly. Again tho thanks guys.
  17. Fat o7 brother Good luck with your exams and we await your return. Also I will get CT PFC one day I swear
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