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Everything posted by Rhyain

  1. u were eh b4 u become KIx now ur gucci
  3. just reset the map then boom
  4. -1 weak app and only seen you act mingy in game
  5. -1 see you minge multiple times dude
  6. HELL FUCKING NO DUDE. When I was in CG you caused us so much fucking trouble dude. 10+ arrests total all for just about the same reason too. ERP, FailRP, Disrespect, etc. You are just like the Kghonji guy before he was banned. Mingy and no intent to actual roleplay. If you couldn't tell, its a no for me dawg. -1
  7. +1 very good guy, active, friendly, and takes lead when needed.
  8. you resigned for 1 week lmao +1
  9. Wait what happen to ur New Admin?
  10. -1 One of yall ( Im guessing Dolvek I saw a lightsaber ) were spawning the shit out of MHBL. I was the only one there most of the time and everytime I cleared it out a whole shit ton spawned again. Also, droids popping out of thin air isn't how it works.
  12. He gon' find another girl and he wont miss yah.
  13. uhhhh i dont really think this needs a report but he shouldnt have acted the way he did neutral
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