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Everything posted by Daytona211

  1. +1 but it might make sense to combine PLT and ENG to prevent having too many subunits
  2. I can almost guarantee the devs will want to replace the sniper with a new sniper as it is easier to do for the developer. +1 this scope has been aids since the addon came out.
  3. +1 we should have never been given the clone minigun on all jobs.
  4. +1 I think the first map is interesting and provides alot of opportunities for us to do good sims. (I also have a softspot for venators) -1 on the other two. The planets are too small and event maps work better to represent planets.
  5. Daytona211

    Thorn's Z6

    +1 on all but the name change.
  6. @Pancakes I mean we give Jaing a sniper that isn't on the perma weapon shop. @ISNIFFPROPANE I am simply looking to suggets edits to the suggestion to make it easier to implement. The suggestion is fine but unless you are developing the addon it's hard to actually estimate the difficulty it would be to implement. You don't have to take it but from an intel perspective it is easier to support a suggestion that is easy to implement.
  7. Doubt it would be added as a body group. What I think is far easier and more likely is the dev adds a normal trooper model to the pilot job and whenever you are not doing pilot things you are dressed as a regular trooper. +1 I guess even though I don't think it's really needed as we would need to do this for everyone.
  8. -1 I don't think is is a worthwhile usage of the developers time (as this recharge IQA would need to be developed). I think utilizing a sniper that isn't on the perma weapon store would work fine for now. Sorry mate.
  9. mixed feelings. It is small and kind of lends itself to one particular type of event (ship attacks) on the other hand in the hands of a skilled gamemaster it could be used for numerous passiveRP events for one or two battalions. The question mainly is will our GM's be able to effectively do that? I'll +1 I have faith
  10. -1 This is an awesome system cudos to you Beb on the development That being said most discord bots are currently reliant on the shock arrest log google sheet so unless we maintain both this new !arlog and the old spreadsheet it will be hard for commanders to easily be notified of arrests. If we maintain both I will give it a +1.
  11. +1 on removing all the extra health. I think it's dumb that we have such a radical difference in trooper HP's. We need to be careful how much we buff certain jobs though commandos and ARC's can't be too high or we run the risk of making the main battalions less desirable. Also this is contingent on GM's nerfing damage output by droids
  12. my dad came home from looking for cigs. "Son, you wouldn't believe the line at the 7/11"
  13. This is referring to my old post from around a year ago Not going to restate everything I put there. The player base 100% appreciates the GM's that put int the time and effort to entertain us but there are certain things that should try to be improved some stand outs are 1. Documentation All events should have a somewhat detailed document (Examples: Operation: Broken Bark Operation: Sandy Wastes) which outlines the general flow of the event and what the progression of the event should be. For those that play D&D this should be pretty familiar. This has a multitude of benefits firstly it lets you think through the lore of your event and ensures that you aren't making any rash decisions that undermine the characters in your event (IE: A General who is an asshole but has a heart of gold doing something out of his character) it also allows if YOU crash or have to leave mid event another GM helping with the event can pickup the document and be able to carry the event through without the players noticing a difference. A clear example of this not being done was today when a GM crashed and instead we were originally going to just walk back to DB until the players voted to fight through some enemies first. While technical difficulties are infuriating they shouldn't be a problem if we prepare for events adequately. These are the things as stated above that I would like to see: Operation: Broken Bark Operation: Sandy Wastes Lack of story telling This isn't always the GM's fault it is easy to throw together a (Go here -> shoot this -> get that -> RTB) type of event that's why most games have side quests that are all about this fetch quests. We however should strive to have most of our deployments or encounters contribute to an overarching story or sense of immersion. Think of long strings of missions that have reoccurring characters with clear motivations, and objectives. Typically, this is a long process and is not always easy since most players prefer a style of run, and gun and not care so much about the why. You can improve this through interaction with average players have your character walk around the base and speak to troopers, or if you have a CIS aligned villain then have them leverage comms to communicate lore to players through DB or during an event. Long term deployments This is an exciting new opportunity due to the hard work of our map makers and developers whom provide maps for us to play on. This has been suggested before but I think it begs a reminder that we could have a unique CWRP experience through the use of extended deployments. Where we set up a campaign of events (lets call it 5 or so for the sake of this example) throughout the 5 events we spend time on a venator. This is because logically we would need to travel from planet, to planet. Upon arrival at the planet we deploy to the planet and conduct one of the events after which we would return to main and travel to the next planet. Finally when the campaign is completed we return to anaxes. Of course there can be other deployments spread throughout which can be role-played a few different ways. This could increase player immersion and interest in the story line being told. If you tell an engaging story the players WILL listen. Remember at the end of the day GM's are STORYTELLERS It is the job of the GM to tell an entertaining story with the players being pawns and interactive participants in that story. With that comes some bumps if the story doesn't go as planned but we have an overarching document that allows us to have the whole story down so it can be followed and critiqued. I hope current gamemasters take note of this and attempt to take parts of this advice and integrate it into their events.
  14. that seems like it's on the CO's to handle. The last thing we need is to add to the problem is to add another defcon which people will ignore
  15. in 3 days this will be stale but +1
  16. Daytona211

    VIP Classes

    similar to the encounters suggestion for me -1. We need supervision
  17. -1 on hyperspace I have used it before and found it hard to configure without ramming the ship into something. +1 on all others
  18. +1 Perhaps when we switch to the venator we disable this addon as it does have a setting to be disabled. When I was GM I would often enable the daynight cycle if we were in a planets atmosphere to increase immersion.
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