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Everything posted by meowthemeower

  1. +1 finally your super suited for staff also very mature
  2. +1 your new to RC but a squad lead is in charge of 3 other people and based of your experiences I think you can do it
  3. Umm so tbh this app is SMH you have no RC experience according to it you do not know the lore of your squad well that’s what your app says it has no detail and it’s very early so I’m not even gonna try to make this into bulletin point anyone that sees the app will see why I -1ed sorry don’t think your fit for this position
  4. Minge ????????????? Xd well I like the app so I’m gonna +1 due to me being inactive and not being home rn
  5. +1 The Cat on my pillow told me to -1 but F that guy also good app
  6. +1 The Dog on my lap told me to. -Meow
  7. @ZynerI’m sorry forgot about this due to me switching to TTt
  8. +1 sorry about my other post but TBH it sounded like you wanted to add broadcast and all that dumb stuff to the server if it’s just to change it then +1
  9. Well just make them 200k DMG and then we will be good like in the clone wars they 1 shot everything xd but for real watch the clone wars there good weapons that are equal if not better then the normal primary’s the clones used+1
  10. meowthemeower

    force powers

    This would be amazing but I don’t think it can be done but still +1
  11. +1 I’m just +1ing this because well It’s null why can’t they be better and hav whether things then everyone els
  12. I couldnt have said it better myself also you can copy your apps not other people’s apps without perms and well -1
  13. -1 there’s been so much drama caused so much disrespect in the 41st and well idk if it’s our time zones witch still shouldn’t be a ishue because from time to time I lm on the server for 14 hours and I never see think the last time iv seen you in game is 2 weeks ago maybe. I’m sorry I did like you but well drama
  14. Umm well I’m gonna say -1 I know I’m been inactive recently on CW but I still have never seen you maybe try to get yourself out there a little bit and well If this gets denied I hope you will apply again after you do that for now I will -1 have a good day - Meow
  15. So as a previous TRo as a staff they do. It need tr when they apply and after that they bypass the rank requirement and they get trained, and -1ing a app because they don’t have tr is no valid reason umm so based off of just the app because idk who you are I’m gonna +1 if anyone can tell me the full story that would be gladly appreciated have a good day
  16. +1 just want you to know I’m rooting for all the people applying
  17. +1 still may the best person win GL
  18. There’s many points leading to you not being fit for staff I didn’t throw any accusations out there I said I’m pretty sure you lied probably not but whatever this is a app the fact I’m stating things wrong with the app wrong with your character is the going in making a app sry if your mad I’m just speaking my opinion
  19. CO has at least 5 people hat have passed RC tryouts hmmm wasn’t that there job to basically make it so people can pass the big boys rc and null
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