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Everything posted by meowthemeower

  1. Soooo I have this glitch were when I log into the server at the end of sending client info I load in but my screen is black I can hear myself moving and shooting but I cant see anything other then blackness I currently use -dxlevel 81 and yes I can play in the server but I cant see material or some npcs if there is any fix please tell me also I crash every 30 minutes or so with -dxlevel 81
  2. @Variusgey also you get my +1 good app
  3. +1 good app @Turbinewhy am I eating so much I’m always hungry 😋 tell me plz
  4. honestly I got 2 emails saying you put this app up so I’m annoyed had to stop a YouTube video to look at those but it’s a nice app so +1 but your mean it was a great YouTube video
  5. RP Name:rn it’s jedi G ws LSI ace KVI Meow I’m on loa rn so hevent changed it and my clone is just a ct (maining jedi Steam id: STEAM_0:1:90701592 VIP (Y/N): yes Age:14 15 in 6 days Timezone:CST What was your previous staff rank?:it ‘twas admin Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT):nope (isn’t the ttt one dead?) Why did you leave the staff, team?: I left the staff team because problems with my life were popping up like school it started getting out of hand me staying up till 2 am to finish homework. My life was going downhill and I needed to fix that real life before games and I’m back now fixed all my problems well all the once’s I could. Soo yea that’s why I left the staff team I would rather leave before it becomes it problem then get removed for it.(probs some other reasons too but I can’t remember) Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?:I want to help out a lot more on the server and I have some time on my hands so why not do staff duties instead of sitting in a corner or standing around doing nothing. I recently started maining jedi hoping to get manager in my branch and I could help out and make the job a lot easier if I could set the trial helpers health. I know I just got back like 2 weeks ago something like that but I feel I’m ready to get back on the staff team and well do some great things. Sorry if this seems rushed I don’t really know what to say many people know I’m trash at Writing apps soo yea . And I just want to be a admin again I miss it and I miss the perspective admins have. I love this server it’s been apart of my life for a year now and I love giving back to it. So really I hope I can help new players fix problems help with events train ccs and all around make people happy and make them enjoy the server. I feel when I’m on a lot of staff arnt or there afk soo I can be on during those times. I have absolutely no life besides school and hanging out with my girlfriend soo yea I need things to do and this is the perfect thing to do in my opinion. That’s why I want to become a administrator I hope you consider my application. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:I completely understand (time to study 😂) If you -1 please leave a reason so if I don’t get this I can improve myself based off those -1s
  6. Also +1 cause 🐈❤️ Op boyyys
  7. So one thing to point out if a null member does something to get arrested there going to get kicked out or punished that’s why you almost never see them getting arrested and so if there were cg after you would you use a jet pack or speed boost? 😂
  8. Good app Wrong name (fix it) active I think can’t tell cause there in game name isn’t shown +1 …
  9. -1 I was told of you minging on the ttt server that I used to love (dead now 😂😂😂) but idk
  10. +1 @Carter ❤️ Don’t perma me xd I do believe 2 weeks should suffice for some dumb guy pretending to be someone
  11. +1 you seem power hungry but I know you will do a great job if you get this sooo good luck
  12. +1 @Acid Bunny I want to punch you square in the jaw for making my eyes hurt at the end or maybe it’s cause I hevent seen a bright light since I woke up ........ but good app and good luck off to the next app
  13. What was that boy wanna fight, what’s wrong with being in du? If you do have a problem a serous problem I could most likely fix it also good app +1
  14. +1 good app Quick question for the irl yes are you talking about a job? I just woke me up and this strikes me as odd idk why.
  15. +1 @Eggman I hated you at one point but I didn’t even know you 😂 your irl stuff is getting in the way of this but when I’m on I see a capable battalion one with good officers good amazing roots and most important amazing leadership wether it be you or anyone that’s on Keep up the amazing work and let your legacy keep rising good luck
  16. @Pythinwe have had some hard times together due to some dumb ass things but honestly I feel like your ready for this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo +1 best of luck ps do you still dislike me😞
  17. +1 I’ll maybe come back on the ship just to help with one of your events again
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