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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. -1 I don't think I need to add anything here since there is majority negatives. I.E. I don't have anything more to add.
  2. +1 I really don't know you however your reputation is well known and honestly, I think its worth more that someone from the outside is willing to jump into a situation that doesn't look great. Good luck on your app!
  3. -1 Same reason I didn't vote last time but I'll voice it out. With every concern and well shit heard about CG with zero respect given to the name, now I don't personally know you, I really don't understand how a major isn't already steering some of these issues or corrections in the right direction. Not to mention with little change, which I can be corrected on this, you didn't make it to interview. That only happens when the community who votes doesn't get above half positives. To be honest, the only real way I change this is some of the changes comes now rather then trying to build a legacy and do it as fox.
  4. 5/5/5 Well balanced and covered most of the training bases. Thanks!
  5. Conversation was short and good but to be fair besides my questions above, I didn't really have concerns. I wish you the best of luck this run. +1
  6. I can't comment on the whole Senate Commandos thing as I really don't know anything or honestly really care about SC, but from the conversation we just had I think you are on the right track for mindset. How things play out or events happen, I wish you luck. +1
  7. There's not a lot to gather from the app it self and since I am directy affected by the next BCMD just trying to gather more detailed answers. First, what exactly do you want to changed? I see alot of vague points such as higher standard or better respect but how and what is exactly the plan? If it's just as simple as doing better PR or whatever is fine but just would like to see what your solution is. Second, What is currently stopping you from suggesting or doing the change now? Is it Rank, no support, or just don't feel like it's your place?
  8. Just a couple of questions and what your plans are and such. You address a low officer corps, low Alpha Leadership, and a couple of internal revamps such as the roster. But my question is what is currently stopping you from doing those things now as a current Commander? Just seems like most of those issues could have been address before the application phase for BCMD. I've only been back for about two weeks now so I could be miss informed or things are different now but just curious and how those issues are being currently addressed.
  9. I hate to be that guy and ask more questions however I have noticed a large concern and want to see if you are aware have are/will be working towards a solution. I've noticed a decent amount of CG jumping ship to other battalions, especially officers and NCOs, and was curious on what is the turn around to the issue and a solution? I can go more details in dms or teamspeak however Im just probing for thoughts right now.
  10. 5/5/5 Reminded me of past events which you know is a good thing buddy.
  11. +1 We need more Gingers in Disney
  12. LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. 4/4/4 Was fun. Good test.
  14. 3/4/4 Overall fun, I appreciate it.
  15. +1 Don't split yourself to many things and you will do fine.
  16. This is funny. Alrighty my opinion is quite basic. As is, we host ARC trainings dominantly in EST based towards members in the Americas. EU times are neglected more cases then not. So wiping and moving trainings more spread out does nothing besides says we do something through out the week. That's the honest truth. Was to what we can change within the trainings I am for. I think Weapons and Tactics does neither of which it claims to train. Most of the tactics in the trainings are already taught outside of Rancor or are heavily outdated and or do not apply to Gmod AI. So for a rework of trainings I am for however I am against spreading them out since it offers no difference. Secondly, as for wiping the training. It will make no difference. We will get the same people with the trainings. All it does is say I reworked it on my description. Same goes for re-certs. Just a lazy wipe. People are more interested in passing then what is inside of the training. Now that is not everyone but that speaks for most of the server population. A good example is when we do re-certs. Looking at the test scores it shows most of them barely pass or don't know what we have down on our trainings. You know, I know. Conclusion. I personally want change to the trainings. I want to see them actually make people better at events so we can do harder events with more challenge that isn't more droids. So anything to move that forward I will always support. However, This change is not it. If I am honest this seems derived from experiences from other servers if I am honest. It also is long to be long. I would like to see a revise and my opinion might change however as it stands. -1 to Wiping ARC +1 to revise the Training.
  17. 3/3/5 Was fun. Would like a bit more RP next time!
  18. 4/5/5 Honestly no issues besides the limits of gmod but nothing you can do. I appreciate the modifications to the event.
  19. Crimson


    4/4/4 Overall fun. Not much else to say.
  20. 3/4/5 Everything in your control was really good.
  21. -1 I think the idea of us controlling ARCL is kinda dumb. For the most part, if they suck they never get ARCL and if they get through its very easy to tell. Our job is to get the trainings done and maintain them. No need to go past that. For the Training schedule, I think we could get it out earlier, but thats just my opinion. I think we could start planning during our off week. But for now, Don't think its going to work out with the changes you want to make.
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