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Everything posted by Prince

  1. Prince


    Yeah...but it's magic cause you now have the equipment to show for it. I mean why did we add fists then?
  2. Prince


    I stated that in my -1 for uses. Mainly for RP. Which I'm pretty sure is the reason why it was added and a dmg buff was denied. It's not a combat knife meant for melee. There weren't many clones adept at melee. It's more a utility knife.
  3. Prince


    I disagree. I still feel like it's not something to be limited, rather another thing that people just need to be more mature about. It costs 1 mil for a reason. If you've been here that long a misuse it then that's literally your fault. No one elses.
  4. Prince


    It's literally like any other perma weapon. Yes you can sell it.
  5. I've got my eye on you. Just ask @Egg what happens to Communists.
  6. Prince


    Tessa... you could just sell it and the issue you have is fixed.
  7. Questionable. At least you're not a filthy Commy bastard.
  8. Then there's only one question I have for you... What is the best tasting color crayon? Choose wisely.
  9. Prince


    -1 I feel like this is more of a you problem than an equipment issue. I could definitely see clones carrying knifes as they were small, simple, and useful. Easily could be in pouches, backpacks, etc. Plus SOBDE has knives. And I'm really certain that it's not an illogical assumption to say other troops would have carried them as well. Plus wouldn't the fists bring up a similar issue for you? And both do low damage and can be quickly used to mess around with. Also... why wouldn't people be able to -1 because they like their equipment and have paid for it already? In my eyes it's logical, useful for RP, not the knife's fault how you use it, good for triage, interrogation, replacement for other tools, versatile, a lot of people have tried for a long time to get them added, and I could go on.
  10. +1 I've seen this man in action during my late nights with CG. For those who remember me staying up till 5 AM helping CG and banning retards, you will know this man as well. P.S. I was the one who kept changing the text screens to say UnJamMyNut. (With Fox's permission of course)
  11. I love this idea, but it is asking for too much. It can add to RP and be useful for events and such, but it will take soooo much work. Plus, the Naval will still get bored because there isn't as much to do for them during the event. I mean, imagine not being able to see what the troops are doing and trying to give orders to ground forces who don't follow protocol anyway. Then, to add onto that, trying to enhance the RP for Naval as well to actually convince them to not be on their clone/Jedi during events would add even more responsibilities and a whole "separate" scenario to try to manage as a GM.
  12. Name: Prince Staff Rank: Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 2 weeks Reason: Finals are coming up Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Ye Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Ye
  13. +1 I've seen many Bacara's in my outreach days: Oxen, Matra, Jacien, and Snadvich. And I 100% see Gadget as Bacara material. He's dedicated, he eats purple crayons. he's trash at For Honor, but he knows what he's doing in terms of running a battalion.
  14. I will kill all of your dirty fucking commies. @Bacara's Office Quoteboard: https://gyazo.com/3e6a336081f3bb06614c9ff708b686a7
  15. There are sections on the forums designated for that stuff for a reason. I find the memes funny too sometimes, but it can be annoying when trying to collect actual feedback on a topic. Especially serious ones. If there was a way to separate comments on posts so people could narrow down to the serious opinions and the more lighthearted memes and shit, I'd be fine with it, but for now it's a -1.
  16. No matter what has happened between people, whether it's negative or positive experiences, one cannot deny that Dragon is suited for this position. There isn't much else to be debated about it. +1
  17. +1, I mean to me it doesn't seem like a bad training and was kinda interesting, but instantly slapping on the *Required for this and this* shit and force people to do it, it tends to make people not want to fucking do it. Adding these new trainings are great and all, stop fucking making them required for all this other shit and threaten to remove our current positions. It's just inconvienient and uninsentivising as a whole.
  18. This I 100% agree with. I don't think there really is a plain solution for us to find. You just lose too much. It's like staff right? As a previous GMM, enjoying events was not a common thing as I was critiquing them or shadowing them. Or when I was a TR wanting to blow my brains out for the next CC to DC before he was whitelisted. The good part is you get staff abilities. You can host events, sims, build, help out the server, Kyber slam defe... I mean don't abuse your power on down-time. But with that means it can kind ruin a portion of the server for some people. So if you're both staff, HC, and god forbid on multiple lives with clone, jedi, naval then you're fucked. Activity fucked, RP aspect fucked, trying to divide work between all sections....fucked.
  19. Most who know me know I hate HC. Not the people or having them, but for me personally it was NEVER an option. Ever. It's not once gone through my mind to be HC. This can be slightly geared toward lore characters than anything, but also for anyone with special equipment. What you gain: Larger connection to more battalions Chance to host large sums and trainings First steps in driving how RP is regulated A higher understanding in leadership A secondary clone A new type of RP What you lose: A further goal Personal connection to friends Chance to participate in events as you will mostly be leading Chance to participate in RP since there are already clones specialized in these things All special equipment or lore names that make you stand out Activity if you do spend time on 2nd clone to have some fun in events You are stuck to advising how clones work and this may appeal to some, but then you might drop in in-game time and be ridiculed I could go on with this, but in my personal opinion you lose much more than you gain and being a BCMD/Squad lead provides so much more benefits than HC.
  20. Nods in mandalorian Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum
  21. The old version we had included stuff for evidence like if they wanted to posted screenshots or console logs. Parhaps just add that in to this one to make it more organized.
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