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Everything posted by Prince

  1. Also I cast my vote on extensive and I'll be glad to discuss when I get home. I will also be trying to be on to help make dupes if they are needed or fix old ones if there are blacklisted props.
  2. @Nade Jones @Bazoo @Fizzik @Snadvich @Egg @Shakes @Turbine @Nyx @Tristan @miguz @Maymays @Grum @Tyzen @Lighig @Zyner @Perri @Pratt and to any others I forgot
  3. ATTENTION FOR DUPES: There is a lot of blank space on this map. Use it. Use the builder props to make a flat platform, then paste the dupe on it. Add walls where needed for privacy and then you can deploy troops via LAAT or TP then which can keep lag away from tryouts, trainings, etc and any interruptions.
  4. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Punybob, Alfa Event Name: Base Raid Summary of the story: The Republic launch a raid on a CIS base to capture a representative that controls part of the droid program. The base was lead by a Sith General with heavy defenses. What was the result of the event?: The clones held down the base and Repelled off the constant attacks until cavalry arrived to shit on the CIS. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both. An adrenaline rush was what it was
  5. Prince

    Change SO to SC

    +1 still like Shadow Company more and always have. SC is the true name of these cloaking bastards.
  6. Fuuuuck that shit. Miss me with that gay shit.
  7. Time for server suggestion for no SOBDE high command.
  8. No.... Dude. People can still abuse on the event server Hello? Especially when the main goes down and people are on Kamino.
  9. It can still be spawned in on event by admins.....
  10. -1 I could do one of usual really long as messages with a fuckton of reasons, but I don't believe they are needed since the already overwhelming negative feedback.
  11. Washington basically summed up my entire argument with the options for removing someone who is no longer fit or no longer believed to be fit via the community can and will be removed from their position. It comes off as more of an unneeded stresser in the back of our minds. While it can motivate us to stay on top of our game, almost everything in this world is ruled by fear. You don't do a certain thing to its standards and repercussions will come: Perhaps change can be brought about for peoples' enjoyment since this is a online game. Perhaps something more rewarding to those who do beyond what's expected of them as their BCMD/Squad Lead position. As they work for the benefit of their Bat/Squad and are passionate about it, people breathe down their neck about all the little mistakes or about how they will be removed already without the incorporation of the term limits in mind. Perhaps a more rewarding atmosphere involved in these positions will cause people to be burnt out less because they burn out whenever they either have too little to do and it becomes boring or too much to hold and they fall. Instead of trying to scare people into doing these things that they are expected to do, get rid of them. They are no longer fit for the position. For those who are doing what they should be doing shouldn't have to deal with the constant hounding and the extreme criticism. While criticism is needed to improve, yelling at someone who has done nothing wrong is just a waste of time. +1 Remove these things and make the server more of an open one where people aren't terrified of going up to people and explaining the issues they have and when they aren't cleared up, resolved, etc then reports can be made against the person and/or high command can enact their power to fix the issue.
  12. This right here is how we repaired all relationships in SOBDE in 1 fucking night.
  13. Sadly, I can see this getting pretty mingey at times and the issue would be people will still want to use it on main and it's just like another thing we might have to worry about. If you can answer this for me then I will +1/-1: how do you think we should deal with those who misuse it, use it on main if it does become solely event server, and any "Accidental" times it is used since RP punishments wouldn't be a thing on event server. @Max
  14. And the trio falls. Yet as the longest standing SOBDE member who has no intent to budge cause fuck high command, +1.
  15. They knew what they were getting into. When you buy VIP, you can be blacklisted from events, from The Order, and from Naval. They aren't entitled to not have their equipment balanced.
  16. Wooo omg look it's the main feature though! Wow. Don't care. If the majority don't enjoy it and it's kept it's favoritism. You small group of people wanted to use your time to get something you knew the majority disliked? It is absolutely cancer for events and for other clones cause people get too trigger happy with it. Absolutely ridiculous. And I'm not sorry to say that this server is for the community's enjoyment, not yours solely. SOBDE was nerfed to the ground cause people didn't like it and we had more than 10 people with the weapons. So cry me a river and get rid of this shit. +1
  17. Honestly, blaming you for recruitment isn't something I find to be a valid report, but I do get where you are coming from with not wanting to change the way things work. I'm the same and that's probably why we got along so well. It was a pleasure playing alongside you. Null don't salute, but we do have this: "Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum"
  18. @FlameHazard Holy shit you're an HA now? And yeah I'm good
  19. Don't make me drive home to beat you boys
  20. Name: Prince Staff Rank: VA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 2 days Reason: a little vacation my dad wants to go on and now my mom is making me go camping Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yep Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yep
  21. Extending till the 12th, being forced to go camping.
  22. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): No GH+ Event Name: Wookiee Rampage Summary of the story: Umbaran scientists performed illegal experiments on a set of wookiees that backfired and sent them into a primal rage and killed most of the medical staff on the station. Trying to hide the experimentation, but needed assistance, the lone survivor calls in for help from the Repbulic and then the CIS when he was discovered What was the result of the event?: The clones discovered the experiments through the records kept on ship and brought the wookiees back to be cured. While they did have to fight off CIS forces, they were successfully able to apprehend the survivor (yet they let them go) and cure the wookiees. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50
  23. But the event job can't see shit. The point isn't the damage, it's the visual.
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