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Everything posted by Prince

  1. I'm sorry that you feel that way Korm. I know you loved Kal but I disagreed with the lore, having a named Reg, and technically being demoted for a suggestion that would remove someone from our squad.
  2. ==========[ Kal Skirata ]========== Steam Name: [SR] Prince [VA] RP Name: Ordo Skirata Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:7745558 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Null Squad Experience: Spec. Ops: I started my time on the server in Spec. Ops where I learned a lot of what I know RP-wise and starting to work with other people and lead them in events. The max rank I reached was CSM, but I was up next for officer since we had a few officers leave the battalion. Thus, I was in training and put in charge of leading events and helping train the newer members of the battalion in order to make sure that they performed effectively on deployments and stayed within the guidelines with cloaks, attitude, etc. Kom'rk Skirata: I left SO as a CSM because I wanted a change from my battalion and wanted a greater challenge and chance to do different types of RP. While my time in Kom'rk was mostly consistent of me being rude to others and learning about Mandalorian culture, I believe that this learning experience is what shaped how I am now. Under Cipher and Korm, I learned to help control my anger and be more kind to those on the server and increase my RP potential. This also came with my first experiences with Null Drills where we trained other clones on the event server with massive simulations and use the outreach program to get closer to my outreach (Being GM/KU) and help train them more specifically and act as a sort of officer within a battalion. Ordo Skirata: During my time as Ordo, I believe that I put what I have previously learned into use, being stricter on myself and those in my squad alongside me. Learning how to lead major groups of people and act as the 2nd in command that could fill in for Kal whenever he was busy, which meant interacting with people such as Palpatine and BCMDs. This was also when I could frequently host tryouts whenever Kal was missing, so I was able to hold more authority over the squad. Korm and I also developed a more advanced tryout for Null that enabled us to lessen the amount of minges that could enter the squad and implement a document with set rules for SOBDE as a whole. I have gained a reputation of being one of the best Ordo's on the server by capturing his character fulfilling his character (Which there is no lore character traits really set for Kom'rk besides a sentence) and consistently maintaining character. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I believe that I should become "BCMD" of Null because I have had a lot of experience under Null and have helped to improve myself and my squad as a whole in my time of being the "XO" of the squad. Adding in the written down rules for SOBDE so there was little question of what we can and cannot do since it became an issue previously, and revamping the Null tryouts for them to be separate from RC in a way that gives the squads a slightly more dynamic feeling and uniqueness to them. I also wanted to bring back the Mandalorian models for the Null since I felt the tradition and the Mandalorian aspect of Null is what made them appealing in a sense and fixing their loadout for them to have greater power and be able to compete with their RC counter parts. I as well have a good understanding of the lore of all of the Null, and general Mandalorian culture, and can bring a strict attitude to the table to keep the Null boys and anyone that I would be training in line. This also means bringing back more frequent trainings and drills coming from the Null in particular since the server population has been steadily increasing. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I have read thoroughly through every single Null's lore for fun and revamping the tryouts, and who is connected to them. (Interactions from other RC squads like Omega and Delta). I also try to stay updated on the general Mando'a lore as well. Availability: During the Summer, I am available most of time. The days I work are not often and only take up half of the day. For school, I tend to get home around 4 PM CST and am on all through the night. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have been on Synergy since around October-December of 2017 (Somewhere in there, I can't 100% remember) Do you have a microphone?: Yes. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want my squad to be in a position where they are holding their own and being independent, but also looked up to by other clones and setting a good example overall. This would also include frequent trainings done to keep the troops involved and as sharp as possible so they are ready for action. I believe they should be respectful and held to the highest standards, especially on their own since Null were more of lone wolves. Meaning, every one of Null (Mentally and RP wise) should be able to be Kal themselves, with the utmost discipline and respect Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.
  3. ...............................................
  4. Medic was on Quinlan and it was "Plot Armor" to teach respect to clones
  5. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Black, Arroyo, Qal Event Name: Specialization Trianings Summary of the story: Specialists in EOD, Tech, and Med (Along with an optional fighting sim) Came aboard to test and evaluate the skills of the clones who were training themselves. (This was to try to give those who can't do these RP's cause of never being deployed or just not getting the chance to to be able to RP with their trainings) What was the result of the event?: The clones were evaluated and learned some discipline in the ring. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play
  6. Name: Prince Staff Rank: Vet Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 2 days or so Reason: Headset broke and it's too difficult to do staff work or RP effectively w/o a mic Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Sure Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Sure
  7. I'm undecided on this yet, but bud no matter my standpoint, this is probably the dumbest comment I've seen in a while... nothing has fucking changed... it's not like he left 3+ months ago... Plus, CO doesn't work the same way that the squads do so this can barely apply. Especially when it comes to honorary.
  8. Delta was Walon. They did work together though, Delta and the Skiratas.
  9. SOBDE is Omega, Foxtrot, Delta, Null, and Covert Ops.
  10. This one (A little more positive) has no doubts. He has done so much for Null and has helped other squads on some occasions, is always interacted with all of SOBDE, takes pride in being able to train and lead others, and has shown myself a hell of a lot. If his experience alone isn't enough to convince someone of his capability of fulfilling this position, they have but to talk to him. His full intentions are to improve others. To help them out and make them the best they can be. If there were more people like this, we wouldn't be cycling though BCMD's in the other regiments. While, I've only experienced 2 Kal's in my time, Korm was easily consistently active. I might have caught Cipher at a bad time, but even in Korm's down times, he made an effort to put what he could into the server in both staff and still RP. He has been known as Papa Kal to this server for over 5 months and has done a hell of a job doing it. Plus, his personality so just so selfless and kind to others, always wanting to give people chances to improve and almost all of the times, he is right by their side helping them. +1, Best of luck to you, Papa.
  11. I'm not sure about this yet. As much as I love Korm and haven't really ever disagreed with him, it just doesn't seem right to me. He was a training SGT and had trained some of the the regular clones alongside the RC/Null, but out of the 4 Squads, only 2 on the server were trained by him. It just doesn't make too much sense to me in my opinion. With other squads who would've had little to no connection with him also being able to run for him or being regulated by someone else who is on the job just seems off. Plus, this would also mean I'd get kicked off my job and I would practically be forcing myself into a different Null spot and preventing others from entering the squad or having to become a CT until I can apply for the position (That is even if I get it in the first place since there is always the possibility of me no longer getting it. This also makes permission really confusing since we have been able to do some things that only BCMD's can do (Null) because of how be train and work with the other clones. Which, in all technicality would leave the Null's power in the hierarchy and especially when it comes to Kal Skirata himself. I believe the man deserves it, don't get me wrong. He even paid his own money to get another model for Kal so he could be even more of a dad and show his gray hairs and face, but it seems like a really big change for something that is in all reality, an unneeded change. And as much as this man has been able to help me grow as a person on the server (In case some don't know, I got arrested around 2-4 times a day my first week or 2 on Null) and how to split my time between RP and staff work so that I can be in the position I am now, there always comes a time when people will disagree. This, sadly, is one of those times. -1, Sorry Papa. This man deserves regimental, but I don't know if this change is something worth it. No matter if this gets accepted or not, you will be my Papa.
  12. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Forseen, Qal, and Conrad Event Name: Slave Trading Summary of the story: A distress call from the civilians led the Republic to investigate a local bar about what was going on in the city where they were told about the slave trafficking going on within the city. With a corrupt police force and gang members who are indistinguishable from the civilians. The Republics job was to maintain control of the city and free the slaves. What was the result of the event?: The clones pushed through and got to the center of the city where they found the gang members hiding in plain sight and liberated the slaves and civilians but were unable to overpower the gang members Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.
  13. It might be OP but there are only 4 people who can use it and we aren't all on at the same times. Plus, the main issue is the event job up reset. Same reason why I didn't like the heal ability on KingDavids. If that could be fixed and a possible increased CD, I think they'd be more balanced. Even when we had 2 or 3 in a Joah event, barely anyone still survived so they don't do as much as you might think.
  14. Some are pretty fucking special. I mean mentally, but equipment wise, medics have had the short end of the stick since the RM medkit got removed. I believe medics are fine where they are. You also can't say a little lag won't make a difference with how often the server crashes and lags. And if it becomes an issue of lag, @Joah will start his autistic screeching and remove it like the other laggy shit on the server.
  15. -1 This will cause too much damn spam of the bacta grenade and it gives the medics in SOBDE something actually special. Even if it's nerfed, that effect being repeated 20 times from all the medics in each event would be over powered as shit. This is a fat no.
  16. Yeah, it was originally replaced with the other one and the one he paid for, but in my original suggestion to bring back the Mandalorian armor, he was also suppose to have gotten the same type so that we all can match during promotion, tryouts, blending in, etc.
  17. +1 This was suppose to be added from my suggestion because Papa needs to match his kids.
  18. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Jackson, Tyzen, Alek, Medic, Rogue, Alexz, Event Name: Rescuing Padme Summary of the story: The recon battalions were sent in to scout out the base where Padme was being held and failed to push in, so the attack battalions made the inital push and the specialized and SOBDE helped clear the final stages and kill off all of the droids and 1 of the 2 CIS Generals. What was the result of the event?: They rescued Padme and lost a lot of soldiers. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both.
  19. Name: Prince (Korm's event) Who helped (If applicable): Prince, Qal, & Rogue Event Name: The Return of the Shinies Summary of the story: A elite squad of commando droids was sent aboard the ship to disable and takeover a Republic vessel. They used CT armor to get in close with the clones and then launched an all-out assault in an attempt to bring down the ship. What was the result of the event?: The clones defended the ship and prevented the bombs from going off. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot-em up
  20. I guess I'm just the community pessimist... And am I the only one who thinks that people should have to give a serious reason behind their +1's just like -1's? -1 I have had a lot of experience in talking and playing alongside Freck. To me, he is decent at RP, but never really showed me too much of leadership skills. This could be for many reasons, such as him being lower than me in Null whenever he had joined, but I still know he is capable of holding a position like this. This doesn't stop my mind from jumping to the reasons he was removed from Null in the first place. Trying to juggle too many roles and the want to be higher up in a lot of places can really stretch activity and burn someone out. While he may have dropped Yularen now, he also now is a named Master. This may not seem like it will take as much time as Yularen, but there are more RP aspects when it comes to being a Master than Yularen (Yularen is a bit more just managing and hating your life for trying to regulate a bunch of inactives). This means he would need to be on the job more than he did his Yularen job. He also is in a different time zone than the majority of the server. Which might help when Woeny isn't on to manage those players that are Eastern and in CO, but it also means that in that time frame, that small group of people also won't see him as often since he will have to maintain activity on his Jedi. Then, when the flow of players come in during the Summer, it will be more of the younger kids who don't have a job and are out of school. Which means more work for Woeny whenever they are kinda just switching on and off between Freck being on for the small group of people early on and then Woeny getting overrun by the rest of the player-base later in the day. We also need the CPT to be a priority if they have multiple jobs because Freck and I agree on something: We don't want this to become another SC situation where we swap out a shit ton of CPT's, but we also need someone who can be there to make sure that the other side of it (The consistent meme-ing that came from SC and the bad rep it gave them cause they either weren't managed properly or had no one to manage them in the first place) stays under control as well. Overall, I do believe that he could perform well in the position and has some experience within SOBDE to help give tips (Especially with his grueling journey to learning faces) to the players who join CO in order to get back and possibly make it into the SOBDE squads, but the concerns for management outweigh the possibility that everything works out. It just stands to me that, sadly, the situation where things don't work out correctly have a much greater chance of occurring than the other.
  21. -1 I like you man, but I just don't believe it can work like that... You have been in and out of RC and kinda just leave with no warning. I get back on one day and you are just like "Yeah, I joined the 501st"... As much as I would love to see you succeed and be active on Boss, I really don't believe it is a position for you. I know you look for what is fun and try your best to have fun with a lot of passive RP and being really engaged in events, but you have already said that not enough happens in RC and it is too boring for you. You understand as much as I do that SOBDE practically do fuck-all unless we make it happen or ask for it to happen and that is one of the reasons that you left in the first place. And to be honest, you are probably the only person that will run for this that I trust and know, so it kinda feels bad to say it: I just personally don't think that you are fit for a squad lead position.
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