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Everything posted by Prince

  1. I apologize, but there are Jedi only and Clone only events. This doesn't really help me make an improvement.
  2. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Turbine, Ganar, Blake Event Name: 4th Massiff Sale Summary of the story: Another sale of special massiffs was made where there were cloaking, mech, fire, and bacta massiffs for sale. What was the result of the event?: The Republic bought the massiffs and mainly conducted experiments with their powers and how the mecha massiff functioned until there were some complications with the clones pushing them past what they were meant to do and they started fighting back. Also, 327th allowed their massiff to eat spice so. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50
  3. Honestly, I could care less about Naval, Base Ops, whatever the fuck you wanna call it anymore. No Admiral is ever good enough for the previous admirals (including ones that don't even play anymore) and it only seems to cause shit. Sometimes I honestly think it might be better to run it as an XO basically so you don't have to deal with the shit and the drama. Neutral
  4. Prince

    Mikes Ban Appeal

    I have a really really strong opinion against this man and what he has done, but people do change. He won't. The thing that makes me okay with the ban appeal consists of 2 parts: 1. He proves me wrong and can have fun and be chill with the community 2. He does some dumb shit again and is on a shorter leash and will be punished more heavily based on previous offences So if this retard comes back, he better make sure he watches himself. +1
  5. Name: Prince Who helped (If applicable): Me Event Name: Man v. Nature Summary of the story: The corruption that fell over the land after the arrival of the Sith had a major impact on the environment and it fought back. Causing harsh storms that took down LAATs and comms towers and even summoning creatures from the lake to try to defend itself. What was the result of the event?: The Republic held off and carefully made repairs while trying to keep the creatures limited in the lake area Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 50/50
  6. Mine stems from 2 things and slowly shed the first. Originally I had acquired the nick name Jack Frost when I had my hair done so it was silvery white Then I also played League of Legends quite a bit and mained Thresh to where the joke Thresh Prince (Fresh Prince) was used a lot cause I was pretty decent with him. And I also have been learning German for a while and have some German heritage so when I made the swap from my old name to this one, it was The Frozen Prince in German. Gefrorene Prince (Except instead of Prinz I just used Prince cause I thought it looked better) Finally, Gefrorene Prince doesn't fit in names and is a 2 part name which you can't do on the server so I shortened it to Prince. This is also the reason why my channel was called the frozen throne.
  7. Prince


    Let this come as however you take it. I've made people cry in PT. Not because oh no they have to hold a button or type something in their console to do it for them. It was what came with the PT. I was making sure they were being punished and acting like a drill SGT. I also did the same PT with another group and instead they said it was the most interactive PT they've had and they enjoyed it. My point is that everything is interpreted differently by everyone and if you can't handle getting beat up, don't fight with the big boys. As in don't do stupid shit and boom it's fixed.
  8. Prince

    Senate Guards

    I will say, this isn't the same thing. What they are trying to do is get SC re-added as something that people would be a part of regularly. Like a battalion. I understand that the last time, it didn't work, but these people literally have 1 fucking job and sometimes there are no senators on. It would be much more efficient to just leave it to a "Event Job" that we can use for PassiveRP purposes.
  9. Prince

    The Formula

    Let me tell you boys: It has been a long and hard journey and no journey goes without reward. Sometimes it may be something you don't wish to have or perhaps the experience was the gift instead of some treasure at the end. Yet, what I have found I know not of the power it holds. The knowledge it can provide and the order it can bring. Or maybe the destruction and chaos that will ensue after its release. I leave that fate to you. All I know is that I have found the formula... Proceed with caution. You have been warned. https://i.imgur.com/jF3hmYY.mp4
  10. This application is being DENIED due to fuck you retard You can apply for another commander position in 30 days //Locked// //Moved to Denied Applications// +1
  11. We know you can do this and set the Sith for a great start, I'm not sure anyone can deny that. But for fucks sake stay more than 1 term and be active. 1. Have the RP experience for the Sith 2. Have experience as Grandmaster of the Order 3. Have revived and started up new shit before 4. To the point and informative application 5. Fuck you, Big Gei +1 and know I'll be trying to tag along and help out as much as I can because adding the Sith to the server really interests me and I want to help where I can.
  12. I suppose I'll just void this as Joah has had more experience and will probably be able to put them off to a better start than I can. I will still be offering help for making trials/docs and shit since I have some ideas, but void. @Heart Also totally didn't type this at like 3 AM without knowing Joah had made one at the time.
  13. I kinda saw this coming as soon as it was announced, but hey I thought I would try. Best of luck to you, Joah.
  14. ==========[ Dark Lord of the Sith ]========== Steam Name: [SR] Prince [SA] RP Name: Prudii Skirata | TGM Knight Adept Serra Keto | Gume Saam Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞): STEAM_0:1:77455589 Experience: I am just gonna list these as explaining them tends to get repetitive and they are just to show what positions you've held SC/SO CSM GM SGT Kom'rk Skirata Prudii Skirata Ordo Skirata Kal Skirata Serra Keto (Knight Adept) Meena Tills Gume Saam Veteran Admin Game Master Manager Why should you become Dark Lord?: I wish the become the Dark Lord because I have always been interested in the Order and have wanted to get into being a Jedi quite a bit, but I feel as if there is limited amount of things that one can do within the Order and being able to provide a constant ability to PvP and have some competition, both the Order and the Sith will grow in numbers. I have had spurts of interest in the Order that have slowly faded at times due to lack of activity from events to passive roleplay, but I have currently been trying to get to Master within the Order and have been as active as I can be on my Jedi. It is not that I don't wish to be in the Order anymore, it is that I feel as if this could be something to benefit the Order greatly and allow for a new aspect of roleplay to come to the server and hopefully breathe life into it. I aswell have always enjoyed the roleplay of being a Sith, as some things I have agreed with the Sith on more than the Jedi and I feel that I could fill the part as a Sith Lord well as I love to bring as much roleplay to other players as I can. This to me will also allow some people who wish to roleplay more towards the Sith side of things use this as an outlet. Which can in turn stop some minging/failrp-ing on the part of some Jedi who do questionable actions. I believe that yes a lot of people might join the Sith simply because it will be the new thing and a lot of people tend to flock to it, but that it will spark a whole new side of the Clone Wars server and put us apart from the others. Minus the whole RP aspect and benefits to the server, I have a lot of experience in doc work and developing new and interesting trails/tryouts/trainings/etc and can help kick off the Sith in a good spot whenever I decide I no longer wish to fill this position. With my previous experience on the server, I have made my way around quite a bit throughout the server. While I may not have held a wide range of positions and generally kept to Null, Senators, and Jedi; I have been around for a while and have a fairly good understanding of how the server operates and how the player-base thinks with which direction they want the server to go in. I may not be known for being one of the nicest people on the server, but I feel as if that is something that can fit a Sith Lord well. Not necessarily being outright rude and condescending to people as in my return to the server I have tried to improve myself from my previous mistakes. With that being said, I believe that I am an overall hard worker and whenever I become dedicated to something, I will pursue it till I can no longer pursue it. Do you understand the lore of the Sith (SWTOR)?: From the origin of the Sith Pureblood (which are called pureblood to distinguish them from the new developed definition of a Sith) to the Dark Jedi who were mostly responsible for involving themselves with the Pure Bloods to make the Sith we know now, to the rising and the falling of the Sith Empire and the birth of the True Sith Empire under Marka Ragnos, Naga Shadow, Vitiate, and Darth Acina, and how the Great Hyperspace War and the Great Galactic War lead up to the Treaty of Coruscant where now the Sith Empire and the Republic are set in a Cold War. This is very short, but it is just a summary of the history of the Sith Empire. Availability: Most days for 16:00-00:00 and some days all day (CST) Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Squad Lead; Kal Skirata: Where I ruled Null with an Iron Fist. Ask my boys who the most abuse Papa was. Senator; Meena Tills & Gume Saam: Where I was able to bring other Senators together and allow for a more in-depth amount of RP to the Server Jedi; Serra Keto & TGM: Where I have assisted/hosted trials and have participated in many RP scenarios under a Lore Chacter Staff; VA & GMM: Where I was the first to reach the position of GMM as a VA and helped supervise the GM program Do you have a microphone?: Yes. Where do you want the Sith to be at the end of your term?: I wish to end my term with the Sith in motion. By that I mean I hope to have the Sith still growing in the ways of numbers, RP aspects, etc. Where whomever may take up the mantel after me shall be able to continue on my legacy and keep the Sith as a major part of RP and a general part of the server. As I hope to have many of the docs already set in place and the rules for the Sith down. Everything should be laied out smoothly for the next person to come. How do you plan to integrate the Sith with the current CWRP?: I plan to use the Sith as a means of constant interaction and RP. With the arrival of encounters as a new way to bring smaller RP "Events" to the server, that still require some amount of staff influence to enforce, this would allow players to RP whenever they feel. As it is not required of them to join the staff team or wait upon a staff member to bring RP to the server. As well as they are an enemy to the Republic, it opens up many new avenues for the RP to be more than just passive and can spark off into battles of power between the Jedi and the Sith. Also allowing for the RP scenario where a Jedi has fallen and can come to the Empire or where a Sith was converted and becomes a Jedi (As just something to do if people swap from Jedi to Sith and vise versa to make it more immersive and interesting). The Sith ranks will obviously hold no authority of the Republic and the current standing groups you can be a part of (Jedi, Base Ops, Clone, Senator, etc) it would mean that adding them in would be easier as there wouldn't be a conflict of power on the server. But this mostly would expand RP and allow for new force powers to be explored (Maybe not new ones but regular use of things such as force combust, force lightning, etc.). It will become a separate entity from the other groups and will still be able to be influenced by them (Meaning in ways of forums suggestions, CMD Apps, etc). Thus, meaning their integration would go smoother than some others may and would have minimal effect on others. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes. Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Dark Lord rank?: Yes.
  15. This is over, forgot to post on here. @Dragon
  16. Let's get an o7 for our boy Chambers
  17. Yeah that's a no from me dog -1
  18. Name: Prince SteamID: STEAM_0:1:77455589 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 2148:03:42 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I believe I am really good when it comes to communication and leadership seeing as I have been XO, Squad Lead, TGM, GMM, and VA. From my hours, anyone can see that I have a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with the server and RP. I also already have experience with being a GM as I held the rank of the first GMM that was under HA. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yep Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I was thinking about a special Christmas event actually. Around the holidays, give-aways and such are done as a way to give back to the community, but I thought about changing it up a little bit. By this I mean to involve the other lovely soul of Christmas, Krampus. Instead of being a sort of money drop, Krampus would end up stealing the credits that were to go for the money drop and run to the event server (Currently unknown map) where the troops will hunt down Krampus through hoards of enemies (Including lore ones that are Christmas colored, X-Mas Droids, etc to fit the theme) and battle their way to Krampus's Hideout and take him on to initiate the drop or perhaps an even amount split to all those involved to not give everyone too much to break the weapon vendor, but just give some out to the players. (I would be using my own credits and taking any donations to do so as this is simply for a fun X-Mas themed shoot-em up that gives people something to get on for and a little reward at the end for being a part of the community. If I need to give an event idea that isn't going with the Christmas theme and a more lore friendly one, I can do so. Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): (My last event before I resigned initially) https://gyazo.com/c3a676ad5a1f025932841cb120616427 Extra Little Note: I may not have done the most events in my career in the GM branch, but those who were in some of my events know I spent a really long time to do either massive events or RP heavy ones that made up for the numbers. Plus I was made GMO fairly quickly and focused on shadows and such then following that to GMM.
  19. Let me just say something as well, for GMs who can't come up with ideas, this was something Ben had a structure for and some base rules but we allowed every single thing to event job and player choice. The helpers matter just as much and looking for quality ones that can RP and bring the GMs vision to life is key in making good events. (Well ones where you use event jobs).
  20. I will remain neutral until these questions are answered as they are my primary questions and concerns about it in general: In distribution of said cards, one can be a CMD on a HVY job the same as whatever a bats lowest rank for HVY is (normally like SPC or CPL). So would we simply force players to be on different jobs or would we have cards that mean nothing anyway since we would have to RP they had a higher clearance level due to which job they selected? Allowing people to leave base would still require some amount of monitoring from ST and BO. If there is another way that this will be handled, how would that go? Why is this something that seems a good idea when it can kind of take away from a portion of RP that isn't necessarily too flawed in a direct sense (not the ranks fault they can't leave the base is what I mean. It's activity)? How could this work in events? Such as fabricated/stolen IDs and such. ST can see the /me shows fabricated ID or whatnot and try to roll for inspection and things go from there.
  21. Prince


    The point wasn't using their action on a fucking friendly. It's being able to type a /me and follow up with an actual animation.
  22. Prince


    Maybe because punching someone and stabbing them are different...
  23. Prince


    You do though. When asked to stop.
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