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Everything posted by Andrews

  1. +1 yOu cAnT bE hIgH sTaFF and mAnAgE a BcMD + Position
  2. COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 06/03/2020 Jedi Council - Week Appointments 212th: - Matthos 501st: - Scarecrow 104th: - Venom 41st: Cipher 21st: Snadvich DU: - Entity RANCOR: - *Absent* Rose | Mitchell (Mace) SOBDE: - Tomm (Yoda) Master: - Elijah (Yoda) Master: - Crimson (Mace) Master: - Kelen Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) Knight Lore Characters stay Knights Only - Clutch - Passes Remove Brutes - Cipher - Failed How should we deal with bounty hunters entering the temple wether that should be handled as a simple AOS or a RP action such as killing them or imprisoning them - Scarecrow - Failed No meme questions during recorded interviews - Andrews EO Knight Suggestions (EO) Assign Each Branch 2 masters each week to help increase trial amounts for each branch. The masters assigned to each branch would rotate weekly and the masters would be responsible for hosting 1-2 trials each week. This would help all branches at the same time by increasing trial amounts per week and hopefully increase both population and activity - Noble. Sponsored by Clutch/Reaper/Elijah - Failed Branch Nomination (Nominate a Branch for the Council to focus on helping for the next 2 weeks) Universal Recommendations for Promotion/Knight-Watch (EO) Master/Branch Interviews Guardian Lead - [REDACTED] Sponsored by Clutch - Failed [REDACTED] Sponsored by Gears - Failed Recommendations for promotion to Jedi General, Senior and High Jedi General Named Master Promotions (EO) Anakin Skywalker - Scarecrow - Passes Open Floor PTS (EO) Branch Nomination Purpose - Mitchell
  3. 4/4 GOod job, noice execution. TY for watching the ping
  4. -1 model looks oof and we have too much rn.
  5. +1 is this ecetera14? Anyways, good application and more than capable of leading the squad.
  6. Bug Type (Server:): Main Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: Before this recent update, you wouldn't see your hilts on the side. How can we recreate it: Spawn yourself a Hilt and it will appear on your side
  7. COUNCIL AGENDA FOR 5/27/2020 Jedi Council - Week Appointments 212th: Matthos 501st: Cronis 104th: Venom 41st: Kessel 21st: Snadvich DU: Entity RANCOR: Rose SOBDE: Tomm (Yoda) Master: Keldeo (Yoda) Master: Reed (Mace) Master: Scarecrow Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) Bring back peer accountability - Andrews - Passes Remove the Jedi ROE as it is hardly used/enforced and is only really a detriment against Jedi and restricts them - will need to bring up to the directors - Scarecrow - Passes After the Current Eeth Koth, Move Eeth Koth to a Knight Position - Reed/Andrews - Failed https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W2KA-lU_EeJw2_XOGK_DC3rYfGZxw-cOIMVSRoDYhz0/edit?usp=sharing Jedi Rolling buff doc - Scarecrow - Passes to Director review Knight Suggestions (EO) Branch Nomination (Nominate a Branch for the Council to focus on helping for the next 2 weeks) Universal - Reed - Passes Recommendations for Promotion/Knight-Watch (EO) [REDACTED] for Knight Watch - Tomm - Passes [REDACTED] Knight Watch - Reed - Passes Master/Branch Interviews [REDACTED] for Master Interview - Matthos - [REDACTED] Recommendations for promotion to Jedi General, Senior and High Jedi General Entity to Jedi General - Andrews - Passes Venom to Jedi General - Andrews - Passes Named Master Promotions (EO) Arligan Zey - Tomm - Passes Open Floor PTS (EO) Knight Trial Locations - Andrews
  8. 2/4 poor execution in my opinion. Good concept tho.
  9. i still remember you sending us old timers in the jedi discord a certain video of you in your barracks, doing something funny asf.
  10. Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) Add Djnnn altmis to Bad batch jedi- Reaper - Denied Change Youngling trial name to “Jedi Initiation” ~Venom Granted Start logging council meetings on the council agenda again - Direk Granted Remove announcements of knightwatches - Andrews / Mitchell Granted Knight Suggestions (EO) Council of 13 by Forseen, Support by Gears & Andrews - EO Branch Nomination (Nominate a Branch for the Council to focus on helping for the next 2 weeks) Universal Recommendations for Promotion/Knight-Watch (EO) [REDACTED] for Knighwatch - Andrews Denied [REDACTED] for Knightwatch - Andrews Tabled [REDACTED] for Knightwatch - Andrews Denied Bananaberry for KoX - Direk / Mitchell Passes Master/Branch Interviews Recommendations for promotion to Jedi General, Senior and High Jedi General Named Master Promotions (EO) A’Sharad Hett - Open - Entity Redacted Arligan Zey - Tomm *Waived* Redacted Open Floor PTS (EO)
  11. Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) Make Bi-weekly branch lead evaluations - Clutch Tabled Knight Suggestions (EO) Branch Nomination (Nominate a Branch for the Council to focus on helping for the next 2 weeks) Sentinel Recommendations for Promotion/Knight-Watch (EO) Foren to knight Watch- Reaper Passes Master/Branch Interviews Kovacs - ACE Lead - Rose Passes [REDACTED] for Master Interview- Reaper Goes to Interview Consular Lead - Open - Reed Passes Recommendations for promotion to Jedi General,0 Senior and High Jedi General Cipher to Jedi General - Andrews/ Reaper Passes Matt to Senior Jedi General - Gears Passes Named Master Promotions (EO) A’Sharad Hett - Open Ki-Adi Mundi - Direk (Waived) Passes Arligan Zey - Open Open Floor PTS (EO) Lore Character Trials - Andrews Kenobi Model
  12. o7. thanks for the opportunities and support you gave back in 2018. Stay safe
  13. Suggestions for changes in the Order (EO) New name for K5 for Shadows, Reaver/Revenant Knight - Reed - Passes Solitaire Title for Shadows - Reed - Passes Knight Suggestions (EO) Allow Consulars to join Shadows - Mitchell - Supported by Reed, Elijah - Tabled Allow Strike Team Leads to have and give special titles - Foren - Matt - Failed Branch Nomination (Nominate a Branch for the Council to focus on helping for the next 2 weeks) Sentinel - Reed - Passes Recommendations for Promotion/Knight-Watch (EO) REDACTED for KoX - Andrews - Passes REDACTED for KoX - Andrews - Passes for Promotion Master/Branch Interviews Reinstatement of REDACTED To Honorary Master - Reaper/Andrews - Passes REDACTED - ACE Lead - Rose - Tabled REDACTED Master interview - Clutch - Goes to Interview REDACTED for Master Interview-Reaper/Reed - Goes to Interview Recommendations for promotion to Jedi General, Senior and High Jedi General Named Master Promotions (EO) Shaak Ti - Open - Reaper Waived - Goes to Trial Adi Gallia - Open - Vango - REDACTED Eeth Koth - Open - Kessel - Passes A’Sharad Hett - Open Ki-Adi Mundi - Open Plo Koon - Open - REDACTED Failed | Venom Passes Open Floor PTS (EO) Sentinel Leadership Concerns brought by Mitchell - Reed Talk about Roll Bonuses for Named Jedi -Cipher
  14. 3/4 Nice first Jedi event for you, had actual fun and it can be improved with more restrictions on the force powers. also killed 5 jedi in total on "accident" with kyber slamm
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