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Scribbles last won the day on March 22 2020

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  1. Oh i remember when this was possible considered. "Imagine killing an event job and then flossing over his dead body" - Joah -1, AS MUCH AS I WOULD PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR THIS
  2. Oh i remember this, ohhh yes. Yes yes yes.
  3. While i understand this would be a logical thing to do, CIS destroy their own droids all the time, they never repair them. -1
  4. For context, he wants one multiple people can sit in, player controlled. Not a mobile spawn point
  5. Let me quote that for you by one of the founders. "I don't want flying cancer, all the JT's on the server already do that enough." also -1
  6. Cool as this is, -1. As much as i want Imma Gunna Die
  7. The felucia base? I havent been here for like 9 months, we were on anaxes before i was gone too. during the 9 months however i heard something about felucia
  8. Jania was kind of lit, if it had a fully fledged jedi temple it would be hella cool. Pretty sure large scale events worked well too. Anyone got pics of the felucia one? I Kinda wasnt here for that :^)
  9. This was suggested before, was denied because im pretty sure there were massive errors when trying to implement it. +1 if they can get this to work with no issues/server confliction.
  10. Finally. Jesus fuck. Ive been using normal suitzoom and finally people are catching on. No, suit zoom (A built in HL2 feature) are basically just binocs. ALSO PROTIP, YOU CAN USE SUITZOOM ON SCOPES FOR A DOUBLE ZOOM. (Cant fire tho)
  11. Scribbles

    Buff Heavy

    I remember in the old days heavies used to have rockets back when there were less classes, but then were taken away cause people were being fucking idiots with them. Only one time have i seen an actual buff for heavies but that has come and gone. I am very surprised to see that they haven't been buffed lol. +1,
  12. +1 When you look in a direction, it should spawn in the direction you're looking at. Minimize work!
  13. Scribbles

    Add proning

    While i think this is a good idea, lightsabers will never hit unless you have like, one specific move that hit in the floor that only happens to be in one skill tree or something, its a bit of a nightmare for melee users. (assuming we're still using king david animations) Had this before, however it broke sometimes where people (On their side) would be standing up, but others would just see a sprinting speed prone person, or someone would get stuck because their hitbox somehow is in the floor so the game wouldn't allow them to stand up. (Would need admin assistance) Its a good idea in theory, the practice however tends to be messy at best, however as mentioned, if we dont use kind david swings anymore then i can see this being sorta alright. (To be clear i am not against it, just because we had it before, it can be fun, however i was never aware if there were any technical issues in the code that came from prone so i'm only speaking from gameplay perspective). It takes about 2.5 seconds to stand up so if you get caught be an enemy sniper, you're fucked if you cant tank shots.
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