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Everything posted by KaiserNeiner

  1. 4/4/5 good event i love roleplay!
  2. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
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  5. When i tested weapons on someone after I saw this I didnt once pull out the RC shotgun from the server store and instead checked weapons you can buy from the in game store after grinding credits. Sure you can buy those from the in game store but typically you rack up credits after a while. Also, RC shotguns don't one shot people if they have full stats, they can two shot same as a cycler. You also seem to be really hostile about this. When making a server suggestion, I recommend keeping an open mind to others opinions and engage with productive conversation.
  6. cant do that or server performance would go down even more than what it is right now during events
  7. +1 they already have jetpacks and sick weapons kits surely a speed boost wont make them even more overpowered
  8. Holy fuck I got an agree react from Marvel @Bactaany thoughts?
  9. -1 with those stats it takes a whole magazine from a cycler to kill one person, unless youre also changing stats for weapons this essentially nullifies pvp and throws any percentage of realistic combat out the window. The big NT takes 2 shots to kill rather than 1 with those stats, which removes any fear of getting one shot which I believe needs to exist within any game. GM's will just increase health for NPC's to compensate, so you'll have the average NPC health being 700 or 800 rather than 300. I would do this as well and just start ramping up DRG droids to actually be able to one shot all the time rather than average npc's.
  10. 5/4/5 based event good EJ's wah wah
  11. 5/5/5 amazing event lil bro
  12. 5/4/3 I had a lot of fun. Droid EJ's kinda just kept coming, and it got a lil laggy for me. Other than that, great event!
  13. 5/4/5 excellent event
  14. At this time I do not plan on going for a second term, only one to fix current issues and prep current and potentially new officers for a BCMD role after my term. Mentoring people that actually have passion for CG and have a good understanding on behavioral expectations is the key, and involving people in situations to listen is can be beneficial too. There will be times that someone will want to speak to me personally and I'll attempt to bring along an officer so they can listen in, understand server politics a bit more, and get firsthand experience for handling issues. I plan to lead by example, and for others to continue that on after I'm gone.
  15. yeah tbh i dont disagree, I think this is right. I think the current situation calls for a different approach, but 90% of the time I agree with this sentiment.
  16. 1: Well after just talking to Shady abt the CMD report it sounds like the current officers causing problems are the ones that leaned on him to make the report, the same officers that are claiming he was a major problem. I think anyone that was involved in both are snakes and I do not need their approval or support. Shady and I have officially buried the hatchet, so this isn't a concern for me. 2: There are a lot of good and bad leaders and mentors in CG right now, and I want to rally the people that keep an open mind to change. There are a lot of people in CG that have approached with me with private questions, and I keep assuring them that while I do want to make major changes to improve CG I'm not going to ignore their issues and concerns they bring to me. The people with open minds have already reacted positively to this, and the people that don't have not. 3: Gonna keep it a stack the "where do you want the batt to be" is outlined in my app heavily. I'd like to get BOTM either my 2nd or 3rd month after creating success within CG, and my activity is going to be a great push for why that can happen. I can answer this question again if you still have it, but I have outlined it in my app already <3. 3b: The concept of the suggestion is good, even though most of the problems with CG do NOT stem from enlisted making wrong arrests, but WO+ making biased or way too harsh arrests. I would LOVE to see a different suggestion, a "Probation" Whitelist that is a public dunce cap for CG members that consistently make false arrests but are also not toxic and need to be removed the battalion. This whitelist would not have a baton, but it would not be restricted to just PVT-CPL. That being said, I do not think either suggestion will pass due to the work needed to create it. 4: I think both are inflated right now and I will probably impose something similar to what I did day 1 as Cody which is the officer requirements. It's proven successful in boosting numbers for BOTM, proving that officers are engaging the battalion in game, and creating entertainment for our guys. Maybe one of the baton training courses once a week from the officer corp? NCO's are a bit different, and I would probably look at the hierarchy as BCMD/CMD training Officers, Officers training NCO's, NCO's training enlisted(obvious). I know not everything I did in 212th is going to work in CG, but leaning on NCO's to really spearhead recruitments which in turn create relationships with enlisted is a great way to extend the life of new CG members and mold them to be excellent.
  17. Brother man I was lookin out for your response! The reason I'm coming right for BCMD and not joining and rising the ranks is because of the necessity for change. Much of the community agrees there needs to be positive change NOW, not in a few months once current Junior Officers or competent NCO's rise the ranks. I share that same mindset. CG needs someone with a good finger on the pulse of staff and the community in general who also has good managerial skills to reform CG. In my app, I said "It is my belief that we’re one openly bad experience away from removing CG’s ability to arrest and have staff handle it all." While I am confident staff could handle arrests on the server without CG, I don't want to see this battalion get kneecapped. Hope this answers your question.
  18. Yeah, I didn't wanna be in the same battalion as the guy who failed to CMD report me...I don't think thats a wild take. Appreciate your vote even if it is against me.
  19. Yeah so I spoke to Arroyo and Kane before putting my app up, and spoke to 2 Majors around the last 2 apps hearing about issues they were facing with their previous BCMD. I have heard first hand accounts of the drama that's been going down in the CG officer channels, and have heard both "sides" of the current issues. After finishing my term as Cody I didn't really know what my plan was. I had some lighthearted ideas about joining CG at the end of my term to assist, but didn't bother due to not wanting to be in the battalion with Shady. After 9 months as Cody I was happy to sit as 2ndAC CPT and offer advice for the new Cody when needed, and I don't think I'm needed anymore. If I were to obtain this position I would probably leave my leadership position in the militia which I absolutely love. Sucks, but I would want to fully focus on CG. Thank you for your vote and question, hope I was able to answer.
  20. Yeah that's the current plan. I think "/me sniffs" to find out their location or a similar scent is SUPER power gamey, and until I learn what these guys actually want to cook with Tracker RP. As GMM I want to analyze what the mastiff whitelist can be used for as it's currently only available by using the /gm command and be setting up like an Event Job. My main goal is going to be working on DS right now, Tracker will be on the backburner until I have a good hold on CG day to day.
  21. yeah that sounds a little too specific and this type of thing is exactly the kind of drama id like to avoid within CG. This is kind of just ugly passive aggressive punches and not something that benefits the discourse of a BCMD app. I think you're excellent but respectfully I don't think answering this question will benefit the situation like you want it to.
  22. Okay so basically you're agreeing with some of these ideas and saying that current CG HC won't work with you...isn't that literally exactly what an outside BCMD can do to help?
  23. yeah I totally understand and I would be skeptical too of outsiders. I think your feelings on this are extremely valid. I'd like to look at what you just said on Arroyo's BCMD app. "I have been in CG for almost 2 and a half months now, almost my entire time on the server, and during that time I have never seen you contribute to CG in a meaningful way even now as a CG officer. (besides some routine document work). I have no personal issue with you but I cannot upvote you in good faith knowing there are more qualified candidates." I think that kinda speaks to the current feel and tear between the officers within CG right now. That is your CMD, someone you should be on good terms with imo. If you're not, maybe it's time for a change?
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