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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Two Branches are TR and Gamemaster. Admin is a rank. Gamemastering requires a LOT of responsibility and trust. You can spawn every weapon, every NPC, and essentially force the entire server to take part in what the GM deems as "Fun." Thinking that anybody who doesn't have any dedication should get that power is literally insanity. It takes about 6 weeks to get Senior Admin, then another week for Gamemaster. If you're not willing to wait, then you're not dedicated enough to show that we can trust you with the power to quite literally control what the entire server does for a full hour/two hours+
    4 points
  2. I can say this now, as 104th's new PLTL, that I +1 this Suggestion. Sure, it means that Pilots won't be exclusively a 104th thing with priority. But, an up side I see is that we will have more pilots available, and thus people who are pilot trained but assigned to different sub units shouldn't have to fly as much (something that is one of my biggest pet peeves). Besides, having more actual Pilots means we have better trained pilots than people who've only gone and done the ATC Training. I trust Hawk and Scrape as much as I trust any of my Pilot companions in 104th.
    4 points
  3. why not have another gm purge!
    3 points
  4. Well its been a... Run, i guess, not great but i hope you enjoyed. I'll say that there were some things that i did/didn't do that i regret, but a lot of stuff that i'm pretty proud of. I wish i could have pulled it off to the end but i understand i can no longer fulfil the amount of work and dedication needed for the role and am spreading myself too thin. When i became Yoda i wanted what was best for the Order, i suppose that means i'm not, but that's ok, I've learned, I've improved and I've grown as someone better than i was before. and i'm happy for all the things i got to experience. Just a note, this is just from the role, I'm still gonna be a master, still gonna be working with the Order and doing what i can. I hope that my successors are able to not only improve from what i did but also from what the Yoda's and Maces before have done. I'll see you boys around, i got some plans for what imma do next, maybe Make a movie. Maybe I've got a little trick up my Sheev.
    3 points
  5. +1 If your seriously only apart of the staff team to be a Game Master instead of being a staff to actually help the community and provide a solid safe place to play then staff is honestly not for you. Have GM be disconnected from staff is literally the best way to go. It will provide people that have awesome ideas to execute it themselves instead of sharing the idea to another GM only to have them do it wrong or because they don't just understand. Then yourself hafting to spend several months before they can become a GM and then by the time they get GM they are already burnt out because they did not want to be staff to begin with. They just wanted to be a GM. Look at another huge server that does CWRP. Their GM's are separate from staff and they have nothing but success and AMAZING events.
    3 points
  6. Name: 91st Recon ENG Sgt. Ryzen Suggestion: My suggestion is the separation between Gamemasters and staff. At the moment, the staff has enough to do as it is from training cadets to whitelisting, to dealing with minges etc. At the moment, the only people who can run events are staff. It takes time to set up events, especially really good ones and I feel that personally, the quality of events have dropped quite a bit. Just the other day a super battle droid and commander droid attacked the base and that was it. They injured the senator on-base and were destroyed and that was the event. My suggestion is that GM should be accessible to all who wish to become gamemasters but, maybe since those positions have the capabilities of spawning in things and even crashing the server if messed with too much, there should be a harder or maybe longer process for non-staff to become a gamemaster. Again, the reason I stress this is that there are many people in the SWRP community who can make good events but, do not have the time or maybe do not have the interest to become staff. If the server is to continue to do well and have fun, enjoyable events, it will require a new wave of GMs to help strengthen the GM team. The GM team now is not fulfilling the needs of the server and the events that are being done are not really that good. Droids come, they attack the base. Droids dressed as clones come, they attack us and try and destroy the generator. There needs to be more variation. I am not trying to bash the gamemasters because I understand it is a stressful job and very time consuming but, I am just saying that events would be a lot better if we had a larger pool of people in the GMs and they would be occurring more frequently. Thank you for taking my idea into consideration and taking the time to read my suggestion. Implementation: It would require new D3A ranks but, those can be made rather easily. A more rigorous process for those who do not staff to get into GM such as maybe shadowing or helping 5 events and leading 2 or 3 on your own. This way, the leaders of the GM department can really see who are the good gamemasters and who are the bad ones among the players that would apply. Lore: N/A
    2 points
  7. There are lots of people in the community that want to help the server by running events, but are not willing to become a staff slave and turn the server into a job, myself being one of those people. The community is meant to be run by the players, for the players and since this shit has been denied so many times I don't think Synergy can use that motto anymore since this is what the community wants, but staff are too afraid to lose their power. Because apparently having to go through the staff ranks for months and turn the server into a job makes you trustworthy lul +1
    2 points
  8. Game master should not be held back by people that went through staff and many of these people aren't interested in game master themselves all their thinking about is how the game master branch will have powers a little bit quicker but these powers are to be used only for dupes and events and staffing comes with different responsibilities to their respective branch. Game master is something that has been shit from the start and only just now has it come to the public opinion. Everyone needs to understand game master is not a position where you get flashy powers @Square @Dragon I understand that it gives a user high responsibility but they can be demoted as easily as they were promoted. This is not a reason this should be denied, it is already a thing set on every server other than Synergy and Icefuse a main supporter of this type of program is Superior and they've shown that it works. Arguments: How do we deal with staff situations with a GM - Report it to a GM Officer or GMC or a HA may step in if none are available this can be finalized through discussion and should not be dismissed. Why be a staff? - Not everyone wants to make events or has the knack for it and staff has the alternative to strive for management and the good will have helping the server. Become staff - Some people have lives and can't keep up with the demand of staffing but can do events in their free time. We track quality - What happens when all GM's are removed and there's no one left? Wait for more SA's? The High ups need to ask themselves why is this asked about by everyone and only denied by high staff and are we really giving community choice in situations like this. A system is possible For this to work it would need to have Application Process Applications will open and will stay open till a set amount of GM positions have been filled will only happen when GM's are needed. GM's are shadowed for their first couple events and a GM Trainer can give them pointers and help A document is made and will give information to each GM that they can refer to for help ^^^^ Just a small bit and do not take this as the whole thing. Game master's would not interfere with anything related to staffing. Lastly, we've hit rock bottom with the GM team and it's time to stop sticking to old practices, the GM team has experienced this numerous times and it the chain reaction needs to be put to an end. Do not take Stern's behavior in conveying his opinions as a way to escape this.
    2 points
  9. People are honestly retarded. There are two branches: Admins and gamemasters Admins are people that keep the peace, Ban minges and stuff like that. Gamemasters make events with storyline and let people shoot stuff. You could be the best person ever but be super bland and dull, Even be burnt out by the time you get game master. (Reason I left staff is because progression in your branch is not decided on your work in the beanch) Gamemasters are creative people that help the server in their own way by providing events that are actually fun which people enjoy. Some people have no patience to teach someone the same thing over and over (TR Training) on their path to gamemaster. The two branches require people of different calibers. Admins are friendly Gamemasters are creative
    2 points
  10. -1 if you want to host a event become staff
    2 points
  11. Thanks Woeny, this is being denied due to not meeting the requirements of making a server suggestion. Next time seek the approval of the BCMD first. //Denied //Moving to Denied
    2 points
  12. No it does not bypass the point of being staff. People become staff because they want to help the server and the players. Being GM doesn't prohibit that. If people are becoming staff only for the sole purpose of becoming a GM, then your staff team to start just does not have the drive to help the server. People become staff to help players, new and old, deal with those who break rules and ensure that people have a quality experience. That by no means makes them good at making events. Are you really going to dodge the issue behind why the post was made? Events are nowhere near the level they should be. Also are our high ranking jedi and clone officers not trustworthy enough to make GMs? I think some can be and they have worked their way up in the community. It may not be staff but, many worked for their positions. Some are definitely good gamemasters too. Potential is being left untapped and it is a shame because I have kept my mouth shut but, now I feel like it is time to say something because I love the server and community but, this is just upsetting to say the least.
    2 points
  13. +1. During my time playing CWRP I have seen this on many servers and it brought fresh new events. The whole "Do good in a branch to get promoted" thing is a good incentive and all, but more times than not if you went GM as staff, you wouldn't get promoted because of quality. You would be looked at for quantity and time as a rank. Which gives people reasons to shit out horrendous events just to meet the non official quota in the hopes of being promoted (That's what I saw during my time as admin) Separating the GM from Staff will allow people who only want to be GM to make amazing events and not to do staff stuff to be able to make those amazing events.
    2 points
  14. It wouldn’t be straight away. But there should be a different way to become GM without staff. The fact is though that the events right now aren’t happening frequently enough and are not immersive/unique enough for the most part. For a game mode that literally relies on events, I believe something needs to change to allow more people to be GM.
    2 points
  15. Always liked you, yeah man sometimes hard work is overlooked sadly, enjoy yourself without stress.
    1 point
  16. Agreed. That way the staff that want to genuinely be GM will be GMs and the ones who do not want to be staff can stick with GM. We need quality over quantity.
    1 point
  17. +1 He is brain dead too so it's a win win
    1 point
  18. Imma pop in and say KEEP THIS SHIT CIVIL KIDS. K bye.
    1 point
  19. Are you going to elaborate on that or just simply say that I am wrong because otherwise your argument is invalid and has no weight to it.
    1 point
  20. What about our commanders who are not in staff? What about officers in battalions who are not in staff or our high ranking jedi who are not in staff. Are they not to be trusted as well because they are not on the staff team? GMs still have to apply and should go through a rigorous trial period and from there, the lead GM can determine whether or not someone would be a good GM. Also, there are tons of people that see how eachother act on the server each day. If someone is a minge and they apply for GM, people will definitely make it known that they are a minge. Why should the server live in fear just because some people "may not be trustworthy". If that is the case, blacklist them from GM. Don't let a few people ruin it for everyone else.
    1 point
  21. To start, I don't think you understand what staff power are versus gamemaster powers. A gamemaster can spawn in NPCs, ships, props and maybe whitelist to jobs depending on the server. A staff's permissions are to ban, kick, gag, mute, jail etc. They are completely different. GMs should have no power to ban someone or to jail them etc. Just because someone is staff does not mean by any means at all that they will be a good gamemaster. Many people just become gamemaster to help out and progress through staff. You cannot tell me that being a gamemaster determines whether or not someone could make for a good Head Administrator. For starters, an HA doesn't even necessarily have to be a gamemaster so to say that a VA or SA being a GM is a prerequisite for HA or one of the parts that define an HA is a joke. On top of that, our staff that are GMs are definitely getting burnt out much quicker than those staff who are not GMs. GMs being a part of staff is not benefiting the server in any manner.
    1 point
  22. +1 - Get them boi's some jetpacks
    1 point
  23. -1, Not only for the reason dragon has stated above, BUT, a separation between staff and GM would (In my opinion) cause events to be EVEN WORSE than they already are. This is a fat yikes from me, chief!
    1 point
  24. +1, At the moment to be promoted in staff it is more than doing events. It is structured in such a way that you have to do TR trainings, Tickets and then events until you become admin then you drop TR. The only way you progress is by literally have someone spam tickets for you or click on the box as soon as it pops up (Which you half the time cant claim because its for spawning a dupe) I wasn't promoted to SA because my ticket count was too low which is ridiculous considering I went down the Gamemaster specialty. Gamemasters and admins are two seperate things which people dont realise. The server I was on previously (Aftershock gaming/Axiom gaming) used the system that ryzen is suggesting with no problems at all.
    1 point
  25. The point of being staff is to help moderate the server and enforce rules along with help the flow of RP not be disturbed. Their “job” does not by any means have to be about making events. Especially since not all staff are GMs. Staff by default is just enforcing rules and helping players. Nothing more, nothing less.
    1 point
  26. Encounters haven’t been very immersive and there are many people who just sit in bunks and wait for them to end because they often are not immersive and not that entertaining because all branches try to get in on the encounter which just turns into a mosh pit.
    1 point
  27. Holy shit a 104th not being selfish about pilots good for you man thankd for making the server a much better place by being willing to let others have a chance at pilots. You are a Hero. The only argument about the pilots is that they removed them. Yeah they removed them over 6 months ago and they where removed by members that are not around anymore. Shit changes get over the "You removed your pilots" argument. Phat +1 Also my post for a general pilot job got approved but idk.
    1 point
  28. This completely bypasses the point of being staff. You would get Senior Admin powers without any of the responsibilities. It would cause a bunch of people who main GM to leave and would be unfair to the rest. It was denied in the past for the same reason. If you want to be a game master join staff and work your way up. -1
    1 point
  29. I figured that much however, I am sure that this is not the first time there has been an issue with the lack of events or lack of quality of events or both. We need to find a real solution rather than using temporary solutions.
    1 point
  30. +1 It be great for them to have JT
    1 point
  31. Welcome brother to the fallen Gregor Club
    1 point
  32. +1 wtf u were in rancor when I was in rancor? Also it feels like 2 weeks ago when u got bypass omegalul
    1 point
  33. +1 I trust this man to carry my leg of seas.
    1 point
  34. +1 literally the only person for the job.
    1 point
  35. Ooo can can I steal this idea and make a Synergy Drama Alert?
    1 point
  36. Sometimes I think you're acting stupid. Read the ban, it is perma.
    1 point
  37. This is NOT epic. Just shut the fuck up, quit being so privileged with your battalion's shit. If I had a quarter for every battalion complaint that I've heard since we first introduced battalion buffs I'd have enough to purchase a Playstation VR Headset which keep in mind is $299. So just enjoy what you have.
    1 point
  38. F U C K C O M M U N I S M -1
    1 point
  39. This is where I have seen this from
    1 point
  40. I had no idea 104th even had pilots. I thought they were a tank division.
    1 point
  41. I hate the reason that 501st gave up their pilot job, this was like 7 months ago. When no one who’s currently in the battalion was around, they had no say in that decision. So does that mean they should be effected by the decisions of past members, the people currently in charge of the battalion want it back. They clearly want the job lmao and o can see it being very useful. The 501st has, and I hate to say it a more popular piloting branch than 104th, they have clearly wanted it for a long time and should not be effected by the decisions of past members, with them not being able to change it.
    1 point
  42. ayyY LmaO its not even in afghanistan lmao
    1 point
  43. Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Commander Gree! Your term ends 3/4/2019
    1 point
  44. I’m not going to bother quoting whoever said it but. if you -1 this application just because, “He’s Not Like Egg.” “He doesn’t lead the same as Egg.” Well guess what? He’s not Egg and you have to suck it up. Anyways onto my vote. Sanchez, you’ve done a lot for 41st and I believe you should recieve this position. I’ve witnessed your leadership capabilities when I was Barriss and well, you have what it takes. (TBFH you should’ve been XO like long ago but whatever lmao.) +1 from me chief.
    1 point
  45. After High command and High Staff purged Egg and the Commanders, I honestly cannot make a decision on anyone. I was also under the impression that you needed to have been a CMD before and atleast a CPT now to be able to apply for BCMD. You did a lot for the battalion, but you would never understand how much hours and effort Egg has put into his time on the server, and feel like all that is about to change. I like you as a person, but I do not personally think you should be Commander Gree, but with all this said, Good luck. I believe a few people are going to agree with me. I'll see you later, I'm leaving.
    1 point
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