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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2024 in all areas

  1. That'd be nice if these suggestions didn't outlive the people who post them, then nobody knows what the hell to do with something they didn't request. This is real. Our best Village to date imo is Anaxes. The utilization was pretty decent and the proximity to base and the side hangar made break ins a legitimate worry and the positioning of it was perfect in that little ravine area. It was enroute to a "node" (the outpost and the crystal caves) which had quite abit more out of base interaction. Alot of this though has to do with player interaction and RP as well though. Overall i like the post. It's got quite a few valid things. Hopefully its taken fully into account.
    2 points
  2. Name: Bitter SteamID: 76561198047426244 / STEAM_0:0:43580258 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: Far to long From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9.5 + Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: Joining the gamemaster team would be a natural extension of my passion for crafting immersive stories and providing enjoyable experiences for others. My background as a Dungeon Master in D&D demonstrates my adeptness at world-building, character development, and creating engaging narratives that captivate players' imaginations. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes, I understand https://docs.google.com/document/d/15OG3seYzfGU7-hvxuSegfV92jvb8ldNcM6WdkjlT3RQ/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Py6boZiRWCaimkrj3J4gbC8WybEcmVRK5zXdD-7KWLg/edit?usp=sharing I am also still learning the planning process for event creation but I'm a fast learner and love a good challenge.
    1 point
  3. Not attempting to flex; however; emphasizing that with the previous commitments I had in the battalion, I wouldn't give my +1 to just anyone, just trying to strengthen his application is all.
    1 point
  4. +1. I may have not known you for too long; however, from our conversations, as well as the conversations of those inside of the battalion currently, I believe you are a great fit for Bacara. It is evident that you care for the individuals in the battalion, and I can tell that you value roleplay. I have always viewed the first term of any BCMD as a trial run, where you are figuring out what is going on, and I believe that to truly tell how well a BCMD is, they must have at least two terms under their belt, so I hope you get that opportunity to show your leadership abilities and steer the battalion in a positive direction. Best Regards, Matra (Previous Bacara x4, Keller X4)
    1 point
  5. This was what people said bounty hunter would be like originally. It was a cool idea IMO.
    1 point
  6. Me personally I kinda want us to go back to basics on synergy when it comes to factions, having all these unique factions is cool when we are actaully back on track when it comes to RP from there we can go from what we can do with the server RP, just kinda want clone/naval/jedi. For the map idk just let the guy cook and let him update the map frequently, server is always gonna change their mind on maps and whats good or not, having a consistent map creator that can update the map even a small bit every month would fix 99% of all the problems we struggle cause we sit on a map for 6 months and let all of our cringy nitpicks overwhelm it. Anaxes V3 was my favorite cause it got feedback and actaully was updated to fix issues we had with the map, whatever happens with our map i just want the map guy to be on top of things instead of us just having this hate boner for the map every 6 months.
    1 point
  7. Replace Jedi with Sith (besides lore characters)
    1 point
  8. I'm Leaving. That's the update :) This is not an ‘I’m going to say it…” post. Cliche music outro: Well, everyone, the time has come. I’ve spent many years here, seeing the worst of it and seeing it at its best. But there comes a time when it’s time to move on. I’ve done what I can for the community, and I ain’t got no gas anymore. For those who can’t read or have the attention span of a gerbil; yappervile XD LMFAO, fortnite dance, skibbidy toilet, womp womp, loud = funny meme compilation. Split video mobile game/family guy. Moving on… I stuck around when the community was in its death throes. But I stayed with it and supported @Xaze, the development team, and @Jad. The community climbed out of its hole. And as far as I am aware, I don’t recall any gaming server, let alone a Gmod one, going to the brink of death to recover as we have. I am proud of the work we put in to get here. And I am proud of all of you for sticking around and supporting us. However, I’ve reached a point where I don’t see myself contributing healthily or productively. I am quite open with my opinions, and I’ve never shied away from sharing them with the community or server leadership. So, I am not going to reiterate those points. Instead, I’d like to remember all my good times. I will address the community with one point; This is a community of people who are trying to create a cooperative experience. These petty inter-battalion/faction squabbles, vying for power (whatever that’s worth), stabbing each other in the back, and ruining friendships because you disagreed are the worst part of you all. Holding people to standards you do not uphold yourself. The worst possible thing you can do is break trust. I know you can be better because some of you have shown how to be better. Grow up. It’s a game, an RP server where you must work together to create a fun experience. Don’t be a shitter. There are many good memories, and I’ve made many lifelong friends here. Just to highlight a few as I can’t name every moment but; Helped rebuild Special Operations from the ground up when it was its battalion. Back then, things were a lot more stupid regarding how things were done back in the day. You new guys got it easy. Mainly playing as a CT to change the perspective of how CTs can roleplay and how they should be perceived and treated. They are new community members; we should show them a good time and positively interact with them. I’m happy that things are much better than they were back in the day. I will not shout out an individual battalion, but some do it far better than others, and you can all learn from them. CTism is real. The Navy is underrated. I enjoyed playing in the faction every time, as you have a lot of creative freedom if you just push and try. But it’s mostly passive, which is fine. Please stop bullying the Navy; they are walking nerd emojis and have it hard enough as it is. Bounty Hunting, just all of it. This faction has so much potential for RP, creating small stories amongst friends, which can affect the community. Even today, I still get asked about bringing Clan Leven back because of its impact on the Guild and Community (it’s not coming back, so stop asking; you know who you are). My bounty hunter experience was the same as playing KOTR, with how in-depth and fun it can be if you put enough effort into it. For those who say BH is bad, or boring or “let's bring back X faction and replace BH” because you just want something to shoot, just play as a clone. You’re already dull, so don’t make it worse for the rest of us. It’s 100% a skill issue if you can’t make BH fun for yourself, as it requires creativity and thinking outside the box; yes, I know thinking is hard, but some of you can figure it out. Jedi is the worst faction. Toxic labels should be put around the temple on jah. Development. Jad asked me if I wanted to work alongside him and I do not regret that decision. Helping sculpt the community and its future was a worthwhile project, and I enjoyed all of it most of it. Would I do it again? Yes. For as much pain and stress it has caused, from internal disagreements to the aneurysms the community has given me. It was all worth it. I enjoyed working alongside Xaze, Jad and the other developers. As much shit as you all give Xaze, I give him 10x more shit. Catchup. But the team is passionate, and they care, so ease up on them. They are only human and try their best for something they volunteer to do for you all. Blocking all of VA+ for a while. You’re annoying. #Fuckstaff Lastly, the community. Um, you’re honestly a bunch of shitters at times. You don’t know you’re ass from your elbow. Unless I looked into a septic tank, I don’t think I’ve met a more toxic cesspool (looking at you forum goblins and people who don’t play anymore but think their opinion matters). Now, for those who didn’t just jump to reacting or replying with a comment before they finished reading, this is for you. Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage I still love this community. Despite all of the faults and issues, there are good people here who genuinely care for others and want to have fun—just shooting droids, playing a character, and creating stories for others to enjoy. I’ve seen the community be wholesome and genuinely want to work together. I just wish it had occurred more. I just wish we all could be better. Don’t be evil. Be kind. So this is it. I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavours. One last thing. This video is my favourite clip on Synergy that lives rent-free in my head, and I need to watch it now and then. Oh and if you think to or comment “where’s my @” then you didn’t deserve it. This is the same energy of “Where’s my hug.” Don’t pretend that you did. Everyone knows why you weren’t. PS: I’ll be in TS for the rest of the day to chat after this is posted.
    1 point
  9. weird flex. +1. I said it on his first app. Nothing has changed. 21st is only on the improving side of things, and taking away the person that still has plans in effect is a dumb idea. Mystic - (BCMD Bacara, CMD x3, Jet x2 and the best Devil Dogs XO Deadeye from start to finish) (i kept the subunit dead because i hated it) See? @Matraits weird
    0 points
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