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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2024 in all areas

  1. -1 I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that. Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. Good luck!
    3 points
  2. 3/4/4 Not sure if it was the intent to have a few hunters at high HP but after the person that came into HC to steal data took 8 RC shots I assumed it was gonna be an interesting situation. Guy who did the download in HC has the fastest internet known to man.
    1 point
  3. Well FINE, +1 I please PLEASE interact with Rancor more, we love when it happens it just doesn't happen enough
    1 point
  4. Big +1 Lilj is a very god guy to be around I believe he would make a good BCMD
    1 point
  5. +1 Ive seen this guy do great things in his squad even if he does steal my SUPL
    1 point
  6. +1 God speed LilJ!
    1 point
  7. Yap yap yap just take my +1 Along side joy boys question of how many hours in VR chat I wanna know how many VR kittens do you have as well
    1 point
  8. +1 guys pretty cool i guess
    1 point
  9. As Lil J's old Boss I must say I would love to see him in this position as BCMD, I have seen how he has been a hard worker on and off the server. He has one hell of a work ethic on the Server when he was under me and gets the fattest +1! good luck I hope you get it cause you definetly deserve it mah boy!
    1 point
  10. Lilj more like lilBCMD APPLICATION HA BOOM GOT HIM.... +1 For real though since first meeting you to now feel like you've maintained that edge that screams I can lead, I love the interactions ive had with you and you are a great person to speak to and deal with I believe SOBDE will do well under your leadership
    1 point
  11. Ive known this man sense he came to the server hell i did his tryout for cg. LiL J is a homie and has done alot for synergy as a whole. He has also managed to do alot for every battalion he has been apart of. Giving him the oportunity to become a BCMD is something id be happy to see. So with that being said +1 P.S Good luck buddy hope you get it.
    1 point
  12. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine +1
    1 point
  13. Yo, just want to add stuff to ensure no mistunderstandings leading to useless discussions That was a pretty annoying situation to be in, after 1 day as squad lead. I do agree that every frustration and stuff should have handled before I got Hunter. BB inactivity was a frustrating thing for the battalion in general. Yes LilJ did suggest removals, but a wipe/removals was spoken about before that, by previous SQL and before I got Hunter due to lack of activity. At the end like I said, it was a shitty situation. But the BB wipe could not have been made, unless my agreement was there, which It was at the end. Main point of this, just so we dont put LilJ as the bad guy, is that this was already set in talk long before I got Hunter, but nothing happened. I was still new in the battalion, about 1 month TIG. So cming into a squad lead position, with a squad that had all members on LOA, I had to ask for advice from other SQL but also give me ideas to how I can solve this situation I was in, but most important to ensure my actions were to up to SOBDE standards. . I do wish this situation was handled before I got Hunter, to avoid all this. But that could be a BCMD plan.
    1 point
  14. I heard it from the primary person but i heard from them you removed a SOBDE member on LOA, while that is raw af im curious on the reasoning @LIl-J How much can a LOA protect you in SOBDE? also does this look cool
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. -1 You deserve to have it gone.
    1 point
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