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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2021 in Posts

  1. I feel like making 4, 7 and 8 check boxes instead of one exclusive awnser could be a good change.
    4 points
  2. here is the tl;dr : this guy is definitely +1
    3 points
  3. Steam name: Boo Radley RP Name: Stockings Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49827084 Regiment you are applying for: Siege How many terms have you held the position?: One How do you feel your previous term went?: I think that my previous term was a mixed bag, but in a good way. I perhaps may be the only Regimental Commander to be moved to a Regiment where neither of the original battalions I was regimental for, are a part of. I went from focusing on issues pertaining to the Recon Regiment (41st & Rancor) to the Siege Regiment (104th, 21st, & Doom’s Unit). This change was only partially expected and I only had about a month of time to really do anything with the folks in Recon. I was put into a regiment where I’ve had zero introduction and about zero interaction with the battalions in there. Of course, this took time for me to bond with them and build a relationship of sorts. Not only with each battalion's High Command, but the battalions as a whole. I was also tasked with learning how each battalion was run. Coming into Siege and finally getting to know them, I was about half way through my term (1.5 months in). Initially, things were good for some battalions & things were bad for some battalions. This being at the beginning of my term, 104th was in tip-top shape. Putting numbers on the board regularly. Conducting great numbers for training and continuing to bolster their ranks overall. 21st was in a lull and needed some real work to get the spark going again. Doom’s Unit was initially in an okay place, however their Officer Corps. was non-existent until maybe a week or so later. Throughout my term things would change immensely and I would be constantly shifting my focus along to make sure that each battalion was being set in a good direction, but keeping an autonomous stance for each one battalion and allowing the BCMD’s to handle what they need and I would be there to support them. One of the things where I think I truly shined with the regiment was being an active participant in their discords. It seemed like all the battalions were extremely appreciative of me communicating with them on a regular basis. This kind of astounded me that the members of the battalions hadn’t had their previous Regimental Commanders talking to them. I also enjoyed being active in their respective battalion meetings. I was glad to hear that DU would host a weekly battalion meeting and I often did my best to attend them, listening, talking, and providing them with the proper information necessary about where things might be moving in the Regiment. Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?: I’d like to remain the Siege Regimental Commander because I think I’ve still got things to do to try and improve these battalions. I’ll be honest, a lot of them are in top shape when it comes to document work. They really just need pushes for activity & having consistent presence on the server. Another reason is that I do enjoy the work that goes into being a member of High Command and working with the people currently in it. I genuinely think we make a great team. I also put out a form for Siege battalion high command (104th, 21st, DU CMD+) & current High Command to review my performance as Siege Regimental. On the form, I asked a few questions and received a 9.14 on average for my overall performance(1-10). I received a 7.4 on average for my overall activity (1-10). I had zero complaints put forth regarding myself, and the only issue in the regiment that was stated was that 104th & 21st needed some help. I went forth and helped them to be in better places than they were at the time, when I put out this form. Current Availability: It will remain the same as a full time job takes up the majority of my life. Monday through Thursday- 5PM EST- 8~8:30PM EST Friday- 5PM EST- ~Midnight/1AM EST Saturday- All day starting at probably 9 AM EST Sunday- 9AM EST - 8PM EST What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?: One of the biggest things that occurred during my term was the transition into Siege. With this came a new mission that was put forward. That was to create a singular roster for vehicle trainings and some others like Alien translation & Negotiations Training thrown in. With the help of 104th Intel and Jovanovic we were able to get this up and running quickly. This change did not require any sort of wipe to any of the training rosters either. Therefore allowing anyone currently trained to still hold that training. This accomplishment successfully allowed troopers on the server to immediately identify with their Steam ID which vehicle trainings they have completed. Although some might not really consider this an achievement I think it’s rightfully one, and I’m glad to have done it. With my start being the Regimental for different battalions, I think it was an achievement in my own right going and learning about the current siege battalions, going and introducing myself to the battalions and making a lot of new friends in them. Trying to understand how they do things, which was very different to everything I’ve done before in 41st & Rancor. This accomplishment was one that fulfilled my own introverted personality allowing me to become a useful and reliable leader for each Siege Regiment Battalion. What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?: If there’s one thing I want to do my best to improve in the regiment is consistent activity and building a presence on the server. One of the issues I see with the regiment still occurring, but far less than before, is the lack of activity during peak server hours. I hope to try and emphasize training, simulations, & building better RP. Making sure that the many trainings that Siege have control of are happening on a basis to keep the server population properly trained. However, I would like to keep my primary focus on sustainability in the battalions. For all of the battalions in Siege, their current BCMD’s are veterans of the server and know how things fly. I hope to continue to advise them on the decisions they choose to make and maintain a healthy relationship with them, continuing to allow them a proper space for which they can autonomously run their battalion. An on-going issue you may find in the Siege Regiment, and perhaps the server itself, is that members of the battalions may only hop on the server itself when their Battalion Commanders are on. Something I hope to try and do is to work towards having something available for troopers to do, whether it’s a sim, patrol, training, or just standard RP. I think there’s truly no easy solution to this, other than providing more entertainment on the server for people to enjoy, something I hope to be able to do more of if I do obtain a second term. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
    2 points
  4. Hey guys its everyone's favorite child on the server. I just wanted to say, if anyone is feeling sad or depressed I'm here for you. If you need someone to talk to just find me on TS or discord.
    2 points
  5. Hello all of Synergy Roleplay! Some might or might not know me, but if you don't know, hey! I'm Panda and i'm an ongoing college student. I need your help in participating in this questionnaire for one of my classes. I need to collect data to present to my class for one of my finals. It is mainly about How Music Has An Emotional Impact On Adolescents. I appreciate if you can answer this short questionnaire for me! I would be forever grateful. <3 https://forms.gle/VsAuajYGbT4vWxE9A Thanks in advance! <3
    2 points
  6. i see no tl;dr but ur admin just whitelist urself lol +1
    2 points
  7. Well I think it's time to revive myself But i feel like the tension and memory of my babyrage has passed I don't know what to expect or how I was remembered, but honestly nothing sits in the back of my mind like synergy (you bastards) It's heroin tbh Anyways here's a life update for those who care Joining the Sheriff's office where I'm located, if @Mitchellis still around he'll be in my jurisdiction Military career going decent, nothing crazy Started playing Destiny 2, best mistake of my life GF is happy and I, overall, have been trying to be better. Also I'm working a less stressful job now so woo It's hard to decide whether I want to be staff or get my honorary back, I'm doubtful it would happen or how dedicated I am to re-entering society, but we'll see with time Love y'all And if anyone needs a word, you can find me somehow.
    1 point
  8. Name: Fyi Staff Rank: Director SteamID: On the roster Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 12/5 > 12/9 Reason: I wanna take a bit of time off. Been under a lot of stress recently and I wanna take a few days to cool off so I can come back and get some shit done. Any questions or concerns should be forwarded to the Management team during this time. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Oh no!
    1 point
  9. tl;dr : so when the event started there 10/10
    1 point
  10. Not gonna rate as I technically EJ'd in that, but that was really fun from the BH perspective. Seemed actually challenging for both sides. Hope it was the same for y'all! Shoutout Sriracha opening those doors again. Clutch play. Also, I can now say that an RP situation has shifted our clan's alignment!
    1 point
  11. 9/10 i got destroyed by a guy with a cycler rifle \
    1 point
  12. yeah i get where the senators are coming from but my main goal wasnt to make you guys the center off attention. My goal with this was to really put what senators in situations that senators would usually go through not just debates and treaties. Or having a debate then ohh no your life is endanger. but Ill let you guys now in advance of any future deployments like this that come up in the future. yeah @Donosmh man smh
    1 point
  13. 5/10 from a senators perspective. Next time use ej's to represent the senate or talk to us first, so we know what we're getting into.
    1 point
  14. so bird messed up that bad? +1
    1 point
  15. I will pull some strings
    1 point
  16. As BCMD Doom I can confidently say Stockings has been the best RCMD I've worked with in all my time on Synergy. His involvement is superb and our regiment is improved by having him lead it. +1
    1 point
  17. I like you Stix and I think you can do could in the position. I also think your intentions are pure and not just a power grab as many short applications are. Your last term was good, but the people left in charge couldn't build on that. But this app is lacking in any plans other than fix documents, and get active members which really doesn't tell us anything you will do to actually accomplish and sustain that. After the honey moon phase in the first few weeks that every battalion gets after they get a new BCMD, what will you do to sustain activity and keep things smooth even if you were not there because of an LOA of some sort? -1 until I get a resposnse
    1 point
  18. +1 this is pretty smart to add, when Jedi lets say get stripped they don’t have there saber and then don’t have force powers but this could actual fix that issue for RP
    1 point
  19. And when it asks for "Other" there should be a text box you write in. There should also be an "Other" when it asks you how music makes you feel. Also, the question: "Do you believe that music has assisted in your current development of becoming an adult?" is worded weirdly. It's hard to know how music has impacted you during adolescence if you're still a kid. It should be worded something like this: "Do you believe that music is assisting in your development of becoming an adult? If you're an adult, do you believe music has assisted you during your development?"
    1 point
  20. I have had a revelation, you know what must be done +1
    1 point
  21. this guy is paying owner's mortgage bc he's vip; also mentioned CG idk why but for that: +1
    1 point
  22. this guy is cool as fuck and he probably paid owner's car insurance at one point because he's vip +1
    1 point
  23. +1 this one of my home boys, he do good.
    1 point
  24. Hey Dragon guess what!, welcome back!
    1 point
  25. Hey Dragon guess what, Welcome Back
    -1 points
  26. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
    -1 points
  27. +1 Stix was a very good rancor BCMD!
    -1 points
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