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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2020 in Posts

  1. *sigh* I really didn't want this to happen in the slightest . First off, Thank you @Forseen for giving me the chance and opportunity to come in here and make a statement. I apologize for all the staff and fourm mods that had to overlook this entire post because of how bad the arguments got. I want to thank everyone who did +1 my appeal and willing to have faith in my words and I'm sorry for all those who -1 it I left a disclaimer in the appeal to help divert and avoid something like this happen. I was contacted and given the chance to post 1 message here to help give some clarification and answer a few questions. Out of respect for forseen I will not attempt to attack or call out anyone who have said some things that lead to some of these arguments. Now for some Clarification. 1. There was a massive reason I had made the disclaimer, because unfortunately I was heavily involved in some "things" that were involved with the other banned members, but thats also why I was making it revolved around what I had personally said as i can't control what other people would say. I WILL not go further into this because I want to move past everything that happened hence making this attempt at a ban appeal. I will own up to my mistakes and what I said and I thoroughly apologized and tried to make the attempts to "bury the hatchet" as the saying goes. I threw mine down first I just hope everyone else will. 2. In response to @TheCyan, I'm very happy you did read the appeal and did respond to it. I will never expect you to accept my apology. I just wanted to own up to what I did and make that attempt to repairing it. I'm sorry for how you feel yet I must also state that you can't purely blame everything that did happen to you on the server on us. The reason behind that is because yes there were complaints about you, but there was NEVER an attempt from MYSELF to maliciously target you in anyway. I didn't agree with everything you did and how you handled certain situations and there were multiple occasions I never ever hated you or disliked you to the point I said to myself "how can I fuck with cyan today" or "man I can't wait to mess with cyan today" There was not ONCE that thought other than that moment and only due to the fact we were bantering with each other and poking jokes at each other. Hence the screenshots i initially provided. I MYSELF was to trying to target you or maliciously mentally harm you. Again I apologize and I hope to bury this flaming hatchet. 3. This ban appeal is because I am COMMUNITY banned. I am looking to be unbanned from the community as a whole. Some of you do seem to be assuming I intend to completely come back to the server. I met many many amazing people from this community and have played it for a long time. It's something I put my heart into and thoroughly enjoyed coming home from work and jumping on at night. I'm aware that is many of us that are like that and thats something I appreciate from the community. Let it be known right here and now. If being unbanned is possible I will closely watch what I do say and make sure to not let it happen again. Another thing, Since I am making a ban appeal my intention is to just be able to be apart of the community again, but this does not mean I will come back to Gmod and play the server as I once did. I DON'T intend to try and join DU again as I have scars now from it. (for those who were worried i try and comeback to it) Honestly, I wouldn't even know what to do in the server anymore. I plan at the very least to visit the server and either roll around as a CT or a BH. I just want to be able to talk with people and enjoy the community in other ways. 4. After this message I will be re banned until this is either passed or denied. I won't be able to answer serious questions to anything If you really want to find out more or do want one of your questions answered you can contact me at 40Ninjaman#2520 Please I do ask each of you to be civil in here I know this ban was a very big deal, but I've already made amends with @Freck himself and hold nothing against the man for what happened even if there was disagreements. Those who support me please don't argue with those who don't this senseless fighting and bickering isn't worth some guy who said the wrong thing. Those who don't support me say your piece and try and leave it at that. It's all I ask I shouldn't be getting a request to make a statement because of all the fighting going on over me. I made a mistake like most human beings and I'm paying for it. I just want to fix it and move on from what happened. I'm sorry again all the staff that had to read everything in here. Thank you everyone of you for this time in the community whether this passes or not I never meant to harm anyone in anyway. @Forseen Time to re ban me
    12 points
  2. The reason I disagreed your post is because it was factually incorrect. I was invited into the Discord in which this all happened in and took the screenshots myself after seeing the messages, there was no plotting against Ninjaman at all. However, I agree that Ninjaman should be allowed another chance in the community as he has acknowledged his wrongdoing and apologised.
    5 points
  3. +1 deserves a second chance. people obviously were "actively plotting against" ninjaman with the posts that were brought to light when this all went down. Give him a chance to improve or show us otherwise.
    4 points
  4. I'm going to reply to this to give you some context here. If you kill someone in Mexico, then hop over the border to Texas, does that mean you can't be held to the fact you killed someone? If you make a post on Social Media telling your classmate to kill themselves and actively bully them, that it doesn't get held against you at school because it's in a different place? If people are actively plotting against someone or harassing them, it doesn't matter where it is, they will be removed from the community until they understand they were a part of something that was wrong and can look towards improvement.
    4 points
  5. 3 points
  6. How exactly do you know SevenDays Networks is down? Ninja doesnt even play Gmod anymore, he hardly gets on even when he gets off work at midnight his time. I play EFT with him every other day when he gets off. And to whoever is saying that SevenDAys doesnt want him, thats wrong, we all enjoy him and like having him around as a member and a friend. Again Cyan, how are you getting this information about Sevendays because everything you have stated about it is absolutely wrong and i can confirm it because im the director for that server.
    2 points
  7. -1 From what I've read the banned person actively gaslit and was an extremely toxic person to Cyan. There is no need to have someone like this in the community after what he did to members of the community. Cyan is a teenager on the younger side. This member targeted and harassed a younger member of the community, was purposely toxic and cruel to him, and got Cyan demoted from CMD for no real reason. His "evidence" just seems like a ego fueled conversation and it proves to me that you're unfit for the community. Dumb me or call me a piss baby or whatever you boomers are doing to anyone who -1s, I really couldn't care. The fact that he was cruel and toxic and a dick to a younger teen and a younger member of the community for no real reason solidifies my -1. Fuck people who do that. Being talked down to due to your age is the worst feeling and if you do it I really dislike you. Age is not a measure of ability nor of intelligence when it comes to the server and you should not treat younger people like children. not cool bro... stay gone I think
    2 points
  8. It’s okay, it was a good brain workout for this morning. Here’s what I have come to, usually I’d -1 these type of ban appeals because I think toxicity and bullying in its own is personally worse then exploiting the game itself. But Ninjaman, you seem like you really just want to wrap up everything and are passionate about coming back to the community; and I’m glad you could find a family here. I am going to +1 this I’m just going to say this now, you know the rules and if you slip up you’ll just get fucking smacked back into the ground with no appeal, and if that happens then you would have made me look like a fool, an absolute baboon. So for the love of god in the event of your unbanning just amend with everyone and don’t cause more shit even if it is satire. TLDR: +1
    2 points
  9. @Woenyngl, saw it coming but Aight. GG man.
    1 point
  10. ive gone back and forth in my head while reading these replies. Im really tempted to -1 and call it a day. i think what you did was disgusting and immature. however ive settled on a +1 with the knowledge that if you fuck up again we can just slap a perma no appeal on you and thatll be the end of it.
    1 point
  11. +1 good kid. Could help the team a bunch
    1 point
  12. Fuckin dipshit dawg holy shit what a fuckin moron amiright imagine applying for boss xdddd +1 Bleach has been around almost as long as me and has gone from a squeaker to a legit good sev over like a 2 year period in a crazy fuckin story arc. Good shit.
    1 point
  13. 8k hours . But I'm not going to +1 or -1 cause I don't play the server anymore, and I don't know how you act now, but when I was Boss you did a lot of stupid shit. Just make sure to put on a serious face sometimes and I think you'll be fine.
    1 point
  14. +1 the higher ranks he goes the farther away he goes from the 501st :(
    1 point
  15. As a reminder to everyone, this thread is regarding Ninjaman and his ban appeal. Please do not go out of your way to flame others or create more drama.
    1 point
  16. This isn't a job. This is a game. Plus you didn't read or can't understand the second part that paragraph. Where he said he wanted to be done with Synergy anything. He wasn't harming Synergy, he just didn't want to hear anything about it.
    1 point
  17. Retitle this topic to either DU vs Ninjaman or DU Drama Episode 4 or 5. I lost count. Granted I could easily have this comment remove for just saying that but its true as F*** (Love you @Carvis) ^^^^^ THIS IS WHAT NINJAMAN DID! He did his job to do discipline to troopers in DU that were minging around, under everyone's terms that he was in. And he would go to you about it. You @Denniswere probably busy and left it on the back burner like everything else you did while being spec reg. Except for the few cases of Fail RP, one time you were arrested. However this isn't about you. So hide behind a monitor and say you're an adult for what ever makes you sleep at night. The reason I am bringing this entire thing up now is because when @Woenymade the post about the 5 DU being banned, almost everyone commented they are taking this "GAME" too seriously , when people here are being hypocrites. Yes you have your opinions sure, but don't say you have your opinion by just following someone else. To further move on with the episode of "What's drama is happening on Synergy today?" Show. ^^^^ This is what happened. People took messages from outside Synergy discord's and used it as "Evidence." Fuck one of the screenshots used against him was from a friends streaming discord. A place where he felt safe to say something along the lines of "Hey I know I got banned from synergy, can we not bring it up it in." I feel that if we want Synergy to thrive, we need people to be in it. Yes some people who are banned full heartily deserved it, RIP my brother, however for what happened to Ninjaman was completely wrong and only was given out to stop "drama" when in reality it split the community in two. People who know Ninjaman was a good trooper and Commander of DU, and DU. Forum suggestion time: Remove DU and bring back the 91st/327th Thank you for coming to my TED talk -- Kurt (Former Late Night admin)
    1 point
  18. *sigh* Uh hi, It's Cyan. I have seen this post. I'm about to take a hiatus from GMOD and discord, but I'll put this out here in the forums before I leave. To start, I'm not going to -1 or +1 (if that really matters for ban appeals). I think that the general mass of Synergy and high staff will be able to make the right call here. 1) Ninjaman's ban was a direct response from malicious actions towards a member of the community (who was then demoted from all his positions and is now at 2ndLT, thanks buddy). His actions were not a "one time slip up", it was a result of weeks of planning and talking it out. Thus, premeditated and specific targeting. 2) Like I said in our PMs together, I personally don't forgive you for your actions. You can critique me all you want, which it is your right to, however I don't think anyone should forgive targeting, toxicity, and drama for the sake of...power? Relevancy? Greed? 3) Ever since you left DU, your actions have directly harmed the battalion, and virtually all you did was gaslight a precarious situation, which would lead to your eventual ban. If you did happen to get unbanned, your first destination would likely be DU, which is a prospect I don't think would help DU. 4) You're the XO of the 501st in 7N, I highly doubt your capacity to actually play on Synergy, much less show the community that youve changed. This is not a -1 nor a +1. For anyone that read, use this information (or don't) to decide what you want to respond with.
    1 point
  19. +1 Back from the dead to say fuck ya, you go Noble.
    1 point
  20. I'd like to say I handled the situation quite well actually, I mean hey I could have placed them on a "perm ban no appeal", but we wanted them to appeal so the community would then get the vote. Not many people understand the toll it takes on those who are "the higher ups" or what you refer to as "piss babies" when dealing with these issues.
    1 point
  21. +1 The first person to actually be able to balance reg+ and master+ at the same time.
    1 point
  22. -1 not only after not getting doom and leaving due to IRL issues Owen allowed you to stay and gave you a tag which allowed you to be an advisor and you took full advantage of the tag, hence why I had it removed, not only did you leak chats or officer and senior officer you most likely did the same thing for commander chat. Personaly I knew about this “coup” about 2.5 months before you were all banned and tried to get ahead of the situation as best as I could during my time as RCMD. I put my best effort forth to help further communication, collaboration, and togetherness in the battalion and you made it your goal to do the opposite, not bribing things forth when people came to you. Trying to stay involved when you had left and “was to busy IRL” to be a commander. Yet when asked for names “they want to remain un named” only further attempting to cause a divide in DU between command and its members. While we actively attempted to make things better. I can whole heartily say that as one grown man to another I may dislike people on the server but I would never sit and talk shit and mess with a kids emotional state like you and the rest of your goons did, it is disgusting and immoral, you went out of your way to attempt to ruin someone’s escape from reality by causing more drama than he was going through at the time personally and that has never been tolerated here and I hope it will never.
    -1 points
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