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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2020 in Posts

  1. This post is not about the removal of models as that would be an in council thing. If people have an issue with the "customization" they should understand that is is a jedi jobs ie {padawan, knight, master, lore] That itself limits customization to a point but throwing away models to throw them away seem pointless. I'd rather see us revise an entire list and formed instead of individuals being yeeted. Bring a new suggestion to the order and agree as an order and as a council a new list of models for the Jedi. I enjoy the thought of adding and trading out Jedi models but one as a time and then a long list of removal out of no where is not the way to go about this.
    3 points
  2. 9/10 For a first encounter it was very nice, good balance of droids with good balance of health. The commando droid acting was good and the bombs were fine.
    2 points
  3. Never forget Delta 42 pilot scarz
    2 points
  4. 7/10 It felt really short and some of us weren't utilized properly or enough (Consular, Sentinel, Padawan) Granted there were only three of us in total, but still. I enjoyed the Village RP even if it wasn't as exciting to the rest of the Jedi. Shoutout to the amazing event jobs by the way.
    1 point
  5. 3/10 We was in the village 100% of the time with litle to no action or rp and very boring
    1 point
  6. Yeah, definitely will have more in the future. Thank you
    1 point
  7. 7/10 There was good exploration and shit but the map was freaking out with the droids and it made them insanely difficult to fight on the bridges Lost it a bit a the end but enjoyed it the whole way through
    1 point
  8. 8/10 Regardless of what you thought of your event and how things didn't turn out the way they wanted (including 212th's behavior) it was still very fun. One big thing was you definitely needed at least one helper. Two would be preferable.
    1 point
  9. +1 You better do some Halo x Star Wars crossover events or I'll give you the Prophet of Regret treatment.
    1 point
  10. This man is on a non stop grind all the time +1
    1 point
  11. 9/10 Really enjoyed this late night event. Loved the use of the turrets on the vulture droid! Only issue for me was the large amount of enemies for what at the beginning was 4 people.
    1 point
  12. Correction It was Delta Pilot 42 Fang lol The good times
    1 point
  13. +1 Known him since I joined the server and seems pretty qualified
    1 point
  14. +1, one of the best leaders on the server. I believe you can make a better future for 21st
    1 point
  15. +1 You are an amazing leader and role model for 21st Already, You 100% are capable of being in this position
    1 point
  16. You are a capable leader and liked by the batt. Your activity is good and your have a cool level head. +1
    1 point
  17. +1 an amazing leader and a great fit for this position
    1 point
  18. Jesus man I’m so glad that your applying for Bavaria you deserve to be BCMD even from the days of the 187th. I wish you all the luck +1
    1 point
  19. First Bacara app ive been excited to +1 in a VERY long time. You will do great things claw +1
    1 point
  20. Y'all keep saying hire like the server can afford that. I don't even get paid for every update lol. I personally strongly disagree, Joah has not been more or less difficult since I joined to work with him and become apart of the team. It's about presenting yourself right and proving we should trust you. He has never just given trust, nor has anyone on the Founder team. I have seen him "betrayals" or not, give tons of developers who proved they knew stuff a chance. Ex. Jayarr, Gideon, Kyle, CBlake, Maxwell, Jad, Props, etc. Heck, even Jackson and Square had to earn box access. They didn't get it just because they were Founders But, everyone has their own opinion on others Baelfire, so even if you don't think this is valid, we can agree to disagree. Also, I don't mind calling people out and especially when it's a repetitive theme. For all the guilty apes of this, rather than just blind disagreeing with all my posts about the server, why don't you dm me or respond back with some sort of backing, reasoning or solutions. It's players that sit and complain with no answer being good enough, but refuse to do anything besides sit there that are fucking useless. You clowns. At least Jayarr is TRYING.
    1 point
  21. Hey, I personally have a few interactions with you however those interactions were a mix of negative and positive interactions. The main problem I see about you is your attitude you tend to be childish sometimes but I can see little improvements as time passes by because of your role as a senator. Another flaw that you have is you are sometimes disrespectful and rude to other people and I saw this when we are helping with an event and your alibi was "Just acting like everyone else on the server" or something that goes along that line. For me this is a big concern because from what I see you are being a part of the issue and not the solution. I personally think that as time passes by your attitude will improve and so is your mentality but for now I believe you should take this time to work on your flaws. -1, Good Luck,
    1 point
  22. Something I also wanted to touch on that you didn't really go over. The server as a whole requires an active staff team to function properly. The problem is that at the current moment, staff is completely shit to go through. Staff feels like a job, one that you get no reward for unless you get staff of the week / month which is an arbitrary thing that is favoritism to get if you have similar stats to another person. This mentality drags people into getting on the server to just hit their quota which results in a shitty staff team. The worst part is that like a job, it's the lowest level employees ( SAs and below ) That are doing 99% of the work. You really wanna know what the HAs do? HAs: Interview people, sit in a channel once a week to discuss promotions / demotions etc check stats and hours. Handle any disciplinary situation that may come up, sometimes monitor the forums, they are also given an assignment such as forum LOAs and keeping discord up to date. Do you guys see the issue here? HAs are supposed to be the hardest working and best people in the staff team who put in a fuck ton of work to get where they are. And yet they have the least responsibilities of the staff ranks besides NAs which can only take tickets? People wonder why HAs tend to be really fucking lazy, and the reason is that they normally have fuck all to do. Honestly, the directors could wipe the HA team and have VAs do the staff interviews and no one would notice a thing because VAs have taken over stuff that they have done in the past such as monitoring staff applications and now with VAs being able to leave feedback on staff members HAs rarely do it and rely on VAs to do that for them. There's also the fact that who gets HA is very arbitrary ( I don't know if I am allowed to really go into detail how we choose HAs / vote on them so I can't go into detail :/ ) and sometimes we may get people who aren't the hardest working but have "Good leadership qualities" that translate into lazy HAs. I mean like shit I didn't even know Freck was getting HA until the morning after. Staff is shit and dysfunctional, our biggest program for player retention is the GM program which staff is required to be in. Hell our GMC only accepted being staff because he was allowed to skip NA and wants nothing to do with staff because it's shit. And yes before people comment, "it's a volunteering service for the community" I've done enough volunteering work IRL to get that everyone is contributing to improving things in some way. Staff is not that way, if you are an SA you're the one doing the heavy lifting while your 'overseer' is sitting on their asses getting told they are doing a good job. And don't get me started on the whole "staff are held to a higher standard" bullshit. It's annoying that there are so many inconsistencies with the way punishments are handled. For example, Woeny should of 100% been AT LEAST demoted down to SA and stayed there for an extended period of time before being moved back up after blowing up 6-7 people in messhall with a bomb that he placed that someone punched. However, he was put back up to VA after a week ( not my decision ). I love helping people, I honestly wish that I could of done more to help fix this broken mess of a staff team, but unfortunately I lost that chance. When I was offered VA I declined it because I knew that it would just kill my drive even more and I'd end up resigning regardless. So I pulled the plug early. Apologies if this is sort of rambling, if you want some clarification on my points go ahead and ask. Somethings I obviously can't talk about too much cause of confidentiality and what not.
    1 point
  23. Tbh, lore has been thrown out of the window ages ago
    1 point
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