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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2020 in Posts

  1. -1 My experience with Alec has been very passive, Although I have not been talking to him much, nor been here for long I do know one thing. I'm not sure if I like your mindset. When I was first coming to assist the battalion with the wishes of Cloud as Regimental I instantly heard the following remark - "When I was intel I never got help from the ITD, SO why should I help them" I can't remember who I was with, It might have been Skylur or Sinclair, Im not sure but the only thing we all said was "Thats not how you do it, if you didn't get the support that doesn't mean you treat them how you got treated, if you wanted help back then they probably want it now, dont let them go through the shit you went through" He knew this, as he answered with "I know" and this was literally 8 days ago. All I can say that mindset is one I do not like personally. On top of that, I've never sensed much of a presence from you at all that radiates a leader in the group, from my experience so far you are very passive these days. Personally there is no candidate at the moment I can say I would support 100% - The battalions been having issues constantly and the biggest is around the Code 100 breach, which as you know is the breaking of PTS and Battle Comms, no one has decided to contact me when this breaks apart from a SGT, theres no one who is above the ranks of 2ndLt that can follow this correctly yet, there are problems but ive seen no actions or willingness to help diagnose and attack the issue, And for those of you who need to know I am the Disciplinary lead of the 104th and rank as BCMD when it comes to Disciplinary stuff which this relates to, so they come to me if they wish to assist/issues. Only SGTS do so, Only SGTS have the will to tell me and get the battalion in trouble to develop and train, No one else has. You have did not step up to assist a battalion wide issue, Instead focused on Intel and Support Lead which was doing perfectly fine upon my join. You've been promoted to XO from MAJ, Shown no signs of even wanting to help me or anyone, The only reason I could possibly +1 this is due to your time in the battalion and work as SUPL thats it. I would say work as Intel, but your mindset and approach put me off although on paper you did well. You have also been in the Senior Officer ranks from 7 days. You got promoted to MAJ 7 days ago and within that you got XO - It's all a little rushed. I would personally like to see the man who has been a Commander in the 104th for 50+ days apply, or someone who has been in the CURRENT senior officer core for more than 7 bloody days. I also think you can be easily influenced by those who have lead you before etc, This is not what I want to see from a BCMD stepping up to a battalion in 104th's current state at all. You need to be sure of your actions without being backed up, make the decisions based on the battalions current state, and evaluate it for what it is now. This battalion is no longer the same as Scarecrows or chops, no no no you are going to have to put effort into this the same I did for 187th, You can't be constantly listening to outside retired members because they don't like how you are doing something, that'll send you backwards and hold progression for this current battalion, you need to run this as Alecs 104th - not Foxeys, FM's, Scarecrows, Chops etc. And personally I do not think you can. Not only that, but you havent had much time to actually lead this battalion or be at the forefront of things, yes you became Support Lead and Intel Director, thats great you micro managed a small portion of the battalion, But you jumped from MAJ to XO, Haven't made any decisions or tried to attack any issues with the ability you have now as an XO- which you should be doing, you are the head of the battalion, instead you are still acting like a MAJ- If you can't even act now as a XO and show promising signs to help improve the battalion I personally dont think you are ready. If this was me, as a MAJ I would have been doing anything possible to attack the problems within the battalion, and fix it along side doing my Intel work, Which I have done and always do when I look to assist a battalion. I manage intel, ARCL, DISCL, and what ever other priorities I might have but then apply myself in my spare time to assist the battalion and make it better- You haven't. Im sorry but there are SGT's that are trying to help and do more for this battalion than you are at this point in time, Just because you have been here for a while doesn't mean it gets easier, or the more ranks you go up the less you have to do, not at all with the 104th's current state. Don't get me wrong, you are a good guy for sure, I've spoken and seen you around for a while even when you made the 104th drama issue and got banned, but as of now I do not think you are ready for this, If I was going to be biased I would +1 this because you are friend, but I simply have to look past that for the sake of the battalions state. *Update* I don't want to have to rat anyone out here but, Some people in the battalion HC have been using blackmail tactics to get people to do work in the battalion. Ontop of that we unfortunately cannot go to Alec about this anyway because there is unfortunately a group forming within the 104th to "reform" it which is leaving out other officers and commanders of the battalion. A trooper complained to 2 104th High command, one being this applicant, the other is the Commander black mailing, about the black mail and how he does not want to be under such shady leadership and is now walking away with 2ndLt - The trooper getting 2ndLt has been in the 104th for under 10 days, is a Senior NCO, and has even stated he does not deserve 2ndLt The same commander, has forced a member to stay on and do things for him and I quote "You are not getting on off this until you do that ----" In an aggressive tone. I have bleeped the last part there cause it will leak identity of the Commander in this issue. A Commander is potentially leaving the 104th due to one commanders leadership(Same one which is black mailing) etc, the same one we cannot go to alec about because they are working very closely which is fine, do not get me wrong - you can work with whoever you want, but when we feel we cannot go to someone because we hold a different value, thats just wrong. For instance, One commander has called 2 individuals "butt buddies" because they hold the same values. The same commander which is working closely with Alec and blackmailing- Overall since Sinclairs promotion and this application going up there has been a sudden increase in shady actions involving the applicant, other commanders, and retired(Not all) which has lead me to resign, one of the more stubborn members of this community. Now not all of this is alecs fault at all, but it does go to show that this is the person he has decided to work with, and it worries me a lot- People are wanting to leave due to the one commanders actions and yet we dont feel comfortable going to Alec due to his choice to work closely with the commander. (The bold part is confirmed by Forseen as not starting drama)
    5 points
  2. Yeet Yeet GoodBye bois Peace my Bois im fat burned out and see no reason to hold the position. Goodbye's - No one peace bois
    3 points
  3. @Sanchez Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye This do be how it feel doe
    2 points
  4. Oh yeah one more thing before I head out. @Jackson @Joah @Square CHANGE THE HEAD OF DEPARTMENTS ROLE ITS DUMB SO FUCKING DUMB ( Like what were you thinking. ) That was rude my bad It delegates a portion of the server to a single person for no fucking reason Change it to my slave idea
    2 points
  5. Ah yeah, I remember this one but it was before my time as High Staff. @Jackson has to handle this one as it's his ban.
    2 points
  6. To those who -1ed, who do you believe the next best candidate is? so @Dreams- @Dennis @Marvel and the others who -1ed? Also how why do you feel as if they are a better candidate?
    2 points
  7. I will have to -1 after reading Dreams' response and from recent experiences with the 104th I do not know what exactly is going on with the 104th Battalion but I have seen huge promo after huge promo. It seems like people are getting rushed into high ranks for the sake of having people in those positions. I've seen the battle comms / communication issues first hand within the Battalion just the other day with several Officers in the Battalion doing little to nothing to settle everyone down and I even witnessed a NCO try to do it himself only to get shot down by a Officer and he expressed his concerns to me later. With what I have personally seen and with what I have been told I do not believe I can support you. From my point of view it seems like you were rushed into XO in order to be able to apply and I truly don't see many candidates for the position, though I'd rather wait than allow a rushed candidate. Sorry and best of luck anyhow.
    2 points
  8. Barring Dreams Book of "I don't like the way things are", I haven't seen anything bad from you. +1
    1 point
  9. Congratulations, your application for Battalion Commander Blitz has been accepted! :) Your term will end 6/30/2020 //moved to Commander Applications - Accepted
    1 point
  10. hamburger cheese burger big mac whopper
    1 point
  11. Uh yeah I guess I'll follow the general opinion of the community and give a: +uno
    1 point
  12. RP Name: Jedi Temple Guard Master Pyle Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:67685840 Suspected Player's Name: Jedi Padawan Alk / Alakai Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:198507315 Rule Suspected Player Broke: Racism, FailRP, Sending explicit images in Discord to a Master. Explain to us what happened: Alk, who was demoted to Youngling. I warned him about what he had said in the "In-Character" chat in our Jedi Discord. He was careless in his replies to myself warning him. He started FailRP in the in-character chat again today. He then proceeded to send me an extremely explicit video (The thumbnail was very visible). Evidence (If applicable): I can send it to the parties that will be involved. Message sent by @Alakai deleted in #in-character-chat smells and ominous odor only distinct to those who are surrounded by it Black people Message sent by @Alakai deleted in #in-character-chat I stand out on the streets of Naboo alone in the cold but stand firm watch Its really hard being a prostitute but i need to pay for my Jedi Training somehow, even is I am a youngling. Regarding the video/image that was sent to me. I will not post it on this Topic but can provide a screenshot to the people who will be involved. Too many young people, plus it isn't appropriate to post it on a public forum. Alk has been permanently blacklisted from the Jedi and banned from the Jedi Discord.
    1 point
  13. we were on pixelcat's yt vid and he called me nice so we got like a 4/10 so i consider that a dub
    1 point
  14. I think 104th has had some issues but I don't think there is anyone else viable for the position of Wolffe. If it really goes down the shitter I can already tell that report will be up in an instant but I have faith in this man. From perma'd to Wolffe gg my man. G fucking g. +1
    1 point
  15. Thank you very much, zoo wee. I tried to make it more challenging as I did not prepare to add SO BDE for the deployment, it was supposed to be rather small with somewhat 20 people, but thanks for the feedback
    1 point
  16. Overall: 2/4 Story: 3/4 - The story itself wasn't entirely implemented in the actual event. However, the acting from the Naval was very phenomenal. Being the one that carried him out of the laboratory, he was actually doing very well given the situation and pressure he was put in. I was really immersed! Execution: 2/4 - I can tell there was a lot of effort put into it, I really do! But I couldn't fire my weapon at all in some cases where there were just too many droids/props and I was experiencing the gun glitch. These performance issues really dampened it for me. Game Mechanics: 2/4 - While I wasn't involved in the Tech RP, there was a hell of a lot of it. May have gone too far in a few places -- however, I do like how in depth it actually seemed. Each mechanism having its own function and such. The droids, however, were often poorly placed and seemed to just be littered all over the sea floor/rooms/etc and it was just a stream of T-21's from a distance where you couldn't even see who was firing it.
    1 point
  17. +1 Sixta is doing a great work as Blitz, I believe his 2nd term will be the term that will defy his tryue impact towards Rancor, as he has created a foundation, now he is able to build upon it, improving the battalion even further.
    1 point
  18. Battalion: 104th RP Name: Wolffe Date: 2/28/2020 Reason: It would be in the best interest of the battalion if someone else took up the position of Wolffe. Goodbyes: I'll Message You Privately.
    1 point
  19. Story: - 4/4 Execution: - 4/4 Game Mechanics - 4/4 Overall: 4/4 Story: 4/4 Execution: 4/4 Game Mechanics: 4/4 Was an amazing idea, good job :)
    1 point
  20. i always think that you're bruiser i miss bruiser welcome to the server
    1 point
  21. Overall: 4/4. Somehow made the video game staple of underwater levels being hell untrue for this mission and was super creative in the execution, construction, and flow of the event. More like these I could tell this took a lot of hard work to setup props to you. Events like these are what keep people on the server and grant a sense of immersion. One of the best events I have had the privilege to participate in on the server. Story: 2.5/4 decent mission concept Execution: 4/4 Great setup with the troopers air dropping into the water created an epic cinematic battle sequence with diving into the depths taking down aqua droids. Had me in awe with the creativity and unique mission construct and FPS was very good as well so big ups on prop management. Just something about taking down those aqua droids and watching them slowly sink to the seafloor after blasting them is something special. Never got bored or felt like I was waiting on the next thing. Game Mechanics: 3/4 Good TECH RP, but could have used a little more variation with the RP to do more than TECH but still high quality TECH RP setup. The map choice is a very unique and challenging one. But instead of shying away from a difficult event to setup, it was presented beautifully with precision and passion. Was setup great for people to not get lost in the large depths and kept troopers on task/objective.
    1 point
  22. Very cool map loved the underwater elements 4/4
    1 point
  23. Lazy hoe you just copied my thing smh smh smh
    1 point
  24. Story: - 4/4 Execution: - 4/4 Game Mechanics - 4/4 Overall: 4/4 Story: 4/4 Execution: 4/4 Game Mechanics: 4/4 Thanks Rohan ;)
    1 point
  25. 3/4 Overall Pretty fun and thanks for letting SO BDE tag along
    1 point
  26. ^ I don't agree but nonetheless Sixta, Bixta, Blitz. In my short time in Rancor I have never met a more committed and welcoming dude. He cares a lot and wants the absolute best for the battalion. Don't let them put you down. You do what you have to and you get shit done. For these reasons -1 jk love you +1
    1 point
  27. So I’m going to have To -1 for various reasons first off, So basically after you got blitz oh my lord, I have never seen so much arguing within the battalion and fighting with each other that people like me and silvers for example who don’t even play actively on the server have to yell at you guys to stop fighting with each other, it’s like you just sit there and let it happen, you’re in the channel while it happens which just looks bad on you because like this isn’t the way people should act, and you might be like oh they’re just playing around, but it’s not that they’re playing around all the time either, for example, me and Nigel arguing that’s just us playin around, but lord oh lord, I’m not going to name people because I rather them just see this and be like oh that’s me, but some argue more than others and start it for no reasoning. Also it looks worse on you when you start laughing at the people arguing or adding onto their arguments when it should be something that should be handled in a different way. 2. Activity, Rancor is at its lowest activity for sure. I hop on hoping there’ll be some rancor on, but nope, 1 or 2 usually on consistently for the majority of the day unless someone announces there’s an event or ARC training, that is the only time people actually are on, and I haven’t seen you take any initiative to actually doing something about that, maybe I don’t know, but I’m not just going to take oh were working on it, cause anyone can say that. 3. So overall battalion standards also dropped and I just see people acting like normal troopers who haven’t been ARC Trained, during events battle comms is a such an issue with everyone talking, I’ve seen non ARCs have better battle comms in my time on the server, as well NCOs kinda just sit there on their rank for weeks and weeks without no punishment for not doing their requirements, it’s usually the same NCOs actually doing something and as well same officers. Trainings, they’re like unknown to NCOs I’m pretty sure cause they can’t really do them if there’s not anyone to do be there. 4. The lack of leadership is just awful and officers not helping lower ranks is even worse, I see enlisted asking for help all the time but there’s never anyone there for them, Samething in Teamspeak, I’ll hop in for about an hour when there’s not more than 2 or 3 people in TS and some enlisted in there are kind of just lost without having guidance as what they should be doing, so basically what I’m also saying communication within the battalion is shit. 5. last but not least, behavior, so when I hop in Teamspeak I won’t deny being a dumbass sometimes but I mostly do it in the alpha ARC channel, but the amount of just mingy shit that goes on is more than usual and nothing is usually said about it, which it shouldn’t just be left unnoticed because if it’s left unnoticed than that person will have the mind set of oh look I got away with it so then I’ll be mingy again and keep having that attitude and behavior and the only thing that’s usually done is moving them out of the channel and that’s it, also another thing moving people out of the channel for no reason just to troll them isn’t something you should do, cause it looks bad on you or whoever does it, just cause you have the power to doesn’t mean that you have to abuse it, if you have a good reason to use it go ahead, if not don’t. 6. So I didn’t even think of this before, but this isn’t just towards you, but to all of HC, but all of your behavior is questionable, some of you are very impulsive to say the least, Pranzer I would say it probably the most mature out of all the HC and I think he should serve as an example to the rest of you, When people are arguing like i said before, some HC are apart of this issue and add onto the issue by yelling too, yelling wont fix anything else than adding onto the noise and continuing it, I would expect y’all to be at the point of where not just you guys but everyone is capable of speaking without yelling, and some of y’all act immature at times. also forgot to add that even though yes you’re active, but the thing is, are you even putting that time that you’re active to use, because I’ve hadn’t seen many changes else than Battalion ARC changes and that’s it and as well as dealing with other HC stuff that I just hear about. anyways i hope this is readable cause I wrote this with one hand cause I burned my other
    1 point
  28. -1 Bounty Hunters already take players from batts we don't need another faction to do this we can have either BH or CIS but not both
    1 point
  29. -1 I think something like this would not fit in with the main server. What happened to Sith? Why aren't we on the Venator now, even though we created a schedule to be on it? Bringing in a whole new faction like this is something we wanted to stray away from. Yes, BH is a new faction & it takes people's time away from their Clone/Jedi/Naval (BO). If I'm not mistaken we wanted to see battalions consistently active. To bring in another faction will only continue to lower the amount. Now I'm not against the idea of a TDM style server, but I think if we really wanna go through with this we should put it on a different server where people can switch to and from as they please to go have some PVP CIS vs Republic fun. Would much rather prefer that.
    1 point
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