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The Memes Will not be associated and will be put in Tantrum Rantrum if you would like to see them


Unfortunately, in these recent months, issues have arose regarding peer pressure. Several members in our community have been pressured or, in a way, forced into leaving their battalion or position. This has led to a good deal of drama and people leaving the community as well as power struggles for high ranking positions. We will not be naming the specific cases, but it shouldn’t be too hard to tell. These issues have been neglected for too long and this creates divides in battalions, friendships, and other communities, and also leaves people out and makes them feel less important than those around them. That’s not to say our community should be a safe space for stupid people and bad opinions, but when it comes to respecting the decisions of our higher ups in game and causing personal vendettas/situations based on those decisions, this leads to an unhealthy platform and will eventually be the end of many things. One of our top priorities as a server should be creating a friendly environment that encourages members to step out of their shell and involve themselves with their battalion.


The problem cannot always just be solved with ending bullying/peer pressure, but encouraging those who are experiencing it to stand up for themselves. That does not mean that standing up for oneself means to insult or personally attack another, but to not collapse under the pressure.


Our solution to this problem that has tainted our community is to enforce our rule of respect that has already been implemented, but also to take it a step further and actually punish or suppress the member that is targeting and attacking another member, even if its a popular opinion that the victim really deserves it. This is common sense and should never have even been brought up, but multiple cases have caused this to become a consistent problem that may continue in the future if not addressed and stopped here and now.


We are making a petition to help them and propose that this should be made a rule, and that in order for this community, and battalions to survive. We need to end the bad shit. If you feel you have the same idea or thoughts please fill out this petition, and if it get to a certain thing, then we will put up the suggestion, and these bullies will be put into their place.


Petition: http://www.strawpoll.me/16442793


Our Motto-Put together by a group called the Re-Avengers (Top contributor Sock)

There view is putting together a team , or group of remarkable people. To help keep the world save, and fight the battles that people can't, and save the world from the evil. Keeping others in check, and making it to were the server survives


Leader- Pythin

Writers- Sock, and Pythin

Meme- Pythin,Tristan, 327th,

Editors-Sanchez and Lie

Edited by Pythin
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Former: Liaison


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I fucking +1 immediately. I get made fun of all the damn time and I get really like sad and annoyed at the end of the day. (I'm being 100% serious.) Also, I know what this is about and Pythin, Sock, Sanchez and Lie, You guys are doing a great thing. This could actually stop a lot of conflicts in the near future and what has happened in the past. 

Edited by Red_Panda
Edited the Last part.
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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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2 minutes ago, Red_Panda said:

I fucking +1 immediately. I get made fun of all the damn time and I get really like sad and annoyed at the end of the day. (I'm being 100% serious.) Also, I know what this is about and Pythin, Sock, Sanchez and Lie, You guys are doing a great thing. This could actually stop a lot of conflicts in the near future and what has happened in the past. 


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7 hours ago, Rey said:


No this is a serious topic. I mean i am not gonna joke about this. Many people have been pressured out of there position, and it needs to be taken seriously. Hence i said the memes are not associated with this post

Former: Liaison


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"No this is a serious topic." That's just asking to be memed. Icefuse have a witch hunting rule and it's just a ground for favoritism. Miss me with this gay shit pythin.


(Better not be a whoosh moment)

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I'm not sure I agree with you here, Pythin and co.

Would you be able to supply your claims with evidence (i.e. individuals resigning from their position purely based off peer pressure without evidence of something they believed or have done wrong that would result in valid grounds for removal and/or resignations)? You cite a whole lot of examples and information, but all are vague with no substance.

It seems to me that the majority of these resignations are always grounded in some sort of implication or idea that the individual failed to carry out. An example is Snadvich's resignation from Bacara, as he felt he was damaging GMs reputation. Although I love Snadvich to the moon and back, I would obligatively agree with the statement he made - though I am not sure it is resignation worthy. 

If you were to have told me that Snadvich was peer-pressured into resigning from his position, in truth, I would believe you - however, Snadvich's resignation is the only one I have ever seen to be so hastily written and short in concept. Every other resignation I have seen was fully written out, carefully formatted, and showed  good reasons for the resignation taking place (for instance, lack of time on the server, changes of interests, etc.)

One last thing: I have no doubt that the majority of this peer pressure, which definetly exists - don't get me wrong there. But the majority of this peer pressure, the real bad stuff, is most likely hidden. I do not know how you would be able to prevent it from happening when a large majority of it is a derivation of human nature.  I believe that no amount of rulings or additions would be able to rid the community of this concept, though it is a pessimistic and overall negative outlook. I would argue it is the most realistic.

Finally, Pythin, you're a big memer in the community. It shocks many people that you've had to make this forum post, and as far as I know, the majority of people are taking it very seriously.

Best of luck.

Edited by Vaal
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2 minutes ago, Vaal said:


Finally, Pythin, you're a big memer in the community. It shocks many people that you've had to make this forum post, and as far as I know, the majority of people are taking it very seriously.

Best of luck.

I told him that.


Now for the rest of the stuff we've have talked to people that told us that they have been either bullied or pushed out of a position 

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5 minutes ago, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

I told him that.


Now for the rest of the stuff we've have talked to people that told us that they have been either bullied or pushed out of a position 

If this is as serious as you guys say it is, you should bring up specific examples and tag people so the community can get a better understanding.

I encourage you to make this the post where everyone brings their issues to light and what they believed to have happened.

Edited by Vaal
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11 minutes ago, Vaal said:

If this is as serious as you guys say it is, you should bring up specific examples and tag people so the community can get a better understanding.

I encourage you to make this the post where everyone brings their issues to light and what they believed to have happened.

But then this would be considered a witch hunt. I Am not,gonna call people out to cause s to of drama, and yes i may be known as a memes. But i Am not. In cases like this I take it seriously, and dont like this treatment because a long time ago it happen to me and other a on anothet server, and if you want me tobring up evidence i will pm you the. Video and other proof. Its just I have known Snadvich for a loong time. We had some good times, and in ways i thought snad is a little like me, anf hurts to see that he had a big shot, amd then some retards decide to bully him out of it,and its just not acceptable. Communties are built and respect, and I know i am not one to talk, but i want to change the fact that if this community plunges into that hole it will turn into a meme,and just full of bad people. 

Former: Liaison


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5 minutes ago, Pythin said:

But then this would be considered a witch hunt. I Am not,gonna call people out to cause s to of drama, and yes i may be known as a memes. But i Am not. In cases like this I take it seriously, and dont like this treatment because a long time ago it happen to me and other a on anothet server, and if you want me tobring up evidence i will pm you the. Video and other proof. Its just I have known Snadvich for a loong time. We had some good times, and in ways i thought snad is a little like me, anf hurts to see that he had a big shot, amd then some retards decide to bully him out of it,and its just not acceptable. Communties are built and respect, and I know i am not one to talk, but i want to change the fact that if this community plunges into that hole it will turn into a meme,and just full of bad people. 

I didn't think about this. You're right. But at the same time, it might be best for the people who resigned due to pressure to speak up in some sort of thread. I don't know, really. It all just seems hard to execute.. but yes, please message me the video.

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10 minutes ago, Vaal said:

I didn't think about this. You're right. But at the same time, it might be best for the people who resigned due to pressure to speak up in some sort of thread. I don't know, really. It all just seems hard to execute.. but yes, please message me the video.

The video is in snadvich's resignation I would watch it 

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Just now, [SR] Sanchez [SA] said:

Yeah it puts a real sour taste in your mouth makes me really upset seeing people treated like that

In one hand, Snadvich deserves to know how the battalion feels that he is doing. If he is unable to receive and re-purpose criticism of his actions into the creation of a better BCMD Bacara, he should not be in the position.

In the same hand.. it should have been handled differently. During that entire conversation it felt as if it was his entire battalion versus him in the way that it was set up. Every one of his officers seemed to agree with what Taytay (unless I'm mistaken) had said. I have no doubt that it was overwhelming. But I also have no doubt that Snadvich may have, understandably, overreacted, hence at 9:00 he goes "good luck TayTay with your application".

It was clear that he wanted to resign at this point. I do agree that it feels as if Snadvich was pressured to do this as his only option within the battalion. However, he still shows some characteristics of a good leader, making himself a confident rank within GM and still continuing to work on things as a Commander. 

Most of this is meant for a different thread. My point is: I do agree that Snadvich was pressured out of his position. I do believe, at the same time, the things brought up were brought up for good reason. I do believe that Snadvich overreacted by instantly resigning and not attempting to work with his officers (understandably so). It seems this is a very complicated situation - and it is a shame, like you said, Sanchez, that he is treated like that. 

As for the rest of the video, I feel like it is very scummy and completely undermined the severity of the situation. Individuals laughing in reference to the events that just transpired within the video shows complete lack of care for the battalion. A combination of immaturity and a generally-ill formed attitude will result in that. Pythin, I believe you're correct after watching this video. 


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Let me just add my input on this and may not be the best thing you want to hear.


How the fuck do you get peer pressured to leave your BCMD spot?? And first of all its fucking GMod. I find it laughable people can pull ranks like they actually own you.  And this one of many reasons why I took a break from gmod (main reasons were getting healthy and school). There is so much petty bullshit and whining. 

There is my rant/Input on the subject. 


Edit: one is revelant to this topic and the other one is slightly irrevelant to this thread but revelant to what's going on in the server

Edited by TrijiM
Removed some typos
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This whole thing seems a bit hypocritical given the recent resignation of a certain person who claimed was bullied/pressured by a group of people that surrounded you.

Don't get me wrong, the post is justifiable, and makes sense to make it, seeing as certain things said or done to people can lead to some serious real life problems even though they don't know it. To me a team of forum mods/teamspeak mods/consultants are somewhat needed. The drama and shit that just keeps popping up proves more and more like this community is at each others necks and aren't playing the game for fun, but to rather stir shit in hopes of a reaction or positive rep, which is fucking dumb as shit.

Such a team would need people who can actually talk about situations and problems like this would need traits like no bullshit, no bias, no misled information etc.

This isn't the first time someone was pressured out of a position on the server and definitely will not be the last if we continue on the same shitty mindsets that about 50% and upward, people have.

I know what I said would sound out of the ordinary and weird, but shit. If we want to call this a community something needs to be done about the people constantly wanting to start drama in one way or another.

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8 minutes ago, TrijiM said:

Let me just add my input on this and may not be the best thing you want to hear.


How the fuck do you get peer pressured to leave your BCMD spot?? And first of all its fucking GMod. I find it laughable people can pull ranks like they actually own you.  And this one of many reasons why I took a break from gmod (main reasons were getting healthy and school). There is so much petty bullshit and whining. 

There is my rant/Input on the subject. 


Edit: one is revelant to this topic and the other one is slightly irrevelant to this thread but revelant to what's going on in the server

This is an interesting idea. You should just keep in mind you make bonds with people, and that other individuals may have attachment to the game with the "families" they make within it. I understand where you're coming from, but it also seems like it is a bit unwarranted given the position Snadvich was in, and how long he had been within the Galactic Marines. 

Every situation is different as well, but I find your response enlightening.


Edit: I also kind of agree with you @TrijiM. Perhaps it is important for people to start re-evaulating their GMod interactions as simply that - Gmod.

Edited by Vaal
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Pythin himself has been attributed to bullying Meows which led to a resignation, on pytins end it seemed like harmless harassment, but we really dont know what the victim is thinking and what direct attacks are too far. Since this was not really a suggestion yet but more of an awareness post, it's to stop this kind of stuff from happening in the future cause the people pick sides and begin to hate one another and it is just not needed.

I point to the meme post for my example, we hyped up anti bullying, then proceeded to March around waving our anti TayTay flag for whatever reason. @Egg already noted the hypocrisy. 

we all get a kick out of it, and some of them are very funny, but TayTay is  getting barraged with hate. I personally just dont want to see anything like this happen, if there is an issue then staff take care of it, end of story. What usually ends up happening is that info gets passed around, insults are thrown and sides are picked, the all hell breaks loose. Again this is a community, on the CW server we are all one team, we all have to work together. The needless harrassment/I'm better than arguments  is just everyone trying to compare their dick sizes to one another.

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You have to remember. This is a game that came out in late 2004 as a free game later becoming a paid game. When you get a community that is almost 14 years old it tends to turn toxic. Even if it is new people coming into this old af game. The community is still already poisoned and it changes the other people. There is only so much you can do. 

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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55 minutes ago, Sock Monkey said:

Pythin himself has been attributed to bullying Meows which led to a resignation, on pytins end it seemed like harmless harassment, but we really dont know what the victim is thinking and what direct attacks are too far. Since this was not really a suggestion yet but more of an awareness post, it's to stop this kind of stuff from happening in the future cause the people pick sides and begin to hate one another and it is just not needed.

I point to the meme post for my example, we hyped up anti bullying, then proceeded to March around waving our anti TayTay flag for whatever reason. @Egg already noted the hypocrisy. 

we all get a kick out of it, and some of them are very funny, but TayTay is  getting barraged with hate. I personally just dont want to see anything like this happen, if there is an issue then staff take care of it, end of story. What usually ends up happening is that info gets passed around, insults are thrown and sides are picked, the all hell breaks loose. Again this is a community, on the CW server we are all one team, we all have to work together. The needless harrassment/I'm better than arguments  is just everyone trying to compare their dick sizes to one another.

Please don't let staff deal with opinion based issues we don't have a rulebook for that stuff


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Most of us of a guilty of spreading hate this is includes the memes of taytay which we for some reason as a community jumped on the bandwagon of no hate or bullying when we were spreading hate to taytay when we should of talked to him as a group with a couple non biased people involved


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The issue is a rule like this is way too subjective, it can be used to cut down on the community voice and to cut out peoples opinions. Its too opinion based to be really enforced,  obviously there is times where there is clear problems, however there is way too many grey areas.

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